Protocol Analyzers





ARP Parsing



Type:event (mac_src: string, mac_dst: string, SPA: addr, SHA: string, TPA: addr, THA: string)

Generated for ARP requests.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ARP protocol.

Mac_src:The request’s source MAC address.
Mac_dst:The request’s destination MAC address.
SPA:The sender protocol address.
SHA:The sender hardware address.
TPA:The target protocol address.
THA:The target hardware address.

See also: arp_reply, bad_arp

Type:event (mac_src: string, mac_dst: string, SPA: addr, SHA: string, TPA: addr, THA: string)

Generated for ARP replies.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ARP protocol.

Mac_src:The reply’s source MAC address.
Mac_dst:The reply’s destination MAC address.
SPA:The sender protocol address.
SHA:The sender hardware address.
TPA:The target protocol address.
THA:The target hardware address.

See also: arp_request, bad_arp

Type:event (SPA: addr, SHA: string, TPA: addr, THA: string, explanation: string)

Generated for ARP packets that Bro cannot interpret. Examples are packets with non-standard hardware address formats or hardware addresses that do not match the originator of the packet.

SPA:The sender protocol address.
SHA:The sender hardware address.
TPA:The target protocol address.
THA:The target hardware address.
Explanation:A short description of why the ARP packet is considered “bad”.

See also: arp_reply, arp_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


AYIYA Analyzer


Backdoor Analyzer deprecated


Type:event (c: connection, os: backdoor_endp_stats, rs: backdoor_endp_stats)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, len: count)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, num_null: count, len: count)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.


BitTorrent Analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, reserved: string, info_hash: string, peer_id: string)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, piece_index: count)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, bitfield: string)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, index: count, begin: count, length: count)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, index: count, begin: count, piece_length: count)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, index: count, begin: count, length: count)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, listen_port: port)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, message_id: count, data: string)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: string)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown

Type:event (c: connection, uri: string, headers: bt_tracker_headers)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, status: count, headers: bt_tracker_headers, peers: bittorrent_peer_set, benc: bittorrent_benc_dir)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, status: count, headers: bt_tracker_headers)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: string)


See Wikipedia for more information about the BitTorrent protocol.

See also: bittorrent_peer_bitfield, bittorrent_peer_cancel, bittorrent_peer_choke, bittorrent_peer_handshake, bittorrent_peer_have, bittorrent_peer_interested, bittorrent_peer_keep_alive, bittorrent_peer_not_interested, bittorrent_peer_piece, bittorrent_peer_port, bittorrent_peer_request, bittorrent_peer_unchoke, bittorrent_peer_unknown, bittorrent_peer_weird


Connection size analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, threshold: count, is_orig: bool)

Generated for a connection that crossed a set byte threshold. Note that this is a low level event that should usually be avoided for user code. Use ConnThreshold::bytes_threshold_crossed instead.

C:the connection
Threshold:the threshold that was set
Is_orig:true if the threshold was crossed by the originator of the connection

See also: set_current_conn_packets_threshold, set_current_conn_bytes_threshold, conn_packets_threshold_crossed, get_current_conn_bytes_threshold, get_current_conn_packets_threshold

Type:event (c: connection, threshold: count, is_orig: bool)

Generated for a connection that crossed a set packet threshold. Note that this is a low level event that should usually be avoided for user code. Use ConnThreshold::bytes_threshold_crossed instead.

C:the connection
Threshold:the threshold that was set
Is_orig:true if the threshold was crossed by the originator of the connection

See also: set_current_conn_packets_threshold, set_current_conn_bytes_threshold, conn_bytes_threshold_crossed, get_current_conn_bytes_threshold, get_current_conn_packets_threshold


Type:function (cid: conn_id, threshold: count, is_orig: bool) : bool

Sets the current byte threshold for connection sizes, overwriting any potential old threshold. Be aware that in nearly any case you will want to use the high level API instead (ConnThreshold::set_bytes_threshold).

Cid:The connection id.
Threshold:Threshold in bytes.
Is_orig:If true, threshold is set for bytes from originator, otherwhise for bytes from responder.

See also: set_current_conn_packets_threshold, conn_bytes_threshold_crossed, conn_packets_threshold_crossed, get_current_conn_bytes_threshold, get_current_conn_packets_threshold

Type:function (cid: conn_id, threshold: count, is_orig: bool) : bool

Sets a threshold for connection packets, overwtiting any potential old thresholds. Be aware that in nearly any case you will want to use the high level API instead (ConnThreshold::set_packets_threshold).

Cid:The connection id.
Threshold:Threshold in packets.
Is_orig:If true, threshold is set for packets from originator, otherwhise for packets from responder.

See also: set_current_conn_bytes_threshold, conn_bytes_threshold_crossed, conn_packets_threshold_crossed, get_current_conn_bytes_threshold, get_current_conn_packets_threshold

Type:function (cid: conn_id, is_orig: bool) : count

Gets the current byte threshold size for a connection.

Cid:The connection id.
Is_orig:If true, threshold of originator, otherwhise threshold of responder.
Returns:0 if no threshold is set or the threshold in bytes

See also: set_current_conn_packets_threshold, conn_bytes_threshold_crossed, conn_packets_threshold_crossed, get_current_conn_packets_threshold

Type:function (cid: conn_id, is_orig: bool) : count

Gets the current packet threshold size for a connection.

Cid:The connection id.
Is_orig:If true, threshold of originator, otherwhise threshold of responder.
Returns:0 if no threshold is set or the threshold in packets

See also: set_current_conn_packets_threshold, conn_bytes_threshold_crossed, conn_packets_threshold_crossed, get_current_conn_bytes_threshold


DCE-RPC analyzer



The maximum number of simultaneous fragmented commands that the DCE_RPC analyzer will tolerate before the it will generate a weird and skip further input.


The maximum number of fragmented bytes that the DCE_RPC analyzer will tolerate on a command before the analyzer will generate a weird and skip further input.








Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, fid: count, ptype_id: count, ptype: DCE_RPC::PType)

Generated for every DCE-RPC message.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the message was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.
Ptype_id:Numeric representation of the procedure type of the message.
Ptype:Enum representation of the prodecure type of the message.

See also: dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_bind_ack, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response

Type:event (c: connection, fid: count, ctx_id: count, uuid: string, ver_major: count, ver_minor: count)

Generated for every DCE-RPC bind request message. Since RPC offers the ability for a client to request connections to multiple endpoints, this event can occur multiple times for a single RPC message.

C:The connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.
Ctx_id:The context identifier of the data representation.
Uuid:The string interpretted uuid of the endpoint being requested.
Ver_major:The major version of the endpoint being requested.
Ver_minor:The minor version of the endpoint being requested.

See also: dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_bind_ack, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response

Type:event (c: connection, fid: count, ctx_id: count, uuid: string, ver_major: count, ver_minor: count)

Generated for every DCE-RPC alter context request message. Since RPC offers the ability for a client to request connections to multiple endpoints, this event can occur multiple times for a single RPC message.

C:The connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.
Ctx_id:The context identifier of the data representation.
Uuid:The string interpretted uuid of the endpoint being requested.
Ver_major:The major version of the endpoint being requested.
Ver_minor:The minor version of the endpoint being requested.

See also: dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_bind_ack, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response, dce_rpc_alter_context_resp

Type:event (c: connection, fid: count, sec_addr: string)

Generated for every DCE-RPC bind request ack message.

C:The connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.
Sec_addr:Secondary address for the ack.

See also: dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response

Type:event (c: connection, fid: count)

Generated for every DCE-RPC alter context response message.

C:The connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.

See also: dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_bind_ack, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response, dce_rpc_alter_context

Type:event (c: connection, fid: count, ctx_id: count, opnum: count, stub_len: count)

Generated for every DCE-RPC request message.

C:The connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.
Ctx_id:The context identifier of the data representation.
Opnum:Number of the RPC operation.
Stub_len:Length of the data for the request.

See also: dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_bind_ack, dce_rpc_response

Type:event (c: connection, fid: count, ctx_id: count, opnum: count, stub_len: count)

Generated for every DCE-RPC response message.

C:The connection.
Fid:File ID of the PIPE that carried the DCE-RPC message. Zero will be used if the DCE-RPC was not transported over a pipe.
Ctx_id:The context identifier of the data representation.
Opnum:Number of the RPC operation.
Stub_len:Length of the data for the response.

See also: dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_bind_ack, dce_rpc_request


DHCP analyzer




op: count

Message OP code. 1 = BOOTREQUEST, 2 = BOOTREPLY

m_type: count

The type of DHCP message.

xid: count

Transaction ID of a DHCP session.

secs: interval

Number of seconds since client began address acquisition or renewal process

flags: count

ciaddr: addr

Original IP address of the client.

yiaddr: addr

IP address assigned to the client.

siaddr: addr

IP address of the server.

giaddr: addr

IP address of the relaying gateway.

chaddr: string

Client hardware address.

sname: string &default = "" &optional

Server host name.

file_n: string &default = "" &optional

Boot file name.

A DHCP message. .. bro:see:: dhcp_message

Type:vector of addr

A list of addresses offered by a DHCP server. Could be routers, DNS servers, or other.

See also: dhcp_message



code: count

value: string

DHCP Relay Agent Information Option (Option 82) .. bro:see:: dhcp_message

Type:vector of DHCP::SubOpt


flags: count

An unparsed bitfield of flags (refer to RFC 4702).

rcode1: count

This field is deprecated in the standard.

rcode2: count

This field is deprecated in the standard.

domain_name: string

The Domain Name part of the option carries all or part of the FQDN of a DHCP client.

DHCP Client FQDN Option information (Option 81)



hwtype: count

hwaddr: string

DHCP Client Identifier (Option 61) .. bro:see:: dhcp_message



options: index_vec &optional

The ordered list of all DHCP option numbers.

subnet_mask: addr &optional

Subnet Mask Value (option 1)

routers: DHCP::Addrs &optional

Router addresses (option 3)

dns_servers: DHCP::Addrs &optional

DNS Server addresses (option 6)

host_name: string &optional

The Hostname of the client (option 12)

domain_name: string &optional

The DNS domain name of the client (option 15)

forwarding: bool &optional

Enable/Disable IP Forwarding (option 19)

broadcast: addr &optional

Broadcast Address (option 28)

vendor: string &optional

Vendor specific data. This can frequently be unparsed binary data. (option 43)

nbns: DHCP::Addrs &optional

NETBIOS name server list (option 44)

addr_request: addr &optional

Address requested by the client (option 50)

lease: interval &optional

Lease time offered by the server. (option 51)

serv_addr: addr &optional

Server address to allow clients to distinguish between lease offers. (option 54)

param_list: index_vec &optional

DHCP Parameter Request list (option 55)

message: string &optional

Textual error message (option 56)

max_msg_size: count &optional

Maximum Message Size (option 57)

renewal_time: interval &optional

This option specifies the time interval from address assignment until the client transitions to the RENEWING state. (option 58)

rebinding_time: interval &optional

This option specifies the time interval from address assignment until the client transitions to the REBINDING state. (option 59)

vendor_class: string &optional

This option is used by DHCP clients to optionally identify the vendor type and configuration of a DHCP client. (option 60)

client_id: DHCP::ClientID &optional

DHCP Client Identifier (Option 61)

user_class: string &optional

User Class opaque value (Option 77)

client_fqdn: DHCP::ClientFQDN &optional

DHCP Client FQDN (Option 81)

sub_opt: DHCP::SubOpts &optional

DHCP Relay Agent Information Option (Option 82)

auto_config: bool &optional

Auto Config option to let host know if it’s allowed to auto assign an IP address. (Option 116)

auto_proxy_config: string &optional

URL to find a proxy.pac for auto proxy config (Option 252)


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: DHCP::Msg, options: DHCP::Options)

Generated for all DHCP messages.

C:The connection record describing the underlying UDP flow.
Is_orig:Indicate if the message came in a packet from the originator/client of the udp flow or the responder/server.
Msg:The parsed type-independent part of the DHCP message. The message type is indicated in this record.
Options:The full set of supported and parsed DHCP options.


DNP3 UDP/TCP analyzers


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, application: count, fc: count)

Generated for a DNP3 request header.

C:The connection the DNP3 communication is part of.
Is_orig:True if this reflects originator-side activity.
Fc:function code.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, application: count, fc: count, iin: count)

Generated for a DNP3 response header.

C:The connection the DNP3 communication is part of.
Is_orig:True if this reflects originator-side activity.
Fc:function code.
Iin:internal indication number.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, obj_type: count, qua_field: count, number: count, rf_low: count, rf_high: count)

Generated for the object header found in both DNP3 requests and responses.

C:The connection the DNP3 communication is part of.
Is_orig:True if this reflects originator-side activity.
Obj_type:type of object, which is classified based on an 8-bit group number and an 8-bit variation number.
Qua_field:qualifier field.
Rf_low:the structure of the range field depends on the qualified field. In some cases, the range field contains only one logic part, e.g., number of objects, so only rf_low contains useful values.
Rf_high:in some cases, the range field contains two logic parts, e.g., start index and stop index, so rf_low contains the start index while rf_high contains the stop index.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix_value: count)

Generated for the prefix before a DNP3 object. The structure and the meaning of the prefix are defined by the qualifier field.

C:The connection the DNP3 communication is part of.
Is_orig:True if this reflects originator-side activity.
Prefix_value:The prefix.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, len: count, ctrl: count, dest_addr: count, src_addr: count)

Generated for an additional header that the DNP3 analyzer passes to the script-level. This header mimics the DNP3 transport-layer yet is only passed once for each sequence of DNP3 records (which are otherwise reassembled and treated as a single entity).

C:The connection the DNP3 communication is part of.
Is_orig:True if this reflects originator-side activity.
Len:the “length” field in the DNP3 Pseudo Link Layer.
Ctrl:the “control” field in the DNP3 Pseudo Link Layer.
Dest_addr:the “destination” field in the DNP3 Pseudo Link Layer.
Src_addr:the “source” field in the DNP3 Pseudo Link Layer.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, data_value: count)

Generated for a DNP3 “Response_Data_Object”. The “Response_Data_Object” contains two parts: object prefix and object data. In most cases, object data are defined by new record types. But in a few cases, object data are directly basic types, such as int16, or int8; thus we use an additional data_value to record the values of those object data.

