
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/stats.bif.bro



get_broker_stats: function Returns statistics about Broker communication.
get_conn_stats: function Returns Bro traffic statistics.
get_dns_stats: function Returns statistics about DNS lookup activity.
get_event_stats: function Returns statistics about the event engine.
get_file_analysis_stats: function Returns statistics about file analysis.
get_gap_stats: function Returns statistics about TCP gaps.
get_matcher_stats: function Returns statistics about the regular expression engine.
get_net_stats: function Returns packet capture statistics.
get_proc_stats: function Returns Bro process statistics.
get_reassembler_stats: function Returns statistics about reassembler usage.
get_reporter_stats: function Returns statistics about reporter messages and weirds.
get_thread_stats: function Returns statistics about thread usage.
get_timer_stats: function Returns statistics about timer usage.

Detailed Interface


Type:function () : BrokerStats

Returns statistics about Broker communication.

Returns:A record with Broker statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : ConnStats

Returns Bro traffic statistics.

Returns:A record with connection and packet statistics.

See also: get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : DNSStats

Returns statistics about DNS lookup activity.

Returns:A record with DNS lookup statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : EventStats

Returns statistics about the event engine.

Returns:A record with event engine statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : FileAnalysisStats

Returns statistics about file analysis.

Returns:A record with file analysis statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : GapStats

Returns statistics about TCP gaps.

Returns:A record with TCP gap statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : MatcherStats

Returns statistics about the regular expression engine. Statistics include the number of distinct matchers, DFA states, DFA state transitions, memory usage of DFA states, cache hits/misses, and average number of NFA states across all matchers.

Returns:A record with matcher statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : NetStats

Returns packet capture statistics. Statistics include the number of packets (i) received by Bro, (ii) dropped, and (iii) seen on the link (not always available).

Returns:A record of packet statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : ProcStats

Returns Bro process statistics.

Returns:A record with process statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : ReassemblerStats

Returns statistics about reassembler usage.

Returns:A record with reassembler statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : ReporterStats

Returns statistics about reporter messages and weirds.

Returns:A record with reporter statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats

Type:function () : ThreadStats

Returns statistics about thread usage.

Returns:A record with thread usage statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_timer_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

Type:function () : TimerStats

Returns statistics about timer usage.

Returns:A record with timer usage statistics.

See also: get_conn_stats, get_dns_stats, get_event_stats, get_file_analysis_stats, get_gap_stats, get_matcher_stats, get_net_stats, get_proc_stats, get_reassembler_stats, get_thread_stats, get_broker_stats, get_reporter_stats

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