

The reporter built-in functions allow for the scripting layer to generate messages of varying severity. If no event handlers exist for reporter messages, the messages are output to stderr. If event handlers do exist, it’s assumed they take care of determining how/where to output the messages.

See base/frameworks/reporter/main.bro for a convenient reporter message logging framework.

Namespaces:GLOBAL, Reporter
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/reporter.bif.bro



Reporter::conn_weird: function Generates a “conn” weird.
Reporter::error: function Generates a non-fatal error indicative of a definite problem that should be addressed.
Reporter::fatal: function Generates a fatal error on stderr and terminates program execution.
Reporter::fatal_error_with_core: function Generates a fatal error on stderr and terminates program execution after dumping a core file
Reporter::flow_weird: function Generates a “flow” weird.
Reporter::get_weird_sampling_duration: function Gets the current weird sampling duration.
Reporter::get_weird_sampling_rate: function Gets the current weird sampling rate.
Reporter::get_weird_sampling_threshold: function Gets the current weird sampling threshold
Reporter::get_weird_sampling_whitelist: function Gets the weird sampling whitelist
Reporter::info: function Generates an informational message.
Reporter::net_weird: function Generates a “net” weird.
Reporter::set_weird_sampling_duration: function Sets the current weird sampling duration.
Reporter::set_weird_sampling_rate: function Sets the weird sampling rate.
Reporter::set_weird_sampling_threshold: function Sets the current weird sampling threshold
Reporter::set_weird_sampling_whitelist: function Sets the weird sampling whitelist
Reporter::warning: function Generates a message that warns of a potential problem.

Detailed Interface


Type:function (name: string, c: connection, addl: string &default = "" &optional) : bool

Generates a “conn” weird.

Name:the name of the weird.
C:the connection associated with the weird.
Addl:additional information to accompany the weird.
Returns:Always true.
Type:function (msg: string) : bool

Generates a non-fatal error indicative of a definite problem that should be addressed. Program execution does not terminate.

Msg:The error message to report.
Returns:Always true.

See also: reporter_error

Type:function (msg: string) : bool

Generates a fatal error on stderr and terminates program execution.

Msg:The error message to report.
Returns:Always true.
Type:function (msg: string) : bool

Generates a fatal error on stderr and terminates program execution after dumping a core file

Msg:The error message to report.
Returns:Always true.
Type:function (name: string, orig: addr, resp: addr) : bool

Generates a “flow” weird.

Name:the name of the weird.
Orig:the originator host associated with the weird.
Resp:the responder host associated with the weird.
Returns:Always true.
Type:function () : interval

Gets the current weird sampling duration.

Returns:weird sampling duration.
Type:function () : count

Gets the current weird sampling rate.

Returns:weird sampling rate.
Type:function () : count

Gets the current weird sampling threshold

Returns:current weird sampling threshold.
Type:function () : string_set

Gets the weird sampling whitelist

Returns:Current weird sampling whitelist
Type:function (msg: string) : bool

Generates an informational message.

Msg:The informational message to report.
Returns:Always true.

See also: reporter_info

Type:function (name: string) : bool

Generates a “net” weird.

Name:the name of the weird.
Returns:Always true.
Type:function (weird_sampling_duration: interval) : bool

Sets the current weird sampling duration. Please note that this will not delete already running timers.

 New weird sampling duration.
Returns:always returns True
Type:function (weird_sampling_rate: count) : bool

Sets the weird sampling rate.

 New weird sampling rate.
Returns:Always returns true.
Type:function (weird_sampling_threshold: count) : bool

Sets the current weird sampling threshold

Threshold:New weird sampling threshold.
Returns:Always returns true;
Type:function (weird_sampling_whitelist: string_set) : bool

Sets the weird sampling whitelist

Whitelist:New weird sampling rate.
Returns:Always true.
Type:function (msg: string) : bool

Generates a message that warns of a potential problem.

Msg:The warning message to report.
Returns:Always true.

See also: reporter_warning

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