C:The connection the DNP3 communication is part of.
Is_orig:True if this reflects originator-side activity.
Data_value:The value for those objects that carry their information here directly.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, data_type_code: count, leng: count, attribute_obj: string)

Generated for DNP3 attributes.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, control_code: count, count8: count, on_time: count, off_time: count, status_code: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 12 and variation number 1

CROB:control relay output block
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, control_code: count, count8: count, on_time: count, off_time: count, status_code: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 12 and variation number 2

PCB:Pattern Control Block
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 20 and variation number 1 counter 32 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 20 and variation number 2 counter 16 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 20 and variation number 5 counter 32 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 20 and variation number 6 counter 16 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 21 and variation number 1 frozen counter 32 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 21 and variation number 2 frozen counter 16 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, count_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 21 and variation number 5 frozen counter 32 bit with flag and time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, count_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 21 and variation number 6 frozen counter 16 bit with flag and time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 21 and variation number 9 frozen counter 32 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, count_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 21 and variation number 10 frozen counter 16 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 30 and variation number 1 analog input 32 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 30 and variation number 2 analog input 16 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 30 and variation number 3 analog input 32 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 30 and variation number 4 analog input 16 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 30 and variation number 5 analog input single precision, float point with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value_low: count, value_high: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 30 and variation number 6 analog input double precision, float point with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 1 frozen analog input 32 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 2 frozen analog input 16 bit with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 3 frozen analog input 32 bit with time-of-freeze

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 4 frozen analog input 16 bit with time-of-freeze

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 5 frozen analog input 32 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 6 frozen analog input 16 bit without flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 7 frozen analog input single-precision, float point with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value_low: count, frozen_value_high: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 31 and variation number 8 frozen analog input double-precision, float point with flag

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 1 analog input event 32 bit without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 2 analog input event 16 bit without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 3 analog input event 32 bit with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 4 analog input event 16 bit with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 5 analog input event single-precision float point without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value_low: count, value_high: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 6 analog input event double-precision float point without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 7 analog input event single-precision float point with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, value_low: count, value_high: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 32 and variation number 8 analog input event double-precisiion float point with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 1 frozen analog input event 32 bit without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 2 frozen analog input event 16 bit without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 3 frozen analog input event 32 bit with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 4 frozen analog input event 16 bit with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 5 frozen analog input event single-precision float point without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value_low: count, frozen_value_high: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 6 frozen analog input event double-precision float point without time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 33 and variation number 7 frozen analog input event single-precision float point with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flag: count, frozen_value_low: count, frozen_value_high: count, time48: count)

Generated for DNP3 objects with the group number 34 and variation number 8 frozen analog input event double-precision float point with time

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, file_handle: count, block_num: count, file_data: string)


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, debug: string)

Debugging event generated by the DNP3 analyzer. The “Debug_Byte” binpac unit generates this for unknown “cases”. The user can use it to debug the byte string to check what caused the malformed network packets.


DNS analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: dns_msg, len: count)

Generated for all DNS messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Is_orig:True if the message was sent by the originator of the connection.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Len:The length of the message’s raw representation (i.e., the DNS payload).

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, query: string, qtype: count, qclass: count)

Generated for DNS requests. For requests with multiple queries, this event is raised once for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Query:The queried name.
Qtype:The queried resource record type.
Qclass:The queried resource record class.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, query: string, qtype: count, qclass: count)

Generated for DNS replies that reject a query. This event is raised if a DNS reply indicates failure because it does not pass on any answers to a query. Note that all of the event’s parameters are parsed out of the reply; there’s no stateful correlation with the query.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Query:The queried name.
Qtype:The queried resource record type.
Qclass:The queried resource record class.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, query: string, qtype: count, qclass: count)

Generated for each entry in the Question section of a DNS reply.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Query:The queried name.
Qtype:The queried resource record type.
Qclass:The queried resource record class.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, a: addr)

Generated for DNS replies of type A. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
A:The address returned by the reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A6_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, a: addr)

Generated for DNS replies of type AAAA. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
A:The address returned by the reply.

See also: dns_A_reply, dns_A6_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, a: addr)

Generated for DNS replies of type A6. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
A:The address returned by the reply.

See also: dns_A_reply, dns_AAAA_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, name: string)

Generated for DNS replies of type NS. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Name:The name returned by the reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, name: string)

Generated for DNS replies of type CNAME. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Name:The name returned by the reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, name: string)

Generated for DNS replies of type PTR. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Name:The name returned by the reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, soa: dns_soa)

Generated for DNS replies of type CNAME. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Soa:The parsed SOA value.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer)

Generated for DNS replies of type WKS. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer)

Generated for DNS replies of type HINFO. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, name: string, preference: count)

Generated for DNS replies of type MX. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Name:The name returned by the reply.
Preference:The preference for name specified by the reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, strs: string_vec)

Generated for DNS replies of type TXT. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Strs:The textual information returned by the reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, flags: count, tag: string, value: string)

Generated for DNS replies of type CAA (Certification Authority Authorization). For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each. See RFC 6844 for more details.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Flags:The flags byte of the CAA reply.
Tag:The property identifier of the CAA reply.
Value:The property value of the CAA reply.
Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, target: string, priority: count, weight: count, p: count)

Generated for DNS replies of type SRV. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Target:Target of the SRV response – the canonical hostname of the machine providing the service, ending in a dot.
Priority:Priority of the SRV response – the priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred.
Weight:Weight of the SRV response – a relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means more preferred.
P:Port of the SRV response – the TCP or UDP port on which the service is to be found.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer)

Generated on DNS reply resource records when the type of record is not one that Bro knows how to parse and generate another more specific event.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_end

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_edns_additional)

Generated for DNS replies of type EDNS. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The parsed EDNS reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_tsig_additional)

Generated for DNS replies of type TSIG. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The parsed TSIG reply.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_end, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, rrsig: dns_rrsig_rr)

Generated for DNS replies of type RRSIG. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Rrsig:The parsed RRSIG record.
Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, dnskey: dns_dnskey_rr)

Generated for DNS replies of type DNSKEY. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Dnskey:The parsed DNSKEY record.
Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, next_name: string, bitmaps: string_vec)

Generated for DNS replies of type NSEC. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Next_name:The parsed next secure domain name.
Bitmaps:vector of strings in hex for the bit maps present.
Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, nsec3: dns_nsec3_rr)

Generated for DNS replies of type NSEC3. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Nsec3:The parsed RDATA of Nsec3 record.
Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, ds: dns_ds_rr)

Generated for DNS replies of type DS. For replies with multiple answers, an individual event of the corresponding type is raised for each.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.
Ans:The type-independent part of the parsed answer record.
Ds:The parsed RDATA of DS record.
Type:event (c: connection, msg: dns_msg)

Generated at the end of processing a DNS packet. This event is the last dns_* event that will be raised for a DNS query/reply and signals that all resource records have been passed on.

See Wikipedia for more information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS sessions.

C:The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the transport-layer session being analyzed.
Msg:The parsed DNS message header.

See also: dns_AAAA_reply, dns_A_reply, dns_CNAME_reply, dns_EDNS_addl, dns_HINFO_reply, dns_MX_reply, dns_NS_reply, dns_PTR_reply, dns_SOA_reply, dns_SRV_reply, dns_TSIG_addl, dns_TXT_reply, dns_WKS_reply, dns_full_request, dns_mapping_altered, dns_mapping_lost_name, dns_mapping_new_name, dns_mapping_unverified, dns_mapping_valid, dns_message, dns_query_reply, dns_rejected, dns_request, non_dns_request, dns_max_queries, dns_session_timeout, dns_skip_addl, dns_skip_all_addl, dns_skip_all_auth, dns_skip_auth

Type:event ()

Deprecated. Will be removed.


Unclear what this event is for; it’s never raised. We should just remove it.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string)
Msg:The raw DNS payload.


This event is deprecated and superseded by Bro’s dynamic protocol detection framework.


Generic file analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, prefix: string, descr: string, mime_type: string)

Generated when a TCP connection associated w/ file data transfer is seen (e.g. as happens w/ FTP or IRC).

C:The connection over which file data is transferred.
Prefix:Up to 1024 bytes of the file data.
Descr:Deprecated/unused argument.
Mime_type:MIME type of the file or “<unknown>” if no file magic signatures matched.


Finger analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, full: bool, username: string, hostname: string)

Generated for Finger requests.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Finger protocol.

C:The connection.
Full:True if verbose information is requested (/W switch).
Username:The request’s user name.
Hostname:The request’s host name.

See also: finger_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, reply_line: string)

Generated for Finger replies.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Finger protocol.

C:The connection.
Reply_line:The reply as returned by the server

See also: finger_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


FTP analyzer




h: addr

The host’s address.

p: port

The host’s port.

valid: bool

True if format was right. Only then are h and p valid.

A parsed host/port combination describing server endpoint for an upcoming data transfer.

See also: fmt_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_epsv, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_port


Type:event (c: connection, command: string, arg: string)

Generated for client-side FTP commands.

See Wikipedia for more information about the FTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Command:The FTP command issued by the client (without any arguments).
Arg:The arguments going with the command.

See also: ftp_reply, fmt_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_epsv, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_port

Type:event (c: connection, code: count, msg: string, cont_resp: bool)

Generated for server-side FTP replies.

See Wikipedia for more information about the FTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Code:The numerical response code the server responded with.
Msg:The textual message of the response.
Cont_resp:True if the reply line is tagged as being continued to the next line. If so, further events will be raised and a handler may want to reassemble the pieces before processing the response any further.

See also: ftp_request, fmt_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_epsv, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_port


Type:function (s: string) : ftp_port

Converts a string representation of the FTP PORT command to an ftp_port.

S:The string of the FTP PORT command, e.g., "10,0,0,1,4,31".
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_epsv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (s: string) : ftp_port

Converts a string representation of the FTP EPRT command (see RFC 2428) to an ftp_port. The format is "EPRT<space><d><net-prt><d><net-addr><d><tcp-port><d>", where <d> is a delimiter in the ASCII range 33-126 (usually |).

S:The string of the FTP EPRT command, e.g., "|1||1055|".
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_epsv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (str: string) : ftp_port

Converts the result of the FTP PASV command to an ftp_port.

Str:The string containing the result of the FTP PASV command.
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_epsv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (str: string) : ftp_port

Converts the result of the FTP EPSV command (see RFC 2428) to an ftp_port. The format is "<text> (<d><d><d><tcp-port><d>)", where <d> is a delimiter in the ASCII range 33-126 (usually |).

Str:The string containing the result of the FTP EPSV command.
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (a: addr, p: port) : string

Formats an IP address and TCP port as an FTP PORT command. For example, and 1055/tcp yields "10,0,0,1,4,31".

A:The IP address.
P:The TCP port.
Returns:The FTP PORT string.

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_epsv


Gnutella analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, orig: bool, headers: string)


See Wikipedia for more information about the Gnutella protocol.

See also: gnutella_binary_msg, gnutella_establish, gnutella_http_notify, gnutella_not_establish, gnutella_partial_binary_msg, gnutella_signature_found


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, orig: bool, msg_type: count, ttl: count, hops: count, msg_len: count, payload: string, payload_len: count, trunc: bool, complete: bool)


See Wikipedia for more information about the Gnutella protocol.

See also: gnutella_establish, gnutella_http_notify, gnutella_not_establish, gnutella_partial_binary_msg, gnutella_signature_found, gnutella_text_msg


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, orig: bool, msg: string, len: count)


See Wikipedia for more information about the Gnutella protocol.

See also: gnutella_binary_msg, gnutella_establish, gnutella_http_notify, gnutella_not_establish, gnutella_signature_found, gnutella_text_msg


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)


See Wikipedia for more information about the Gnutella protocol.

See also: gnutella_binary_msg, gnutella_http_notify, gnutella_not_establish, gnutella_partial_binary_msg, gnutella_signature_found, gnutella_text_msg


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)


See Wikipedia for more information about the Gnutella protocol.

See also: gnutella_binary_msg, gnutella_establish, gnutella_http_notify, gnutella_partial_binary_msg, gnutella_signature_found, gnutella_text_msg


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)


See Wikipedia for more information about the Gnutella protocol.

See also: gnutella_binary_msg, gnutella_establish, gnutella_not_establish, gnutella_partial_binary_msg, gnutella_signature_found, gnutella_text_msg


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


GSSAPI analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, state: count)

Generated for GSSAPI negotiation results.

C:The connection.
State:The resulting state of the negotiation.


GTPv1 analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr)

Generated for any GTP message with a GTPv1 header.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Type:event (outer: connection, inner_gtp: gtpv1_hdr, inner_ip: pkt_hdr)

Generated for GTPv1 G-PDU packets. That is, packets with a UDP payload that includes a GTP header followed by an IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

Outer:The GTP outer tunnel connection.
Inner_gtp:The GTP header.
Inner_ip:The inner IP and transport layer packet headers.


Since this event may be raised on a per-packet basis, handling it may become particularly expensive for real-time analysis.

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr, elements: gtp_create_pdp_ctx_request_elements)

Generated for GTPv1-C Create PDP Context Request messages.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Elements:The set of Information Elements comprising the message.
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr, elements: gtp_create_pdp_ctx_response_elements)

Generated for GTPv1-C Create PDP Context Response messages.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Elements:The set of Information Elements comprising the message.
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr, elements: gtp_update_pdp_ctx_request_elements)

Generated for GTPv1-C Update PDP Context Request messages.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Elements:The set of Information Elements comprising the message.
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr, elements: gtp_update_pdp_ctx_response_elements)

Generated for GTPv1-C Update PDP Context Response messages.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Elements:The set of Information Elements comprising the message.
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr, elements: gtp_delete_pdp_ctx_request_elements)

Generated for GTPv1-C Delete PDP Context Request messages.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Elements:The set of Information Elements comprising the message.
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: gtpv1_hdr, elements: gtp_delete_pdp_ctx_response_elements)

Generated for GTPv1-C Delete PDP Context Response messages.

C:The connection over which the message is sent.
Hdr:The GTPv1 header.
Elements:The set of Information Elements comprising the message.


HTTP analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, method: string, original_URI: string, unescaped_URI: string, version: string)

Generated for HTTP requests. Bro supports persistent and pipelined HTTP sessions and raises corresponding events as it parses client/server dialogues. This event is generated as soon as a request’s initial line has been parsed, and before any http_header events are raised.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Method:The HTTP method extracted from the request (e.g., GET, POST).
Original_URI:The unprocessed URI as specified in the request.
Unescaped_URI:The URI with all percent-encodings decoded.
Version:The version number specified in the request (e.g., 1.1).

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_stats, truncate_http_URI, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, version: string, code: count, reason: string)

Generated for HTTP replies. Bro supports persistent and pipelined HTTP sessions and raises corresponding events as it parses client/server dialogues. This event is generated as soon as a reply’s initial line has been parsed, and before any http_header events are raised.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Version:The version number specified in the reply (e.g., 1.1).
Code:The numerical response code returned by the server.
Reason:The textual description returned by the server along with code.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_request, http_stats, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, name: string, value: string)

Generated for HTTP headers. Bro supports persistent and pipelined HTTP sessions and raises corresponding events as it parses client/server dialogues.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the header was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Name:The name of the header.
Value:The value of the header.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, http_connection_upgrade


This event is also raised for headers found in nested body entities.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, hlist: mime_header_list)

Generated for HTTP headers, passing on all headers of an HTTP message at once. Bro supports persistent and pipelined HTTP sessions and raises corresponding events as it parses client/server dialogues.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the header was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Hlist:A table containing all headers extracted from the current entity. The table is indexed by the position of the header (1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc.).

See also: http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, http_connection_upgrade


This event is also raised for headers found in nested body entities.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated when starting to parse an HTTP body entity. This event is generated at least once for each non-empty (client or server) HTTP body; and potentially more than once if the body contains further nested MIME entities. Bro raises this event just before it starts parsing each entity’s content.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the entity was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.

See also: http_all_headers, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, mime_begin_entity, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated when finishing parsing an HTTP body entity. This event is generated at least once for each non-empty (client or server) HTTP body; and potentially more than once if the body contains further nested MIME entities. Bro raises this event at the point when it has finished parsing an entity’s content.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the entity was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, mime_end_entity, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, length: count, data: string)

Generated when parsing an HTTP body entity, passing on the data. This event can potentially be raised many times for each entity, each time passing a chunk of the data of not further defined size.

A common idiom for using this event is to first reassemble the data at the scripting layer by concatenating it to a successively growing string; and only perform further content analysis once the corresponding http_end_entity event has been raised. Note, however, that doing so can be quite expensive for HTTP tranders. At the very least, one should impose an upper size limit on how much data is being buffered.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the entity was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Length:The length of data.
Data:One chunk of raw entity data.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, mime_entity_data, http_entity_data_delivery_size, skip_http_data, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, ty: string, subty: string)

Generated for reporting an HTTP body’s content type. This event is generated at the end of parsing an HTTP header, passing on the MIME type as specified by the Content-Type header. If that header is missing, this event is still raised with a default value of text/plain.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the entity was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Ty:The main type.
Subty:The subtype.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, http_connection_upgrade


This event is also raised for headers found in nested body entities.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, stat: http_message_stat)

Generated once at the end of parsing an HTTP message. Bro supports persistent and pipelined HTTP sessions and raises corresponding events as it parses client/server dialogues. A “message” is one top-level HTTP entity, such as a complete request or reply. Each message can have further nested sub-entities inside. This event is raised once all sub-entities belonging to a top-level message have been processed (and their corresponding http_entity_* events generated).

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the entity was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Stat:Further meta information about the message.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, event_type: string, detail: string)

Generated for errors found when decoding HTTP requests or replies.

See Wikipedia for more information about the HTTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Event_type:A string describing the general category of the problem found (e.g., illegal format).
Detail:Further more detailed description of the error.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_stats, mime_event, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, stats: http_stats_rec)

Generated at the end of an HTTP session to report statistics about it. This event is raised after all of an HTTP session’s requests and replies have been fully processed.

C:The connection.
Stats:Statistics summarizing HTTP-level properties of the finished connection.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request, http_connection_upgrade

Type:event (c: connection, protocol: string)

Generated when a HTTP session is upgraded to a different protocol (e.g. websocket). This event is raised when a server replies with a HTTP 101 reply. No more HTTP events will be raised after this event.

C:The connection.
Protocol:The protocol to which the connection is switching.

See also: http_all_headers, http_begin_entity, http_content_type, http_end_entity, http_entity_data, http_event, http_header, http_message_done, http_reply, http_request


Type:function (c: connection, is_orig: bool) : any

Skips the data of the HTTP entity.

C:The HTTP connection.
Is_orig:If true, the client data is skipped, and the server data otherwise.

See also: skip_smtp_data

Type:function (URI: string) : string

Unescapes all characters in a URI (decode every %xx group).

URI:The URI to unescape.
Returns:The unescaped URI with all %xx groups decoded.


Unescaping reserved characters may cause loss of information. RFC 2396: A URI is always in an “escaped” form, since escaping or unescaping a completed URI might change its semantics. Normally, the only time escape encodings can safely be made is when the URI is being created from its component parts.


ICMP analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn)

Generated for all ICMP messages that are not handled separately with dedicated ICMP events. Bro’s ICMP analyzer handles a number of ICMP messages directly with dedicated events. This event acts as a fallback for those it doesn’t.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.

See also: icmp_error_message, icmp_sent_payload

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, payload: string)

The same as icmp_sent except containing the ICMP payload.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Payload:The payload of the ICMP message.

See also: icmp_error_message, icmp_sent_payload

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, id: count, seq: count, payload: string)

Generated for ICMP echo request messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Id:The echo request identifier.
Seq:The echo request sequence number.
Payload:The message-specific data of the packet payload, i.e., everything after the first 8 bytes of the ICMP header.

See also: icmp_echo_reply

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, id: count, seq: count, payload: string)

Generated for ICMP echo reply messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Id:The echo reply identifier.
Seq:The echo reply sequence number.
Payload:The message-specific data of the packet payload, i.e., everything after the first 8 bytes of the ICMP header.

See also: icmp_echo_request

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, code: count, context: icmp_context)

Generated for all ICMPv6 error messages that are not handled separately with dedicated events. Bro’s ICMP analyzer handles a number of ICMP error messages directly with dedicated events. This event acts as a fallback for those it doesn’t.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMPv6 protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Code:The ICMP code of the error message.
Context:A record with specifics of the original packet that the message refers to.

See also: icmp_unreachable, icmp_packet_too_big, icmp_time_exceeded, icmp_parameter_problem

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, code: count, context: icmp_context)

Generated for ICMP destination unreachable messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Code:The ICMP code of the unreachable message.
Context:A record with specifics of the original packet that the message refers to. Unreachable messages should include the original IP header from the packet that triggered them, and Bro parses that into the context structure. Note that if the unreachable includes only a partial IP header for some reason, no fields of context will be filled out.

See also: icmp_error_message, icmp_packet_too_big, icmp_time_exceeded, icmp_parameter_problem

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, code: count, context: icmp_context)

Generated for ICMPv6 packet too big messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMPv6 protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Code:The ICMP code of the too big message.
Context:A record with specifics of the original packet that the message refers to. Too big messages should include the original IP header from the packet that triggered them, and Bro parses that into the context structure. Note that if the too big includes only a partial IP header for some reason, no fields of context will be filled out.

See also: icmp_error_message, icmp_unreachable, icmp_time_exceeded, icmp_parameter_problem

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, code: count, context: icmp_context)

Generated for ICMP time exceeded messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Code:The ICMP code of the exceeded message.
Context:A record with specifics of the original packet that the message refers to. Unreachable messages should include the original IP header from the packet that triggered them, and Bro parses that into the context structure. Note that if the exceeded includes only a partial IP header for some reason, no fields of context will be filled out.

See also: icmp_error_message, icmp_unreachable, icmp_packet_too_big, icmp_parameter_problem

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, code: count, context: icmp_context)

Generated for ICMPv6 parameter problem messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMPv6 protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Code:The ICMP code of the parameter problem message.
Context:A record with specifics of the original packet that the message refers to. Parameter problem messages should include the original IP header from the packet that triggered them, and Bro parses that into the context structure. Note that if the parameter problem includes only a partial IP header for some reason, no fields of context will be filled out.

See also: icmp_error_message, icmp_unreachable, icmp_packet_too_big, icmp_time_exceeded

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, options: icmp6_nd_options)

Generated for ICMP router solicitation messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Options:Any Neighbor Discovery options included with message (RFC 4861).

See also: icmp_router_advertisement, icmp_neighbor_solicitation, icmp_neighbor_advertisement, icmp_redirect

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, cur_hop_limit: count, managed: bool, other: bool, home_agent: bool, pref: count, proxy: bool, rsv: count, router_lifetime: interval, reachable_time: interval, retrans_timer: interval, options: icmp6_nd_options)

Generated for ICMP router advertisement messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Cur_hop_limit:The default value that should be placed in Hop Count field for outgoing IP packets.
Managed:Managed address configuration flag, RFC 4861.
Other:Other stateful configuration flag, RFC 4861.
Home_agent:Mobile IPv6 home agent flag, RFC 3775.
Pref:Router selection preferences, RFC 4191.
Proxy:Neighbor discovery proxy flag, RFC 4389.
Rsv:Remaining two reserved bits of router advertisement flags.
 How long this router should be used as a default router.
Reachable_time:How long a neighbor should be considered reachable.
Retrans_timer:How long a host should wait before retransmitting.
Options:Any Neighbor Discovery options included with message (RFC 4861).

See also: icmp_router_solicitation, icmp_neighbor_solicitation, icmp_neighbor_advertisement, icmp_redirect

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, tgt: addr, options: icmp6_nd_options)

Generated for ICMP neighbor solicitation messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Tgt:The IP address of the target of the solicitation.
Options:Any Neighbor Discovery options included with message (RFC 4861).

See also: icmp_router_solicitation, icmp_router_advertisement, icmp_neighbor_advertisement, icmp_redirect

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, router: bool, solicited: bool, override: bool, tgt: addr, options: icmp6_nd_options)

Generated for ICMP neighbor advertisement messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Router:Flag indicating the sender is a router.
Solicited:Flag indicating advertisement is in response to a solicitation.
Override:Flag indicating advertisement should override existing caches.
Tgt:the Target Address in the soliciting message or the address whose link-layer address has changed for unsolicited adverts.
Options:Any Neighbor Discovery options included with message (RFC 4861).

See also: icmp_router_solicitation, icmp_router_advertisement, icmp_neighbor_solicitation, icmp_redirect

Type:event (c: connection, icmp: icmp_conn, tgt: addr, dest: addr, options: icmp6_nd_options)

Generated for ICMP redirect messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ICMP protocol.

C:The connection record for the corresponding ICMP flow.
Icmp:Additional ICMP-specific information augmenting the standard connection record c.
Tgt:The address that is supposed to be a better first hop to use for ICMP Destination Address.
Dest:The address of the destination which is redirected to the target.
Options:Any Neighbor Discovery options included with message (RFC 4861).

See also: icmp_router_solicitation, icmp_router_advertisement, icmp_neighbor_solicitation, icmp_neighbor_advertisement


Ident analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, lport: port, rport: port)

Generated for Ident requests.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Ident protocol.

C:The connection.
Lport:The request’s local port.
Rport:The request’s remote port.

See also: ident_error, ident_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, lport: port, rport: port, user_id: string, system: string)

Generated for Ident replies.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Ident protocol.

C:The connection.
Lport:The corresponding request’s local port.
Rport:The corresponding request’s remote port.
User_id:The user id returned by the reply.
System:The operating system returned by the reply.

See also: ident_error, ident_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, lport: port, rport: port, line: string)

Generated for Ident error replies.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Ident protocol.

C:The connection.
Lport:The corresponding request’s local port.
Rport:The corresponding request’s remote port.
Line:The error description returned by the reply.

See also: ident_reply, ident_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


IMAP analyzer (StartTLS only)


Type:event (c: connection, capabilities: string_vec)

Generated when a server sends a capability list to the client, after being queried using the CAPABILITY command.

C:The connection.
Capabilities:The list of IMAP capabilities as sent by the server.
Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when a IMAP connection goes encrypted after a successful StartTLS exchange between the client and the server.

C:The connection.


InterConn analyzer deprecated


Type:event (c: connection, os: interconn_endp_stats, rs: interconn_endp_stats)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (c: connection)

Deprecated. Will be removed.


IRC analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, command: string, arguments: string)

Generated for all client-side IRC commands.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Always true.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Command:The command.
Arguments:The arguments for the command.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message


This event is generated only for messages that originate at the client-side. Commands coming in from remote trigger the irc_message event instead.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, code: count, params: string)

Generated for all IRC replies. IRC replies are sent in response to a request and come with a reply code.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the reply. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Code:The reply code, as specified by the protocol.
Params:The reply’s parameters.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, command: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC commands forwarded from the server to the client.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Always false.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Command:The command.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message


This event is generated only for messages that are forwarded by the server to the client. Commands coming from client trigger the irc_request event instead.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type quit. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname coming with the message.
Message:The text included with the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, source: string, target: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type privmsg. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Source:The source of the private communication.
Target:The target of the private communication.
Message:The text of communication.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, source: string, target: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type notice. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Source:The source of the private communication.
Target:The target of the private communication.
Message:The text of communication.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, source: string, target: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type squery. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Source:The source of the private communication.
Target:The target of the private communication.
Message:The text of communication.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, info_list: irc_join_list)

Generated for IRC messages of type join. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Info_list:The user information coming with the command.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, chans: string_set, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type part. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname coming with the message.
Chans:The set of channels affected.
Message:The text coming with the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, who: string, newnick: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type nick. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Who:The user changing its nickname.
Newnick:The new nickname.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated when a server rejects an IRC nickname.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, users: count, services: count, servers: count)

Generated for an IRC reply of type luserclient.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Users:The number of users as returned in the reply.
Services:The number of services as returned in the reply.
Servers:The number of servers as returned in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, users: count, services: count, servers: count)

Generated for an IRC reply of type luserme.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Users:The number of users as returned in the reply.
Services:The number of services as returned in the reply.
Servers:The number of servers as returned in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, chans: count)

Generated for an IRC reply of type luserchannels.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Chans:The number of channels as returned in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, target_nick: string, channel: string, user: string, host: string, server: string, nick: string, params: string, hops: count, real_name: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoreply.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Target_nick:The target nickname.
Channel:The channel.
User:The user.
Host:The host.
Server:The server.
Nick:The nickname.
Params:The parameters.
Hops:The hop count.
Real_name:The real name.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, c_type: string, channel: string, users: string_set)

Generated for an IRC reply of type namereply.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
C_type:The channel type.
Channel:The channel.
Users:The set of users.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoisoperator.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname specified in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, chans: string_set)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoischannels.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname specified in the reply.
Chans:The set of channels returned.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, user: string, host: string, real_name: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoisuser.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname specified in the reply.
User:The user name specified in the reply.
Host:The host name specified in the reply.
Real_name:The real name specified in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, got_oper: bool)

Generated for IRC replies of type youreoper and nooperhost.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Got_oper:True if the oper command was executed successfully (youreport) and false otherwise (nooperhost).

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, msg: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type globalusers.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Msg:The message coming with the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, channel: string, topic: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type topic.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Channel:The channel name specified in the reply.
Topic:The topic specified in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, mask: string, oper: bool)

Generated for IRC messages of type who. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Mask:The mask specified in the message.
Oper:True if the operator flag was set.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, server: string, users: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type whois. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, user: string, password: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type oper. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
User:The user specified in the message.
Password:The password specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, chans: string, users: string, comment: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type kick. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Chans:The channels specified in the message.
Users:The users specified in the message.
Comment:The comment specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type error. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Message:The textual description specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, nickname: string, channel: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type invite. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Nickname:The nickname specified in the message.
Channel:The channel specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, params: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type mode. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Params:The parameters coming with the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, server: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type squit. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Server:The server specified in the message.
Message:The textual description specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, target: string, dcc_type: string, argument: string, address: addr, dest_port: count, size: count)

Generated for IRC messages of type dcc. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Target:The target specified in the message.
Dcc_type:The DCC type specified in the message.
Argument:The argument specified in the message.
Address:The address specified in the message.
Dest_port:The destination port specified in the message.
Size:The size specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, user: string, host: string, server: string, real_name: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type user. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
User:The user specified in the message.
Host:The host name specified in the message.
Server:The server name specified in the message.
Real_name:The real name specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, password: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type password. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Password:The password specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated if an IRC connection switched to TLS using STARTTLS. After this event no more IRC events will be raised for the connection. See the SSL analyzer for related SSL events, which will now be generated.

C:The connection.


Kerberos analyzer



Kerberos keytab file name. Used to decrypt tickets encountered on the wire.




pvno: count

Protocol version number (5 for KRB5)

msg_type: count

The message type (30 for ERROR_MSG)

client_time: time &optional

Current time on the client

server_time: time

Current time on the server

error_code: count

The specific error code

client_realm: string &optional

Realm of the ticket

client_name: string &optional

Name on the ticket

service_realm: string

Realm of the service

service_name: string

Name of the service

error_text: string &optional

Additional text to explain the error

pa_data: vector of KRB::Type_Value &optional

Optional pre-authentication data

The data from the ERROR_MSG message. See RFC 4120.



pvno: count

Protocol version number (5 for KRB5)

msg_type: count

The message type (20 for SAFE_MSG)

data: string

The application-specific data that is being passed from the sender to the reciever

timestamp: time &optional

Current time from the sender of the message

seq: count &optional

Sequence number used to detect replays

sender: KRB::Host_Address &optional

Sender address

recipient: KRB::Host_Address &optional

Recipient address

The data from the SAFE message. See RFC 4120.



forwardable: bool

The ticket to be issued should have its forwardable flag set.

forwarded: bool

A (TGT) request for forwarding.

proxiable: bool

The ticket to be issued should have its proxiable flag set.

proxy: bool

A request for a proxy.

allow_postdate: bool

The ticket to be issued should have its may-postdate flag set.

postdated: bool

A request for a postdated ticket.

renewable: bool

The ticket to be issued should have its renewable flag set.

opt_hardware_auth: bool

Reserved for opt_hardware_auth

disable_transited_check: bool

Request that the KDC not check the transited field of a TGT against the policy of the local realm before it will issue derivative tickets based on the TGT.

renewable_ok: bool

If a ticket with the requested lifetime cannot be issued, a renewable ticket is acceptable

enc_tkt_in_skey: bool

The ticket for the end server is to be encrypted in the session key from the additional TGT provided

renew: bool

The request is for a renewal

validate: bool

The request is to validate a postdated ticket.

KDC Options. See RFC 4120



use_session_key: bool

Indicates that user-to-user-authentication is in use

mutual_required: bool

Mutual authentication is required

AP Options. See RFC 4120



data_type: count

The data type

val: string

The data value

Used in a few places in the Kerberos analyzer for elements that have a type and a string value.



pvno: count

Protocol version number (5 for KRB5)

realm: string


service_name: string

Name of the service

cipher: count

Cipher the ticket was encrypted with

ciphertext: string &optional

Cipher text of the ticket

authenticationinfo: string &optional

Authentication info

A Kerberos ticket. See RFC 4120.

Type:vector of KRB::Ticket


ip: addr &log &optional

IPv4 or IPv6 address

netbios: string &log &optional

NetBIOS address

unknown: KRB::Type_Value &optional

Some other type that we don’t support yet

A Kerberos host address See RFC 4120.



pvno: count

Protocol version number (5 for KRB5)

msg_type: count

The message type (10 for AS_REQ, 12 for TGS_REQ)

pa_data: vector of KRB::Type_Value &optional

Optional pre-authentication data

kdc_options: KRB::KDC_Options

Options specified in the request

client_name: string &optional

Name on the ticket

service_realm: string

Realm of the service

service_name: string &optional

Name of the service

from: time &optional

Time the ticket is good from

till: time

Time the ticket is good till

rtime: time &optional

The requested renew-till time

nonce: count

A random nonce generated by the client

encryption_types: vector of count

The desired encryption algorithms, in order of preference

host_addrs: vector of KRB::Host_Address &optional

Any additional addresses the ticket should be valid for

additional_tickets: vector of KRB::Ticket &optional

Additional tickets may be included for certain transactions

The data from the AS_REQ and TGS_REQ messages. See RFC 4120.



pvno: count

Protocol version number (5 for KRB5)

msg_type: count

The message type (11 for AS_REP, 13 for TGS_REP)

pa_data: vector of KRB::Type_Value &optional

Optional pre-authentication data

client_realm: string &optional

Realm on the ticket

client_name: string

Name on the service

ticket: KRB::Ticket

The ticket that was issued

The data from the AS_REQ and TGS_REQ messages. See RFC 4120.


Type:event (c: connection, msg: KRB::KDC_Request)

A Kerberos 5 Authentication Server (AS) Request as defined in RFC 4120. The AS request contains a username of the client requesting authentication, and returns an AS reply with an encrypted Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) for that user. The TGT can then be used to request further tickets for other services.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Msg:A Kerberos KDC request message data structure.

See also: krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, msg: KRB::KDC_Response)

A Kerberos 5 Authentication Server (AS) Response as defined in RFC 4120. Following the AS request for a user, an AS reply contains an encrypted Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) for that user. The TGT can then be used to request further tickets for other services.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Msg:A Kerberos KDC reply message data structure.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, msg: KRB::KDC_Request)

A Kerberos 5 Ticket Granting Service (TGS) Request as defined in RFC 4120. Following the Authentication Server exchange, if successful, the client now has a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT). To authenticate to a Kerberized service, the client requests a Service Ticket, which will be returned in the TGS reply.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Msg:A Kerberos KDC request message data structure.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, msg: KRB::KDC_Response)

A Kerberos 5 Ticket Granting Service (TGS) Response as defined in RFC 4120. This message returns a Service Ticket to the client, which is encrypted with the service’s long-term key, and which the client can use to authenticate to that service.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Msg:A Kerberos KDC reply message data structure.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, ticket: KRB::Ticket, opts: KRB::AP_Options)

A Kerberos 5 Authentication Header (AP) Request as defined in RFC 4120. This message contains authentication information that should be part of the first message in an authenticated transaction.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Ticket:The Kerberos ticket being used for authentication.
Opts:A Kerberos AP options data structure.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection)

A Kerberos 5 Authentication Header (AP) Response as defined in RFC 4120. This is used if mutual authentication is desired. All of the interesting information in here is encrypted, so the event doesn’t have much useful data, but it’s provided in case it’s important to know that this message was sent.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

A Kerberos 5 Private Message as defined in RFC 4120. This is a private (encrypted) application message, so the event doesn’t have much useful data, but it’s provided in case it’s important to know that this message was sent.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Is_orig:Whether the originator of the connection sent this message.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_safe, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: KRB::SAFE_Msg)

A Kerberos 5 Safe Message as defined in RFC 4120. This is a safe (checksummed) application message.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Is_orig:Whether the originator of the connection sent this message.
Msg:A Kerberos SAFE message data structure.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_cred, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, tickets: KRB::Ticket_Vector)

A Kerberos 5 Credential Message as defined in RFC 4120. This is a private (encrypted) message to forward credentials.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Is_orig:Whether the originator of the connection sent this message.
Tickets:Tickets obtained from the KDC that are being forwarded.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_error

Type:event (c: connection, msg: KRB::Error_Msg)

A Kerberos 5 Error Message as defined in RFC 4120.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Kerberos protocol.

C:The connection over which this Kerberos message was sent.
Msg:A Kerberos error message data structure.

See also: krb_as_request, krb_as_response, krb_tgs_request, krb_tgs_response, krb_ap_request, krb_ap_response, krb_priv, krb_safe, krb_cred


Telnet/Rsh/Rlogin analyzers


Type:event (c: connection, client_user: string, server_user: string, line: string, new_session: bool)

Generated for client side commands on an RSH connection.

See RFC 1258 for more information about the Rlogin/Rsh protocol.

C:The connection.
Client_user:The client-side user name as sent in the initial protocol handshake.
Server_user:The server-side user name as sent in the initial protocol handshake.
Line:The command line sent in the request.
New_session:True if this is the first command of the Rsh session.

See also: rsh_reply, login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal


For historical reasons, these events are separate from the login_ events. Ideally, they would all be handled uniquely.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, client_user: string, server_user: string, line: string)

Generated for client side commands on an RSH connection.

See RFC 1258 for more information about the Rlogin/Rsh protocol.

C:The connection.
Client_user:The client-side user name as sent in the initial protocol handshake.
Server_user:The server-side user name as sent in the initial protocol handshake.
Line:The command line sent in the request.

See also: rsh_request, login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal


For historical reasons, these events are separate from the login_ events. Ideally, they would all be handled uniquely.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, user: string, client_user: string, password: string, line: string)

Generated for Telnet/Rlogin login failures. The login analyzer inspects Telnet/Rlogin sessions to heuristically extract username and password information as well as the text returned by the login server. This event is raised if a login attempt appears to have been unsuccessful.

C:The connection.
User:The user name tried.
Client_user:For Telnet connections, this is an empty string, but for Rlogin connections, it is the client name passed in the initial authentication information (to check against .rhosts).
Password:The password tried.
Line:The line of text that led the analyzer to conclude that the authentication had failed.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal, direct_login_prompts, get_login_state, login_failure_msgs, login_non_failure_msgs, login_prompts, login_success_msgs, login_timeouts, set_login_state


The login analyzer depends on a set of script-level variables that need to be configured with patterns identifying login attempts. This configuration has not yet been ported over from Bro 1.5 to Bro 2.x, and the analyzer is therefore not directly usable at the moment.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, user: string, client_user: string, password: string, line: string)

Generated for successful Telnet/Rlogin logins. The login analyzer inspects Telnet/Rlogin sessions to heuristically extract username and password information as well as the text returned by the login server. This event is raised if a login attempt appears to have been successful.

C:The connection.
User:The user name used.
Client_user:For Telnet connections, this is an empty string, but for Rlogin connections, it is the client name passed in the initial authentication information (to check against .rhosts).
Password:The password used.
Line:The line of text that led the analyzer to conclude that the authentication had succeeded.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_terminal, direct_login_prompts, get_login_state, login_failure_msgs, login_non_failure_msgs, login_prompts, login_success_msgs, login_timeouts, set_login_state


The login analyzer depends on a set of script-level variables that need to be configured with patterns identifying login attempts. This configuration has not yet been ported over from Bro 1.5 to Bro 2.x, and the analyzer is therefore not directly usable at the moment.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, line: string)

Generated for lines of input on Telnet/Rlogin sessions. The line will have control characters (such as in-band Telnet options) removed.

C:The connection.
Line:The input line.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal, rsh_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, line: string)

Generated for lines of output on Telnet/Rlogin sessions. The line will have control characters (such as in-band Telnet options) removed.

C:The connection.
Line:The ouput line.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal, rsh_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string, line: string)

Generated when tracking of Telnet/Rlogin authentication failed. As Bro’s login analyzer uses a number of heuristics to extract authentication information, it may become confused. If it can no longer correctly track the authentication dialog, it raises this event.

C:The connection.
Msg:Gives the particular problem the heuristics detected (for example, multiple_login_prompts means that the engine saw several login prompts in a row, without the type-ahead from the client side presumed necessary to cause them)
Line:The line of text that caused the heuristics to conclude they were confused.

See also: login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal, direct_login_prompts, get_login_state, login_failure_msgs, login_non_failure_msgs, login_prompts, login_success_msgs, login_timeouts, set_login_state


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, line: string)

Generated after getting confused while tracking a Telnet/Rlogin authentication dialog. The login analyzer generates this even for every line of user input after it has reported login_confused for a connection.

C:The connection.
Line:The line the user typed.

See also: login_confused, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal, direct_login_prompts, get_login_state, login_failure_msgs, login_non_failure_msgs, login_prompts, login_success_msgs, login_timeouts, set_login_state


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, terminal: string)

Generated for clients transmitting a terminal type in a Telnet session. This information is extracted out of environment variables sent as Telnet options.

C:The connection.
Terminal:The TERM value transmitted.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, display: string)

Generated for clients transmitting an X11 DISPLAY in a Telnet session. This information is extracted out of environment variables sent as Telnet options.

C:The connection.
Display:The DISPLAY transmitted.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (name: string, c: connection)

Generated when a Telnet authentication has been successful. The Telnet protocol includes options for negotiating authentication. When such an option is sent from client to server and the server replies that it accepts the authentication, then the event engine generates this event.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

Name:The authenticated name.
C:The connection.

See also: authentication_rejected, authentication_skipped, login_success


This event inspects the corresponding Telnet option while login_success heuristically determines success by watching session data.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (name: string, c: connection)

Generated when a Telnet authentication has been unsuccessful. The Telnet protocol includes options for negotiating authentication. When such an option is sent from client to server and the server replies that it did not accept the authentication, then the event engine generates this event.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

Name:The attempted authentication name.
C:The connection.

See also: authentication_accepted, authentication_skipped, login_failure


This event inspects the corresponding Telnet option while login_success heuristically determines failure by watching session data.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for Telnet/Rlogin sessions when a pattern match indicates that no authentication is performed.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: authentication_accepted, authentication_rejected, direct_login_prompts, get_login_state, login_failure_msgs, login_non_failure_msgs, login_prompts, login_success_msgs, login_timeouts, set_login_state


The login analyzer depends on a set of script-level variables that need to be configured with patterns identifying activity. This configuration has not yet been ported over from Bro 1.5 to Bro 2.x, and the analyzer is therefore not directly usable at the moment.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, prompt: string)

Generated for clients transmitting a terminal prompt in a Telnet session. This information is extracted out of environment variables sent as Telnet options.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

C:The connection.
Prompt:The TTYPROMPT transmitted.

See also: login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_success, login_terminal


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for Telnet sessions when encryption is activated. The Telnet protocol includes options for negotiating encryption. When such a series of options is successfully negotiated, the event engine generates this event.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: authentication_accepted, authentication_rejected, authentication_skipped, login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for an inconsistent Telnet option. Telnet options are specified by the client and server stating which options they are willing to support vs. which they are not, and then instructing one another which in fact they should or should not use for the current connection. If the event engine sees a peer violate either what the other peer has instructed it to do, or what it itself offered in terms of options in the past, then the engine generates this event.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: bad_option, bad_option_termination, authentication_accepted, authentication_rejected, authentication_skipped, login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for an ill-formed or unrecognized Telnet option.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: inconsistent_option, bad_option_termination, authentication_accepted, authentication_rejected, authentication_skipped, login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for a Telnet option that’s incorrectly terminated.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Telnet protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: inconsistent_option, bad_option, authentication_accepted, authentication_rejected, authentication_skipped, login_confused, login_confused_text, login_display, login_failure, login_input_line, login_output_line, login_prompt, login_success, login_terminal


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.


Type:function (cid: conn_id) : count

Returns the state of the given login (Telnet or Rlogin) connection.


The connection ID.


False if the connection is not active or is not tagged as a login analyzer. Otherwise the function returns the state, which can be one of:

  • LOGIN_STATE_AUTHENTICATE: The connection is in its initial authentication dialog.
  • LOGIN_STATE_LOGGED_IN: The analyzer believes the user has successfully authenticated.
  • LOGIN_STATE_SKIP: The analyzer has skipped any further processing of the connection.
  • LOGIN_STATE_CONFUSED: The analyzer has concluded that it does not correctly know the state of the connection, and/or the username associated with it.

See also: set_login_state

Type:function (cid: conn_id, new_state: count) : bool

Sets the login state of a connection with a login analyzer.

Cid:The connection ID.
New_state:The new state of the login analyzer. See get_login_state for possible values.
Returns:Returns false if cid is not an active connection or is not tagged as a login analyzer, and true otherwise.

See also: get_login_state


MIME parsing



Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when starting to parse an email MIME entity. MIME is a protocol-independent data format for encoding text and files, along with corresponding metadata, for transmission. Bro raises this event when it begins parsing a MIME entity extracted from an email protocol.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, smtp_data, http_begin_entity


Bro also extracts MIME entities from HTTP sessions. For those, however, it raises http_begin_entity instead.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when finishing parsing an email MIME entity. MIME is a protocol-independent data format for encoding text and files, along with corresponding metadata, for transmission. Bro raises this event when it finished parsing a MIME entity extracted from an email protocol.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, smtp_data, http_end_entity


Bro also extracts MIME entities from HTTP sessions. For those, however, it raises http_end_entity instead.

Type:event (c: connection, h: mime_header_rec)

Generated for individual MIME headers extracted from email MIME entities. MIME is a protocol-independent data format for encoding text and files, along with corresponding metadata, for transmission.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
H:The parsed MIME header.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_segment_data, http_header, http_all_headers


Bro also extracts MIME headers from HTTP sessions. For those, however, it raises http_header instead.

Type:event (c: connection, hlist: mime_header_list)

Generated for MIME headers extracted from email MIME entities, passing all headers at once. MIME is a protocol-independent data format for encoding text and files, along with corresponding metadata, for transmission.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
Hlist:A table containing all headers extracted from the current entity. The table is indexed by the position of the header (1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc.).

See also: mime_all_data, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, http_header, http_all_headers


Bro also extracts MIME headers from HTTP sessions. For those, however, it raises http_header instead.

Type:event (c: connection, length: count, data: string)

Generated for chunks of decoded MIME data from email MIME entities. MIME is a protocol-independent data format for encoding text and files, along with corresponding metadata, for transmission. As Bro parses the data of an entity, it raises a sequence of these events, each coming as soon as a new chunk of data is available. In contrast, there is also mime_entity_data, which passes all of an entities data at once in a single block. While the latter is more convenient to handle, mime_segment_data is more efficient as Bro does not need to buffer the data. Thus, if possible, this event should be preferred.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
Length:The length of data.
Data:The raw data of one segment of the current entity.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, http_entity_data, mime_segment_length, mime_segment_overlap_length


Bro also extracts MIME data from HTTP sessions. For those, however, it raises http_entity_data (sic!) instead.

Type:event (c: connection, length: count, data: string)

Generated for data decoded from an email MIME entity. This event delivers the complete content of a single MIME entity with the quoted-printable and and base64 data decoded. In contrast, there is also mime_segment_data, which passes on a sequence of data chunks as they come in. While mime_entity_data is more convenient to handle, mime_segment_data is more efficient as Bro does not need to buffer the data. Thus, if possible, the latter should be preferred.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
Length:The length of data.
Data:The raw data of the complete entity.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data


While Bro also decodes MIME entities extracted from HTTP sessions, there’s no corresponding event for that currently.

Type:event (c: connection, length: count, data: string)

Generated for passing on all data decoded from a single email MIME message. If an email message has more than one MIME entity, this event combines all their data into a single value for analysis. Note that because of the potentially significant buffering necessary, using this event can be expensive.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
Length:The length of data.
Data:The raw data of all MIME entities concatenated.

See also: mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data


While Bro also decodes MIME entities extracted from HTTP sessions, there’s no corresponding event for that currently.

Type:event (c: connection, event_type: string, detail: string)

Generated for errors found when decoding email MIME entities.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
Event_type:A string describing the general category of the problem found (e.g., illegal format).
Detail:Further more detailed description of the error.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, http_event


Bro also extracts MIME headers from HTTP sessions. For those, however, it raises http_event instead.

Type:event (c: connection, content_len: count, hash_value: string)

Generated for decoded MIME entities extracted from email messages, passing on their MD5 checksums. Bro computes the MD5 over the complete decoded data of each MIME entity.

Bro’s MIME analyzer for emails currently supports SMTP and POP3. See Wikipedia for more information about MIME.

C:The connection.
Content_len:The length of the entity being hashed.
Hash_value:The MD5 hash.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data


While Bro also decodes MIME entities extracted from HTTP sessions, there’s no corresponding event for that currently.


Modbus analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, is_orig: bool)

Generated for any Modbus message regardless if the particular function is further supported or not.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, code: count)

Generated for any Modbus exception message.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Code:The exception code.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, quantity: count)

Generated for a Modbus read coils request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first coil to be read.
Quantity:The number of coils to be read.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, coils: ModbusCoils)

Generated for a Modbus read coils response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Coils:The coil values returned from the device.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, quantity: count)

Generated for a Modbus read discrete inputs request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first coil to be read.
Quantity:The number of coils to be read.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, coils: ModbusCoils)

Generated for a Modbus read discrete inputs response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Coils:The coil values returned from the device.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, quantity: count)

Generated for a Modbus read holding registers request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first register to be read.
Quantity:The number of registers to be read.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, registers: ModbusRegisters)

Generated for a Modbus read holding registers response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Registers:The register values returned from the device.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, quantity: count)

Generated for a Modbus read input registers request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first register to be read.
Quantity:The number of registers to be read.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, registers: ModbusRegisters)

Generated for a Modbus read input registers response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Registers:The register values returned from the device.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, address: count, value: bool)

Generated for a Modbus write single coil request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Address:The memory address of the coil to be written.
Value:The value to be written to the coil.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, address: count, value: bool)

Generated for a Modbus write single coil response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Address:The memory address of the coil that was written.
Value:The value that was written to the coil.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, address: count, value: count)

Generated for a Modbus write single register request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Address:The memory address of the register to be written.
Value:The value to be written to the register.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, address: count, value: count)

Generated for a Modbus write single register response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Address:The memory address of the register that was written.
Value:The value that was written to the register.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, coils: ModbusCoils)

Generated for a Modbus write multiple coils request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first coil to be written.
Coils:The values to be written to the coils.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, quantity: count)

Generated for a Modbus write multiple coils response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first coil that was written.
Quantity:The quantity of coils that were written.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, registers: ModbusRegisters)

Generated for a Modbus write multiple registers request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first register to be written.
Registers:The values to be written to the registers.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count, quantity: count)

Generated for a Modbus write multiple registers response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The memory address of the first register that was written.
Quantity:The quantity of registers that were written.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders)

Generated for a Modbus read file record request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders)

Generated for a Modbus read file record response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders)

Generated for a Modbus write file record request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders)

Generated for a Modbus write file record response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, address: count, and_mask: count, or_mask: count)

Generated for a Modbus mask write register request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Address:The memory address of the register where the masks should be applied.
And_mask:The value of the logical AND mask to apply to the register.
Or_mask:The value of the logical OR mask to apply to the register.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, address: count, and_mask: count, or_mask: count)

Generated for a Modbus mask write register request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Address:The memory address of the register where the masks were applied.
And_mask:The value of the logical AND mask applied register.
Or_mask:The value of the logical OR mask applied to the register.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, read_start_address: count, read_quantity: count, write_start_address: count, write_registers: ModbusRegisters)

Generated for a Modbus read/write multiple registers request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
 The memory address of the first register to be read.
Read_quantity:The number of registers to read.
 The memory address of the first register to be written.
 The values to be written to the registers.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, written_registers: ModbusRegisters)

Generated for a Modbus read/write multiple registers response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
 The register values read from the registers specified in the request.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, start_address: count)

Generated for a Modbus read FIFO queue request.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Start_address:The address of the FIFO queue to read.
Type:event (c: connection, headers: ModbusHeaders, fifos: ModbusRegisters)

Generated for a Modbus read FIFO queue response.

C:The connection.
Headers:The headers for the modbus function.
Fifos:The register values read from the FIFO queue on the device.


MySQL analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, command: count, arg: string)

Generated for a command request from a MySQL client.

See the MySQL documentation for more information about the MySQL protocol.

C:The connection.
Command:The numerical code of the command issued.
Arg:The argument for the command (empty string if not provided).

See also: mysql_error, mysql_ok, mysql_server_version, mysql_handshake

Type:event (c: connection, code: count, msg: string)

Generated for an unsuccessful MySQL response.

See the MySQL documentation for more information about the MySQL protocol.

C:The connection.
Code:The error code.
Msg:Any extra details about the error (empty string if not provided).

See also: mysql_command_request, mysql_ok, mysql_server_version, mysql_handshake

Type:event (c: connection, affected_rows: count)

Generated for a successful MySQL response.

See the MySQL documentation for more information about the MySQL protocol.

C:The connection.
Affected_rows:The number of rows that were affected.

See also: mysql_command_request, mysql_error, mysql_server_version, mysql_handshake

Type:event (c: connection, row: string_vec)

Generated for each MySQL ResultsetRow response packet.

See the MySQL documentation for more information about the MySQL protocol.

C:The connection.
Row:The result row data.

See also: mysql_command_request, mysql_error, mysql_server_version, mysql_handshake, mysql_ok

Type:event (c: connection, ver: string)

Generated for the initial server handshake packet, which includes the MySQL server version.

See the MySQL documentation for more information about the MySQL protocol.

C:The connection.
Ver:The server version string.

See also: mysql_command_request, mysql_error, mysql_ok, mysql_handshake

Type:event (c: connection, username: string)

Generated for a client handshake response packet, which includes the username the client is attempting to connect as.

See the MySQL documentation for more information about the MySQL protocol.

C:The connection.
Username:The username supplied by the client

See also: mysql_command_request, mysql_error, mysql_ok, mysql_server_version


NCP analyzer



The maximum number of bytes to allocate when parsing NCP frames.


Type:event (c: connection, frame_type: count, length: count, func: count)

Generated for NCP requests (Netware Core Protocol).

See Wikipedia for more information about the NCP protocol.

C:The connection.
Frame_type:The frame type, as specified by the protocol.
Length:The length of the request body, excluding the frame header.
Func:The requested function, as specified by the protocol.

See also: ncp_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, frame_type: count, length: count, req_frame: count, req_func: count, completion_code: count)

Generated for NCP replies (Netware Core Protocol).

See Wikipedia for more information about the NCP protocol.

C:The connection.
Frame_type:The frame type, as specified by the protocol.
Length:The length of the request body, excluding the frame header.
Req_frame:The frame type from the corresponding request.
Req_func:The function code from the corresponding request.
 The reply’s completion code, as specified by the protocol.

See also: ncp_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


NetBIOS analyzer support


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg_type: count, data_len: count)

Generated for all NetBIOS SSN and DGM messages. Bro’s NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Is_orig:True if the message was sent by the originator of the connection.
Msg_type:The general type of message, as defined in Section 4.3.1 of RFC 1002.
Data_len:The length of the message’s payload.

See also: netbios_session_accepted, netbios_session_keepalive, netbios_session_raw_message, netbios_session_rejected, netbios_session_request, netbios_session_ret_arg_resp, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string)

Generated for NetBIOS messages of type session request. Bro’s NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Msg:The raw payload of the message sent, excluding the common NetBIOS header.

See also: netbios_session_accepted, netbios_session_keepalive, netbios_session_message, netbios_session_raw_message, netbios_session_rejected, netbios_session_ret_arg_resp, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string)

Generated for NetBIOS messages of type positive session response. Bro’s NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Msg:The raw payload of the message sent, excluding the common NetBIOS header.

See also: netbios_session_keepalive, netbios_session_message, netbios_session_raw_message, netbios_session_rejected, netbios_session_request, netbios_session_ret_arg_resp, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string)

Generated for NetBIOS messages of type negative session response. Bro’s NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Msg:The raw payload of the message sent, excluding the common NetBIOS header.

See also: netbios_session_accepted, netbios_session_keepalive, netbios_session_message, netbios_session_raw_message, netbios_session_request, netbios_session_ret_arg_resp, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: string)

Generated for NetBIOS messages of type session message that are not carrying an SMB payload.

NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Is_orig:True if the message was sent by the originator of the connection.
Msg:The raw payload of the message sent, excluding the common NetBIOS header (i.e., the user_data).

See also: netbios_session_accepted, netbios_session_keepalive, netbios_session_message, netbios_session_rejected, netbios_session_request, netbios_session_ret_arg_resp, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


This is an oddly named event. In fact, it’s probably an odd event to have to begin with.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string)

Generated for NetBIOS messages of type retarget response. Bro’s NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Msg:The raw payload of the message sent, excluding the common NetBIOS header.

See also: netbios_session_accepted, netbios_session_keepalive, netbios_session_message, netbios_session_raw_message, netbios_session_rejected, netbios_session_request, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


This is an oddly named event.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, msg: string)

Generated for NetBIOS messages of type keep-alive. Bro’s NetBIOS analyzer processes the NetBIOS session service running on TCP port 139, and (despite its name!) the NetBIOS datagram service on UDP port 138.

See Wikipedia for more information about NetBIOS. RFC 1002 describes the packet format for NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which Bro parses.

C:The connection, which may be TCP or UDP, depending on the type of the NetBIOS session.
Msg:The raw payload of the message sent, excluding the common NetBIOS header.

See also: netbios_session_accepted, netbios_session_message, netbios_session_raw_message, netbios_session_rejected, netbios_session_request, netbios_session_ret_arg_resp, decode_netbios_name, decode_netbios_name_type


These days, NetBIOS is primarily used as a transport mechanism for SMB/CIFS. Bro’s SMB analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


Type:function (name: string) : string

Decode a NetBIOS name. See

Returns:The decoded NetBIOS name, e.g., "THE NETBIOS NAME".

See also: decode_netbios_name_type

Type:function (name: string) : count

Converts a NetBIOS name type to its corresponding numeric value. See

Name:The NetBIOS name type.
Returns:The numeric value of name.

See also: decode_netbios_name


NTLM analyzer




flags: NTLM::NegotiateFlags

The negotiate flags

domain_name: string &optional

The domain name of the client, if known

workstation: string &optional

The machine name of the client, if known

version: NTLM::Version &optional

The Windows version information, if supplied



flags: NTLM::NegotiateFlags

The negotiate flags

target_name: string &optional

The server authentication realm. If the server is domain-joined, the name of the domain. Otherwise the server name. See flags.target_type_domain and flags.target_type_server

version: NTLM::Version &optional

The Windows version information, if supplied

target_info: NTLM::AVs &optional

Attribute-value pairs specified by the server



flags: NTLM::NegotiateFlags

The negotiate flags

domain_name: string &optional

The domain or computer name hosting the account

user_name: string &optional

The name of the user to be authenticated.

workstation: string &optional

The name of the computer to which the user was logged on.

session_key: string &optional

The session key

version: NTLM::Version &optional

The Windows version information, if supplied



negotiate_56: bool

If set, requires 56-bit encryption

negotiate_key_exch: bool

If set, requests an explicit key exchange

negotiate_128: bool

If set, requests 128-bit session key negotiation

negotiate_version: bool

If set, requests the protocol version number

negotiate_target_info: bool

If set, indicates that the TargetInfo fields in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE are populated

request_non_nt_session_key: bool

If set, requests the usage of the LMOWF function

negotiate_identify: bool

If set, requests and identify level token

negotiate_extended_sessionsecurity: bool

If set, requests usage of NTLM v2 session security Note: NTML v2 session security is actually NTLM v1

target_type_server: bool

If set, TargetName must be a server name

target_type_domain: bool

If set, TargetName must be a domain name

negotiate_always_sign: bool

If set, requests the presence of a signature block on all messages

negotiate_oem_workstation_supplied: bool

If set, the workstation name is provided

negotiate_oem_domain_supplied: bool

If set, the domain name is provided

negotiate_anonymous_connection: bool

If set, the connection should be anonymous

negotiate_ntlm: bool

If set, requests usage of NTLM v1

negotiate_lm_key: bool

If set, requests LAN Manager session key computation

negotiate_datagram: bool

If set, requests connectionless authentication

negotiate_seal: bool

If set, requests session key negotiation for message confidentiality

negotiate_sign: bool

If set, requests session key negotiation for message signatures

request_target: bool

If set, the TargetName field is present

negotiate_oem: bool

If set, requests OEM character set encoding

negotiate_unicode: bool

If set, requests Unicode character set encoding



major: count

The major version of the Windows operating system in use

minor: count

The minor version of the Windows operating system in use

build: count

The build number of the Windows operating system in use

ntlmssp: count

The current revision of NTLMSSP in use



nb_computer_name: string

The server’s NetBIOS computer name

nb_domain_name: string

The server’s NetBIOS domain name

dns_computer_name: string &optional

The FQDN of the computer

dns_domain_name: string &optional

The FQDN of the domain

dns_tree_name: string &optional

The FQDN of the forest

constrained_auth: bool &optional

Indicates to the client that the account authentication is constrained

timestamp: time &optional

The associated timestamp, if present

single_host_id: count &optional

Indicates that the client is providing a machine ID created at computer startup to identify the calling machine

target_name: string &optional

The SPN of the target server


Type:event (c: connection, negotiate: NTLM::Negotiate)

Generated for NTLM messages of type negotiate.

C:The connection.
Negotiate:The parsed data of the NTLM message. See init-bare for more details.

See also: ntlm_challenge, ntlm_authenticate

Type:event (c: connection, challenge: NTLM::Challenge)

Generated for NTLM messages of type challenge.

C:The connection.
Negotiate:The parsed data of the NTLM message. See init-bare for more details.

See also: ntlm_negotiate, ntlm_authenticate

Type:event (c: connection, request: NTLM::Authenticate)

Generated for NTLM messages of type authenticate.

C:The connection.
Request:The parsed data of the NTLM message. See init-bare for more details.

See also: ntlm_negotiate, ntlm_challenge


NTP analyzer


Type:event (u: connection, msg: ntp_msg, excess: string)

Generated for all NTP messages. Different from many other of Bro’s events, this one is generated for both client-side and server-side messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the NTP protocol.

U:The connection record describing the corresponding UDP flow.
Msg:The parsed NTP message.
Excess:The raw bytes of any optional parts of the NTP packet. Bro does not further parse any optional fields.

See also: ntp_session_timeout


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


Analyzers implementing Dynamic Protocol


POP3 analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, command: string, arg: string)

Generated for client-side commands on POP3 connections.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Command:The command sent.
Arg:The argument to the command.

See also: pop3_data, pop3_login_failure, pop3_login_success, pop3_reply, pop3_unexpected


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, cmd: string, msg: string)

Generated for server-side replies to commands on POP3 connections.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Cmd:The success indicator sent by the server. This corresponds to the first token on the line sent, and should be either OK or ERR.
Msg:The textual description the server sent along with cmd.

See also: pop3_data, pop3_login_failure, pop3_login_success, pop3_request, pop3_unexpected


This event is receiving odd parameters, should unify.


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, data: string)

Generated for server-side multi-line responses on POP3 connections. POP3 connections use multi-line responses to send bulk data, such as the actual mails. This event is generated once for each line that’s part of such a response.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the data was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Data:The data sent.

See also: pop3_login_failure, pop3_login_success, pop3_reply, pop3_request, pop3_unexpected


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: string, detail: string)

Generated for errors encountered on POP3 sessions. If the POP3 analyzer finds state transitions that do not conform to the protocol specification, or other situations it can’t handle, it raises this event.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the data was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Msg:A textual description of the situation.
Detail:The input that triggered the event.

See also: pop3_data, pop3_login_failure, pop3_login_success, pop3_reply, pop3_request


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when a POP3 connection goes encrypted. While POP3 is by default a clear-text protocol, extensions exist to switch to encryption. This event is generated if that happens and the analyzer then stops processing the connection.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: pop3_data, pop3_login_failure, pop3_login_success, pop3_reply, pop3_request, pop3_unexpected


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, user: string, password: string)

Generated for successful authentications on POP3 connections.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Always false.
User:The user name used for authentication. The event is only generated if a non-empty user name was used.
Password:The password used for authentication.

See also: pop3_data, pop3_login_failure, pop3_reply, pop3_request, pop3_unexpected


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, user: string, password: string)

Generated for unsuccessful authentications on POP3 connections.

See Wikipedia for more information about the POP3 protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Always false.
User:The user name attempted for authentication. The event is only generated if a non-empty user name was used.
Password:The password attempted for authentication.

See also: pop3_data, pop3_login_success, pop3_reply, pop3_request, pop3_unexpected


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


RADIUS analyzer


Type:vector of string
Type:table [count] of RADIUS::AttributeList


code: count

The type of message (Access-Request, Access-Accept, etc.).

trans_id: count

The transaction ID.

authenticator: string

The “authenticator” string.

attributes: RADIUS::Attributes &optional

Any attributes.


Type:event (c: connection, result: RADIUS::Message)

Generated for RADIUS messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about RADIUS.

C:The connection.
Result:A record containing fields parsed from a RADIUS packet.
Type:event (c: connection, attr_type: count, value: string)

Generated for each RADIUS attribute.

See Wikipedia for more information about RADIUS.

C:The connection.
Attr_type:The value of the code field (1 == User-Name, 2 == User-Password, etc.).
Value:The data/value bound to the attribute.


RDP analyzer




support_err_info_pdu: bool

want_32bpp_session: bool

support_statusinfo_pdu: bool

strong_asymmetric_keys: bool

support_monitor_layout_pdu: bool

support_netchar_autodetect: bool

support_dynvc_gfx_protocol: bool

support_dynamic_time_zone: bool

support_heartbeat_pdu: bool



version_major: count

version_minor: count

desktop_width: count

desktop_height: count

color_depth: count

sas_sequence: count

keyboard_layout: count

client_build: count

client_name: string

keyboard_type: count

keyboard_sub: count

keyboard_function_key: count

ime_file_name: string

post_beta2_color_depth: count &optional

client_product_id: string &optional

serial_number: count &optional

high_color_depth: count &optional

supported_color_depths: count &optional

ec_flags: RDP::EarlyCapabilityFlags &optional

dig_product_id: string &optional


Type:event (c: connection, cookie: string)

Generated for X.224 client requests.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Cookie:The cookie included in the request.
Type:event (c: connection, security_protocol: count)

Generated for RDP Negotiation Response messages.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
 The security protocol selected by the server.
Type:event (c: connection, failure_code: count)

Generated for RDP Negotiation Failure messages.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Failure_code:The failure code sent by the server.
Type:event (c: connection, data: RDP::ClientCoreData)

Generated for MCS client requests.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Data:The data contained in the client core data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, result: count)

Generated for MCS server responses.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Result:The 8-bit integer representing the GCC Conference Create Response result.
Type:event (c: connection, encryption_method: count, encryption_level: count)

Generated for MCS server responses.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
 The 32-bit integer representing the encryption method used in the connection.
 The 32-bit integer representing the encryption level used in the connection.
Type:event (c: connection, cert_type: count, permanently_issued: bool)

Generated for a server certificate section. If multiple X.509 certificates are included in chain, this event will still only be generated a single time.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Cert_type:Indicates the type of certificate.
 Value will be true is the certificate(s) is permanent on the server.
Type:event (c: connection, security_protocol: count)

Generated when an RDP session becomes encrypted.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
 The security protocol being used for the session.


Parser for rfb (VNC) analyzer


Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for RFB event

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Type:event (c: connection, authtype: count)

Generated for RFB event authentication mechanism selection

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Authtype:the value of the chosen authentication mechanism
Type:event (c: connection, result: bool)

Generated for RFB event authentication result message

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Result:whether or not authentication was succesful
Type:event (c: connection, flag: bool)

Generated for RFB event share flag messages

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Flag:whether or not the share flag was set
Type:event (c: connection, major_version: string, minor_version: string)

Generated for RFB event client banner message

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Version:of the client’s rfb library
Type:event (c: connection, major_version: string, minor_version: string)

Generated for RFB event server banner message

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Version:of the server’s rfb library
Type:event (c: connection, name: string, width: count, height: count)

Generated for RFB event server parameter message

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Name:name of the shared screen
Width:width of the shared screen
Height:height of the shared screen


Analyzers for RPC-based protocols


Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type null. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, fh: string, attrs: NFS3::fattr_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type getattr. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Attrs:The attributes returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply, file_mode


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::sattrargs_t, rep: NFS3::sattr_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type sattr. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.
Rep:The attributes returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply, file_mode


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::diropargs_t, rep: NFS3::lookup_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type lookup. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::readargs_t, rep: NFS3::read_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type read. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply, NFS3::return_data, NFS3::return_data_first_only, NFS3::return_data_max


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, fh: string, rep: NFS3::readlink_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type readlink. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Fh:The file handle passed in the request.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, nfs_proc_symlink, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::symlinkargs_t, rep: NFS3::newobj_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type symlink. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.
Rep:The attributes returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, nfs_proc_link, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply, file_mode


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::linkargs_t, rep: NFS3::link_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type link. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, nfs_proc_symlink, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::writeargs_t, rep: NFS3::write_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type write. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply, NFS3::return_data, NFS3::return_data_first_only, NFS3::return_data_max


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::diropargs_t, rep: NFS3::newobj_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type create. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::diropargs_t, rep: NFS3::newobj_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type mkdir. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::diropargs_t, rep: NFS3::delobj_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type remove. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::diropargs_t, rep: NFS3::delobj_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type rmdir. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::renameopargs_t, rep: NFS3::renameobj_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type rename. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rename, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, req: NFS3::readdirargs_t, rep: NFS3::readdir_reply_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of type readdir. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: NFS3::info_t, proc: NFS3::proc_t)

Generated for NFSv3 request/reply dialogues of a type that Bro’s NFSv3 analyzer does not implement.

NFS is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Proc:The procedure called that Bro does not implement.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, nfs_reply_status, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (n: connection, info: NFS3::info_t)

Generated for each NFSv3 reply message received, reporting just the status included.

N:The connection.
Info:Reports the status included in the reply.

See also: nfs_proc_create, nfs_proc_getattr, nfs_proc_lookup, nfs_proc_mkdir, nfs_proc_not_implemented, nfs_proc_null, nfs_proc_read, nfs_proc_readdir, nfs_proc_readlink, nfs_proc_remove, nfs_proc_rmdir, nfs_proc_write, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection)

Generated for Portmapper requests of type null.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.

See also: pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, m: pm_mapping, success: bool)

Generated for Portmapper request/reply dialogues of type set.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
M:The argument to the request.
Success:True if the request was successful, according to the corresponding reply. If no reply was seen, this will be false once the request times out.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, m: pm_mapping, success: bool)

Generated for Portmapper request/reply dialogues of type unset.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
M:The argument to the request.
Success:True if the request was successful, according to the corresponding reply. If no reply was seen, this will be false once the request times out.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, pr: pm_port_request, p: port)

Generated for Portmapper request/reply dialogues of type getport.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Pr:The argument to the request.
P:The port returned by the server.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, m: pm_mappings)

Generated for Portmapper request/reply dialogues of type dump.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
M:The mappings returned by the server.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, call: pm_callit_request, p: port)

Generated for Portmapper request/reply dialogues of type callit.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Call:The argument to the request.
P:The port value returned by the call.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, status: rpc_status)

Generated for failed Portmapper requests of type null.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, status: rpc_status, m: pm_mapping)

Generated for failed Portmapper requests of type set.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.
M:The argument to the original request.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, status: rpc_status, m: pm_mapping)

Generated for failed Portmapper requests of type unset.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.
M:The argument to the original request.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, status: rpc_status, pr: pm_port_request)

Generated for failed Portmapper requests of type getport.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.
Pr:The argument to the original request.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, status: rpc_status)

Generated for failed Portmapper requests of type dump.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_callit, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, status: rpc_status, call: pm_callit_request)

Generated for failed Portmapper requests of type callit.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.
Call:The argument to the original request.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_bad_port, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (r: connection, bad_p: count)

Generated for Portmapper requests or replies that include an invalid port number. Since ports are represented by unsigned 4-byte integers, they can stray outside the allowed range of 0–65535 by being >= 65536. If so, this event is generated.

Portmapper is a service running on top of RPC. See Wikipedia for more information about the service.

R:The RPC connection.
Bad_p:The invalid port value.

See also: pm_request_null, pm_request_set, pm_request_unset, pm_request_getport, pm_request_dump, pm_request_callit, pm_attempt_null, pm_attempt_set, pm_attempt_unset, pm_attempt_getport, pm_attempt_dump, pm_attempt_callit, rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, prog: count, ver: count, proc: count, status: rpc_status, start_time: time, call_len: count, reply_len: count)

Generated for RPC request/reply pairs. The RPC analyzer associates request and reply by their transaction identifiers and raises this event once both have been seen. If there’s not a reply, this event will still be generated eventually on timeout. In that case, status will be set to RPC_TIMEOUT.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ONC RPC protocol.

C:The connection.
Prog:The remote program to call.
Ver:The version of the remote program to call.
Proc:The procedure of the remote program to call.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.
Start_time:The time when the call was seen.
Call_len:The size of the call_body PDU.
Reply_len:The size of the reply_body PDU.

See also: rpc_call, rpc_reply, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response, rpc_timeout


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, xid: count, prog: count, ver: count, proc: count, call_len: count)

Generated for RPC call messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ONC RPC protocol.

C:The connection.
Xid:The transaction identifier allowing to match requests with replies.
Prog:The remote program to call.
Ver:The version of the remote program to call.
Proc:The procedure of the remote program to call.
Call_len:The size of the call_body PDU.

See also: rpc_dialogue, rpc_reply, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response, rpc_timeout


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, xid: count, status: rpc_status, reply_len: count)

Generated for RPC reply messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the ONC RPC protocol.

C:The connection.
Xid:The transaction identifier allowing to match requests with replies.
Status:The status of the reply, which should be one of the index values of RPC_status.
Reply_len:The size of the reply_body PDU.

See also: rpc_call, rpc_dialogue, dce_rpc_bind, dce_rpc_message, dce_rpc_request, dce_rpc_response, rpc_timeout


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to add a call to Analyzer::register_for_ports or a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: MOUNT3::info_t)

Generated for MOUNT3 request/reply dialogues of type null. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out. MOUNT is a service running on top of RPC.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.

See also: mount_proc_mnt, mount_proc_umnt, mount_proc_umnt_all, mount_proc_not_implemented


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: MOUNT3::info_t, req: MOUNT3::dirmntargs_t, rep: MOUNT3::mnt_reply_t)

Generated for MOUNT3 request/reply dialogues of type mnt. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out. MOUNT is a service running on top of RPC.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.
Rep:The response returned in the reply. The values may not be valid if the request was unsuccessful.

See also: mount_proc_mnt, mount_proc_umnt, mount_proc_umnt_all, mount_proc_not_implemented


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: MOUNT3::info_t, req: MOUNT3::dirmntargs_t)

Generated for MOUNT3 request/reply dialogues of type umnt. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out. MOUNT is a service running on top of RPC.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.

See also: mount_proc_mnt, mount_proc_umnt, mount_proc_umnt_all, mount_proc_not_implemented


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: MOUNT3::info_t, req: MOUNT3::dirmntargs_t)

Generated for MOUNT3 request/reply dialogues of type umnt_all. The event is generated once we have either seen both the request and its corresponding reply, or an unanswered request has timed out. MOUNT is a service running on top of RPC.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Req:The arguments passed in the request.

See also: mount_proc_mnt, mount_proc_umnt, mount_proc_umnt_all, mount_proc_not_implemented


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (c: connection, info: MOUNT3::info_t, proc: MOUNT3::proc_t)

Generated for MOUNT3 request/reply dialogues of a type that Bro’s MOUNTv3 analyzer does not implement.

C:The RPC connection.
Info:Reports the status of the dialogue, along with some meta information.
Proc:The procedure called that Bro does not implement.

See also: mount_proc_mnt, mount_proc_umnt, mount_proc_umnt_all, mount_proc_not_implemented


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.

Type:event (n: connection, info: MOUNT3::info_t)

Generated for each MOUNT3 reply message received, reporting just the status included.

N:The connection.
Info:Reports the status included in the reply.

See also: mount_proc_mnt, mount_proc_umnt, mount_proc_umnt_all, mount_proc_not_implemented


Bro’s current default configuration does not activate the protocol analyzer that generates this event; the corresponding script has not yet been ported to Bro 2.x. To still enable this event, one needs to register a port for it or add a DPD payload signature.


SIP analyzer UDP-only


Type:event (c: connection, method: string, original_URI: string, version: string)

Generated for SIP requests, used in Voice over IP (VoIP).

This event is generated as soon as a request’s initial line has been parsed.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SIP protocol.

C:The connection.
Method:The SIP method extracted from the request (e.g., REGISTER, NOTIFY).
Original_URI:The unprocessed URI as specified in the request.
Version:The version number specified in the request (e.g., 2.0).

See also: sip_reply, sip_header, sip_all_headers, sip_begin_entity, sip_end_entity

Type:event (c: connection, version: string, code: count, reason: string)

Generated for SIP replies, used in Voice over IP (VoIP).

This event is generated as soon as a reply’s initial line has been parsed.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SIP protocol.

C:The connection.
Version:The SIP version in use.
Code:The response code.
Reason:Textual details for the response code.

See also: sip_request, sip_header, sip_all_headers, sip_begin_entity, sip_end_entity

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, name: string, value: string)

Generated for each SIP header.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SIP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Whether the header came from the originator.
Name:Header name.
Value:Header value.

See also: sip_request, sip_reply, sip_all_headers, sip_begin_entity, sip_end_entity

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, hlist: mime_header_list)

Generated once for all SIP headers from the originator or responder.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SIP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Whether the headers came from the originator.
Hlist:All the headers, and their values

See also: sip_request, sip_reply, sip_header, sip_begin_entity, sip_end_entity

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated at the beginning of a SIP message.

This event is generated as soon as a message’s initial line has been parsed.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SIP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Whether the message came from the originator.

See also: sip_request, sip_reply, sip_header, sip_all_headers, sip_end_entity

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated at the end of a SIP message.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SIP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Whether the message came from the originator.

See also: sip_request, sip_reply, sip_header, sip_all_headers, sip_begin_entity


SMB analyzer


Type:set [string]

A set of file names used as named pipes over SMB. This only comes into play as a heuristic to identify named pipes when the drive mapping wasn’t seen by Bro.

See also: smb_pipe_connect_heuristic




core: SMB1::NegotiateResponseCore &optional

If the server does not understand any of the dialect strings, or if PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0 is the chosen dialect.

lanman: SMB1::NegotiateResponseLANMAN &optional

If the chosen dialect is greater than core up to and including LANMAN 2.1.

ntlm: SMB1::NegotiateResponseNTLM &optional

If the chosen dialect is NT LM 0.12.



dialect_index: count

Index of selected dialect



word_count: count

Count of parameter words (should be 13)

dialect_index: count

Index of selected dialect

security_mode: SMB1::NegotiateResponseSecurity

Security mode

max_buffer_size: count

Max transmit buffer size (>= 1024)

max_mpx_count: count

Max pending multiplexed requests

max_number_vcs: count

Max number of virtual circuits (VCs - transport-layer connections) between client and server

raw_mode: SMB1::NegotiateRawMode

Raw mode

session_key: count

Unique token identifying this session

server_time: time

Current date and time at server

encryption_key: string

The challenge encryption key

primary_domain: string

The server’s primary domain



word_count: count

Count of parameter words (should be 17)

dialect_index: count

Index of selected dialect

security_mode: SMB1::NegotiateResponseSecurity

Security mode

max_buffer_size: count

Max transmit buffer size

max_mpx_count: count

Max pending multiplexed requests

max_number_vcs: count

Max number of virtual circuits (VCs - transport-layer connections) between client and server

max_raw_size: count

Max raw buffer size

session_key: count

Unique token identifying this session

capabilities: SMB1::NegotiateCapabilities

Server capabilities

server_time: time

Current date and time at server

encryption_key: string &optional

The challenge encryption key. Present only for non-extended security (i.e. capabilities$extended_security = F)

domain_name: string &optional

The name of the domain. Present only for non-extended security (i.e. capabilities$extended_security = F)

guid: string &optional

A globally unique identifier assigned to the server. Present only for extended security (i.e. capabilities$extended_security = T)

security_blob: string

Opaque security blob associated with the security package if capabilities$extended_security = T Otherwise, the challenge for challenge/response authentication.



user_level: bool

This indicates whether the server, as a whole, is operating under Share Level or User Level security.

challenge_response: bool

This indicates whether or not the server supports Challenge/Response authentication. If the bit is false, then plaintext passwords must be used.

signatures_enabled: bool &optional

This indicates if the server is capable of performing MAC message signing. Note: Requires NT LM 0.12 or later.

signatures_required: bool &optional

This indicates if the server is requiring the use of a MAC in each packet. If false, message signing is optional. Note: Requires NT LM 0.12 or later.



read_raw: bool

Read raw supported

write_raw: bool

Write raw supported



raw_mode: bool

The server supports SMB_COM_READ_RAW and SMB_COM_WRITE_RAW

mpx_mode: bool

The server supports SMB_COM_READ_MPX and SMB_COM_WRITE_MPX

unicode: bool

The server supports unicode strings

large_files: bool

The server supports large files with 64 bit offsets

nt_smbs: bool

The server supports the SMBs particilar to the NT LM 0.12 dialect. Implies nt_find.

rpc_remote_apis: bool

The server supports remote admin API requests via DCE-RPC

status32: bool

The server can respond with 32 bit status codes in Status.Status

level_2_oplocks: bool

The server supports level 2 oplocks

lock_and_read: bool

The server supports SMB_COM_LOCK_AND_READ

nt_find: bool


dfs: bool

The server is DFS aware

infolevel_passthru: bool

The server supports NT information level requests passing through

large_readx: bool

The server supports large SMB_COM_READ_ANDX (up to 64k)

large_writex: bool

The server supports large SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX (up to 64k)

unix: bool

The server supports CIFS Extensions for UNIX

bulk_transfer: bool

The server supports SMB_BULK_READ, SMB_BULK_WRITE Note: No known implementations support this

compressed_data: bool

The server supports compressed data transfer. Requires bulk_transfer. Note: No known implementations support this

extended_security: bool

The server supports extended security exchanges



word_count: count
Count of parameter words
  • 10 for pre NT LM 0.12
  • 12 for NT LM 0.12 with extended security
  • 13 for NT LM 0.12 without extended security
max_buffer_size: count

Client maximum buffer size

max_mpx_count: count

Actual maximum multiplexed pending request

vc_number: count

Virtual circuit number. First VC == 0

session_key: count

Session key (valid iff vc_number > 0)

native_os: string

Client’s native operating system

native_lanman: string

Client’s native LAN Manager type

account_name: string &optional

Account name Note: not set for NT LM 0.12 with extended security

account_password: string &optional

If challenge/response auth is not being used, this is the password. Otherwise, it’s the response to the server’s challenge. Note: Only set for pre NT LM 0.12

primary_domain: string &optional

Client’s primary domain, if known Note: not set for NT LM 0.12 with extended security

case_insensitive_password: string &optional

Case insensitive password Note: only set for NT LM 0.12 without extended security

case_sensitive_password: string &optional

Case sensitive password Note: only set for NT LM 0.12 without extended security

security_blob: string &optional

Security blob Note: only set for NT LM 0.12 with extended security

capabilities: SMB1::SessionSetupAndXCapabilities &optional

Client capabilities Note: only set for NT LM 0.12



word_count: count

Count of parameter words (should be 3 for pre NT LM 0.12 and 4 for NT LM 0.12)

is_guest: bool &optional

Were we logged in as a guest user?

native_os: string &optional

Server’s native operating system

native_lanman: string &optional

Server’s native LAN Manager type

primary_domain: string &optional

Server’s primary domain

security_blob: string &optional

Security blob if NTLM



unicode: bool

The client can use unicode strings

large_files: bool

The client can deal with files having 64 bit offsets

nt_smbs: bool

The client understands the SMBs introduced with NT LM 0.12 Implies nt_find

status32: bool

The client can receive 32 bit errors encoded in Status.Status

level_2_oplocks: bool

The client understands Level II oplocks

nt_find: bool

Reserved. Implied by nt_smbs.



total_param_count: count

Total parameter count

total_data_count: count

Total data count

param_count: count

Parameter count

param_offset: count

Parameter offset

param_displacement: count

Parameter displacement

data_count: count

Data count

data_offset: count

Data offset

data_displacement: count

Data displacement



search_attrs: count

File attributes to apply as a constraint to the search

search_count: count

Max search results

flags: count

Misc. flags for how the server should manage the transaction once results are returned

info_level: count

How detailed the information returned in the results should be

search_storage_type: count

Specify whether to search for directories or files

file_name: string

The string to serch for (note: may contain wildcards)



sid: count

The server generated search identifier

search_count: count

Number of results returned by the search

end_of_search: bool

Whether or not the search can be continued using the TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2 transaction

ext_attr_error: string &optional

An extended attribute name that couldn’t be retrieved



total_param_count: count

Total parameter count

total_data_count: count

Total data count

max_param_count: count

Max parameter count

max_data_count: count

Max data count

max_setup_count: count

Max setup count

flags: count


trans_timeout: count


param_count: count

Parameter count

param_offset: count

Parameter offset

data_count: count

Data count

data_offset: count

Data offset

setup_count: count

Setup count



total_param_count: count

Total parameter count

total_data_count: count

Total data count

param_count: count

Parameter count

param_offset: count

Parameter offset

param_displacement: count

Parameter displacement

data_count: count

Data count

data_offset: count

Data offset

data_displacement: count

Data displacement

FID: count

File ID



alloc_size: count

The size, in bytes of the data that is allocated to the file.

eof: count

The size, in bytes, of the file.

times: SMB::MACTimes

The creation, last access, last write, and change times.

attrs: SMB2::FileAttrs

The attributes of the file.

The response to an SMB2 close request, which is used by the client to close an instance of a file that was opened previously.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.16

See also: smb2_close_response



filename: string

Name of the file

disposition: count

Defines the action the server MUST take if the file that is specified already exists.

create_options: count

Specifies the options to be applied when creating or opening the file.

The request sent by the client to request either creation of or access to a file.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.13

See also: smb2_create_request



file_id: SMB2::GUID

The SMB2 GUID for the file.

size: count

Size of the file.

times: SMB::MACTimes

Timestamps associated with the file in question.

attrs: SMB2::FileAttrs

File attributes.

create_action: count

The action taken in establishing the open.

The response to an SMB2 create_request request, which is sent by the client to request either creation of or access to a file.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.14

See also: smb2_create_response



dialect_revision: count

The preferred common SMB2 Protocol dialect number from the array that was sent in the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Request.

security_mode: count

The security mode field specifies whether SMB signing is enabled, required at the server, or both.

server_guid: string

A globally unique identifier that is generate by the server to uniquely identify the server.

system_time: time

The system time of the SMB2 server when the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Request was processed.

server_start_time: time

The SMB2 server start time.

The response to an SMB2 negotiate request, which is used by tghe client to notify the server what dialects of the SMB2 protocol the client understands.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.4

See also: smb2_negotiate_response



security_mode: count

The security mode field specifies whether SMB signing is enabled or required at the client.

The request sent by the client to request a new authenticated session within a new or existing SMB 2 Protocol transport connection to the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.5

See also: smb2_session_setup_request



flags: SMB2::SessionSetupFlags

Additional information about the session

The response to an SMB2 session_setup request, which is sent by the client to request a new authenticated session within a new or existing SMB 2 Protocol transport connection to the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.6

See also: smb2_session_setup_response



guest: bool

If set, the client has been authenticated as a guest user.

anonymous: bool

If set, the client has been authenticated as an anonymous user.

encrypt: bool

If set, the server requires encryption of messages on this session.

A flags field that indicates additional information about the session that’s sent in the session_setup response.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.6

See also: smb2_session_setup_response



share_type: count

The type of share being accessed. Physical disk, named pipe, or printer.

The response to an SMB2 tree_connect request, which is sent by the client to request access to a particular share on the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.9

See also: smb2_tree_connect_response



modified: time &log

The time when data was last written to the file.

accessed: time &log

The time when the file was last accessed.

created: time &log

The time the file was created.

changed: time &log

The time when the file was last modified.



MAC times for a file.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.16

See also: smb1_nt_create_andx_response, smb2_create_response



command: count

The command number

status: count

The status code

flags: count

Flag set 1

flags2: count

Flag set 2

tid: count

Tree ID

pid: count

Process ID

uid: count

User ID

mid: count

Multiplex ID

An SMB1 header.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_empty_response, smb1_error, smb1_check_directory_request, smb1_check_directory_response, smb1_close_request, smb1_create_directory_request, smb1_create_directory_response, smb1_echo_request, smb1_echo_response, smb1_negotiate_request, smb1_negotiate_response, smb1_nt_cancel_request, smb1_nt_create_andx_request, smb1_nt_create_andx_response, smb1_query_information_request, smb1_read_andx_request, smb1_read_andx_response, smb1_session_setup_andx_request, smb1_session_setup_andx_response, smb1_transaction_request, smb1_transaction2_request, smb1_trans2_find_first2_request, smb1_trans2_query_path_info_request, smb1_trans2_get_dfs_referral_request, smb1_tree_connect_andx_request, smb1_tree_connect_andx_response, smb1_tree_disconnect, smb1_write_andx_request, smb1_write_andx_response



credit_charge: count

The number of credits that this request consumes

status: count

In a request, this is an indication to the server about the client’s channel change. In a response, this is the status field

command: count

The command code of the packet

credits: count

The number of credits the client is requesting, or the number of credits granted to the client in a response.

flags: count

A flags field, which indicates how to process the operation (e.g. asynchronously)

message_id: count

A value that uniquely identifies the message request/response pair across all messages that are sent on the same transport protocol connection

process_id: count

A value that uniquely identifies the process that generated the event.

tree_id: count

A value that uniquely identifies the tree connect for the command.

session_id: count

A value that uniquely identifies the established session for the command.

signature: string

The 16-byte signature of the message, if SMB2_FLAGS_SIGNED is set in the flags field.

An SMB2 header.

For more information, see MS-SMB2: and MS-SMB2:

See also: smb2_message, smb2_close_request, smb2_close_response, smb2_create_request, smb2_create_response, smb2_negotiate_request, smb2_negotiate_response, smb2_read_request, smb2_session_setup_request, smb2_session_setup_response, smb2_file_rename, smb2_file_delete, smb2_tree_connect_request, smb2_tree_connect_response, smb2_write_request



persistent: count

A file handle that remains persistent when reconnected after a disconnect

volatile: count

A file handle that can be changed when reconnected after a disconnect

An SMB2 globally unique identifier which identifies a file.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:

See also: smb2_close_request, smb2_create_response, smb2_read_request, smb2_file_rename, smb2_file_delete, smb2_write_request



read_only: bool

The file is read only. Applications can read the file but cannot write to it or delete it.

hidden: bool

The file is hidden. It is not to be included in an ordinary directory listing.

system: bool

The file is part of or is used exclusively by the operating system.

directory: bool

The file is a directory.

archive: bool

The file has not been archived since it was last modified. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.

normal: bool

The file has no other attributes set. This attribute is valid only if used alone.

temporary: bool

The file is temporary. This is a hint to the cache manager that it does not need to flush the file to backing storage.

sparse_file: bool

A file that is a sparse file.

reparse_point: bool

A file or directory that has an associated reparse point.

compressed: bool

The file or directory is compressed. For a file, this means that all of the data in the file is compressed. For a directory, this means that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.

offline: bool

The data in this file is not available immediately. This attribute indicates that the file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, which is hierarchical storage management software.

not_content_indexed: bool

A file or directory that is not indexed by the content indexing service.

encrypted: bool

A file or directory that is encrypted. For a file, all data streams in the file are encrypted. For a directory, encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.

integrity_stream: bool

A file or directory that is configured with integrity support. For a file, all data streams in the file have integrity support. For a directory, integrity support is the default for newly created files and subdirectories, unless the caller specifies otherwise.

no_scrub_data: bool

A file or directory that is configured to be excluded from the data integrity scan.

A series of boolean flags describing basic and extended file attributes for SMB2.

For more information, see MS-CIFS: and MS-FSCC:2.6

See also: smb2_create_response


Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, directory_name: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type check directory. This is used by the client to verify that a specified path resolves to a valid directory on the server.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Directory_name:The directory name to check for existence.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_check_directory_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type check directory. This is the server response to the check directory request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_check_directory_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_id: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type close. This is used by the client to close an instance of an object associated with a valid file ID.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
File_id:The file identifier being closed.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, directory_name: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type create directory. This is a deprecated command which has been replaced by the trans2_create_directory subcommand. This is used by the client to create a new directory on the server, relative to a connected share.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Directory_name:The name of the directory to create.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_create_directory_response, smb1_transaction2_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type create directory. This is a deprecated command which has been replaced by the trans2_create_directory subcommand. This is the server response to the create directory request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_create_directory_request, smb1_transaction2_request

Type:event (c: connection, echo_count: count, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type echo. This is sent by the client to test the transport layer connection with the server.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Echo_count:The number of times the server should echo the data back.
Data:The data for the server to echo.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_echo_response

Type:event (c: connection, seq_num: count, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type echo. This is the server response to the echo request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Seq_num:The sequence number of this echo reply.
Data:The data echoed back from the client.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_echo_request

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type logoff andx. This is used by the client to logoff the user connection represented by UID in the SMB Header. The server releases all locks and closes all files currently open by this user, disconnects all tree connects, cancels any outstanding requests for this UID, and invalidates the UID.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Indicates which host sent the logoff message.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, dialects: string_vec)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type negotiate. This is sent by the client to initiate an SMB connection between the client and the server. A negotiate exchange MUST be completed before any other SMB messages are sent to the server.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Dialects:The SMB dialects supported by the client.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_negotiate_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, response: SMB1::NegotiateResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type negotiate. This is the server response to the negotiate request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Response:A record structure containing more information from the response.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_negotiate_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_name: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type nt create andx. This is sent by the client to create and open a new file, or to open an existing file, or to open and truncate an existing file to zero length, or to create a directory, or to create a connection to a named pipe.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Name:The name attribute specified in the message.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_nt_create_andx_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_id: count, file_size: count, times: SMB::MACTimes)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type nt create andx. This is the server response to the nt create andx request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
File_id:The SMB2 GUID for the file.
File_size:Size of the file.
Times:Timestamps associated with the file in question.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_nt_create_andx_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type nt cancel. This is sent by the client to request that a currently pending request be cancelled.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, filename: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type query information. This is a deprecated command which has been replaced by the trans2_query_path_information subcommand. This is used by the client to obtain attribute information about a file.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Filename:The filename that the client is querying.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_transaction2_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_id: count, offset: count, length: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type read andx. This is sent by the client to read bytes from a regular file, a named pipe, or a directly accessible device such as a serial port (COM) or printer port (LPT).

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
File_id:The file identifier being written to.
Offset:The byte offset the requested read begins at.
Length:The number of bytes being requested.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_read_andx_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, data_len: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type read andx. This is the server response to the read andx request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Data_len:The length of data from the requested file.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_read_andx_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, request: SMB1::SessionSetupAndXRequest)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type setup andx. This is sent by the client to configure an SMB session.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Request:The parsed request data of the SMB message. See init-bare for more details.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_session_setup_andx_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, response: SMB1::SessionSetupAndXResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type setup andx. This is the server response to the setup andx request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Response:The parsed response data of the SMB message. See init-bare for more details.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_session_setup_andx_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, name: string, sub_cmd: count, parameters: string, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type transaction. This command serves as the transport for the Transaction Subprotocol Commands. These commands operate on mailslots and named pipes, which are interprocess communication endpoints within the CIFS file system.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Name:A name string that MAY identify the resource (a specific Mailslot or Named Pipe) against which the operation is performed.
Sub_cmd:The sub command, some may be parsed and have their own events.
Parameters:content of the SMB_Data.Trans_Parameters field
Data:content of the SMB_Data.Trans_Data field

See also: smb1_message, smb1_transaction2_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, parameters: string, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type transaction. This command serves as the transport for the Transaction Subprotocol Commands. These commands operate on mailslots and named pipes, which are interprocess communication endpoints within the CIFS file system.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Parameters:content of the SMB_Data.Trans_Parameters field
Data:content of the SMB_Data.Trans_Data field
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, args: SMB1::Trans_Sec_Args, parameters: string, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type transaction_secondary. This command serves as an additional request data container for the Transaction Subprotocol Commands (carried by transaction requests).

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Parameters:the SMB_Data.Trans_Parameters field content
Data:the SMB_Data.Trans_Data field content
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, args: SMB1::Trans2_Args, sub_cmd: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type transaction2. This command serves as the transport for the Transaction2 Subprotocol Commands. These commands operate on mailslots and named pipes, which are interprocess communication endpoints within the CIFS file system. Compared to the Transaction Subprotocol Commands, these commands allow clients to set and retrieve Extended Attribute key/value pairs, make use of long file names (longer than the original 8.3 format names), and perform directory searches, among other tasks.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Sub_cmd:The sub command, some are parsed and have their own events.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_trans2_find_first2_request, smb1_trans2_query_path_info_request, smb1_trans2_get_dfs_referral_request, smb1_transaction_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, args: SMB1::Find_First2_Request_Args)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 transaction2 requests of subtype find first2. This transaction is used to begin a search for file(s) within a directory or for a directory

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Args:A record data structure with arguments given to the command.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_transaction2_request, smb1_trans2_query_path_info_request, smb1_trans2_get_dfs_referral_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_name: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 transaction2 requests of subtype query path info. This transaction is used to get information about a specific file or directory.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
File_name:File name the request is in reference to.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_transaction2_request, smb1_trans2_find_first2_request, smb1_trans2_get_dfs_referral_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_name: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 transaction2 requests of subtype get DFS referral. This transaction is used to request a referral for a disk object in DFS.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
File_name:File name the request is in reference to.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_transaction2_request, smb1_trans2_find_first2_request, smb1_trans2_query_path_info_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, args: SMB1::Trans2_Sec_Args, parameters: string, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type transaction2 secondary.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Args:arguments of the message (SMB_Parameters.Words)
Parameters:content of the SMB_Data.Trans_Parameters field
Data:content of the SMB_Data.Trans_Data field
Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, path: string, service: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type tree connect andx. This is sent by the client to establish a connection to a server share.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Path:The path attribute specified in the message.
Service:The service attribute specified in the message.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_tree_connect_andx_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, service: string, native_file_system: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type tree connect andx. This is the server reply to the tree connect andx request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Service:The service attribute specified in the message.
 The file system of the remote server as indicate by the server.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_tree_connect_andx_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, is_orig: bool)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type tree disconnect. This is sent by the client to logically disconnect client access to a server resource.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Is_orig:True if the message was from the originator.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, file_id: count, offset: count, data_len: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type write andx. This is sent by the client to write bytes to a regular file, a named pipe, or a directly accessible I/O device such as a serial port (COM) or printer port (LPT).

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Offset:The byte offset into the referenced file data is being written.
Data:The data being written.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_write_andx_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, written_bytes: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type write andx. This is the server response to the write andx request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Written_bytes:The number of bytes the server reported having actually written.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_write_andx_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, is_orig: bool)

Generated for all SMB/CIFS version 1 messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SMB/CIFS protocol. Bro’s SMB/CIFS analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS on ports 138/139 and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Is_orig:True if the message was sent by the originator of the underlying transport-level connection.

See also: smb2_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header)

Generated when there is an SMB version 1 response with no message body.

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB message.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB1::Header, is_orig: bool)

Generated for SMB version 1 messages that indicate an error. This event is triggered by an SMB header including a status that signals an error.

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB message.
Is_orig:True if the message was sent by the originator of the underlying transport-level connection.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, file_id: SMB2::GUID)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type close. This is used by the client to close an instance of a file that was opened previously with a successful SMB2 CREATE Request.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.15

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
File_name:The SMB2 GUID of the file being closed.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_close_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, response: SMB2::CloseResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 responses of type close. This is sent by the server to indicate that an SMB2 CLOSE request was processed successfully.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.16

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Response:A record of attributes returned from the server from the close.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_close_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, request: SMB2::CreateRequest)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type create. This is sent by the client to request either creation of or access to a file.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.13

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Request:A record with more information related to the request.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_create_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, response: SMB2::CreateResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 responses of type create. This is sent by the server to notify the client of the status of its SMB2 CREATE request.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.14

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Response:A record with more information related to the response.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_create_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, dialects: index_vec)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type negotiate. This is used by the client to notify the server what dialects of the SMB2 Protocol the client understands.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.3

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Dialects:A vector of the client’s supported dialects.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_negotiate_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, response: SMB2::NegotiateResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 responses of type negotiate. This is sent by the server to notify the client of the preferred common dialect.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.4

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Response:The negotiate response data structure.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_negotiate_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, file_id: SMB2::GUID, offset: count, length: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type read. This is sent by the client to request a read operation on the specified file.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.19

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
File_id:The GUID being used for the file.
Offset:How far into the file this read should be taking place.
Length:The number of bytes of the file being read.

See also: smb2_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, request: SMB2::SessionSetupRequest)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type session_setup. This is sent by the client to request a new authenticated session within a new or existing SMB 2 Protocol transport connection to the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.5

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Request:A record containing more information related to the request.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_session_setup_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, response: SMB2::SessionSetupResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 responses of type session_setup. This is sent by the server in response to a session_setup request.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.6

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Response:A record containing more information related to the response.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_session_setup_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, file_id: SMB2::GUID, dst_filename: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type set_info of the rename subtype.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.39

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
File_id:A GUID to identify the file.
Dst_filename:The filename to rename the file into.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_file_delete, smb2_file_sattr

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, file_id: SMB2::GUID, delete_pending: bool)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type set_info of the delete subtype.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.39

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
File_id:The SMB2 GUID for the file.
Delete_pending:A boolean value to indicate that a file should be deleted when it’s closed if set to T.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_file_rename, smb2_file_sattr

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, file_id: SMB2::GUID, times: SMB::MACTimes, attrs: SMB2::FileAttrs)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type set_info of the file subtype

For more infomation, see MS-SMB2:2.2.39

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
File_id:The SMB2 GUID for the file.
Times:Timestamps associated with the file in question.
Attrs:File attributes.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_file_rename, smb2_file_delete

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, path: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type tree_connect. This is sent by a client to request access to a particular share on the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.9

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Path:Path of the requested tree.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_tree_connect_response

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, response: SMB2::TreeConnectResponse)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 responses of type tree_connect. This is sent by the server when a tree_connect request is successfully processed by the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.10

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Response:A record with more information related to the response.

See also: smb2_message, smb2_tree_connect_request

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type tree disconnect. This is sent by the client to logically disconnect client access to a server resource.

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.

See also: smb2_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type tree disconnect. This is sent by the server to logically disconnect client access to a server resource.

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.

See also: smb2_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, file_id: SMB2::GUID, offset: count, length: count)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 requests of type write. This is sent by the client to write data to the file or named pipe on the server.

For more information, see MS-SMB2:2.2.21

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
File_id:The GUID being used for the file.
Offset:How far into the file this write should be taking place.
Length:The number of bytes of the file being written.

See also: smb2_message

Type:event (c: connection, hdr: SMB2::Header, is_orig: bool)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 2 messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SMB/CIFS protocol. Bro’s SMB/CIFS analyzer parses both SMB-over-NetBIOS on ports 138/139 and SMB-over-TCP on port 445.

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 2 message.
Is_orig:True if the message came from the originator side.

See also: smb1_message

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for SMB connections when a named pipe has been detected heuristically. The case when this comes up is when the drive mapping isn’t seen so the analyzer is not able to determine whether to send the data to the files framework or to the DCE_RPC analyzer. This heuristic can be tuned by adding or removing “named pipe” names from the SMB::pipe_filenames const.

C:The connection.


SMTP analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, command: string, arg: string)

Generated for client-side SMTP commands.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SMTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the sender of the command is the originator of the TCP connection. Note that this is not redundant: the SMTP TURN command allows client and server to flip roles on established SMTP sessions, and hence a “request” might still come from the TCP-level responder. In practice, however, that will rarely happen as TURN is considered insecure and rarely used.
Command:The request’s command, without any arguments.
Arg:The request command’s arguments.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, smtp_data, smtp_reply


Bro does not support the newer ETRN extension yet.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, code: count, cmd: string, msg: string, cont_resp: bool)

Generated for server-side SMTP commands.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SMTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the sender of the command is the originator of the TCP connection. Note that this is not redundant: the SMTP TURN command allows client and server to flip roles on established SMTP sessions, and hence a “reply” might still come from the TCP-level originator. In practice, however, that will rarely happen as TURN is considered insecure and rarely used.
Code:The reply’s numerical code.
Msg:The reply’s textual description.
Cont_resp:True if the reply line is tagged as being continued to the next line. If so, further events will be raised and a handler may want to reassemble the pieces before processing the response any further.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, smtp_data, smtp_request


Bro doesn’t support the newer ETRN extension yet.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, data: string)

Generated for DATA transmitted on SMTP sessions. This event is raised for subsequent chunks of raw data following the DATA SMTP command until the corresponding end marker . is seen. A handler may want to reassemble the pieces as they come in if stream-analysis is required.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SMTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the sender of the data is the originator of the TCP connection.
Data:The raw data. Note that the size of each chunk is undefined and depends on specifics of the underlying TCP connection.

See also: mime_all_data, mime_all_headers, mime_begin_entity, mime_content_hash, mime_end_entity, mime_entity_data, mime_event, mime_one_header, mime_segment_data, smtp_reply, smtp_request, skip_smtp_data


This event receives the unprocessed raw data. There is a separate set of mime_* events that strip out the outer MIME-layer of emails and provide structured access to their content.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: string, detail: string)

Generated for unexpected activity on SMTP sessions. The SMTP analyzer tracks the state of SMTP sessions and reports commands and other activity with this event that it sees even though it would not expect so at the current point of the communication.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SMTP protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the sender of the unexpected activity is the originator of the TCP connection.
Msg:A descriptive message of what was unexpected.
Detail:The actual SMTP line triggering the event.

See also: smtp_data, smtp_request, smtp_reply

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated if a connection switched to using TLS using STARTTLS or X-ANONYMOUSTLS. After this event no more SMTP events will be raised for the connection. See the SSL analyzer for related SSL events, which will now be generated.

C:The connection.


Type:function (c: connection) : any

Skips SMTP data until the next email in a connection.

C:The SMTP connection.

See also: skip_http_entity_data


SNMP analyzer




version: count

v1: SNMP::HeaderV1 &optional

Set when version is 0.

v2: SNMP::HeaderV2 &optional

Set when version is 1.

v3: SNMP::HeaderV3 &optional

Set when version is 3.

A generic SNMP header data structure that may include data from any version of SNMP. The value of the version field determines what header field is initialized.



community: string

The top-level message data structure of an SNMPv1 datagram, not including the PDU data. See RFC 1157.



community: string

The top-level message data structure of an SNMPv2 datagram, not including the PDU data. See RFC 1901.



id: count

max_size: count

flags: count

auth_flag: bool

priv_flag: bool

reportable_flag: bool

security_model: count

security_params: string

pdu_context: SNMP::ScopedPDU_Context &optional

The top-level message data structure of an SNMPv3 datagram, not including the PDU data. See RFC 3412.



request_id: int

error_status: int

error_index: int

bindings: SNMP::Bindings

A PDU data structure from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.



enterprise: string

agent: addr

generic_trap: int

specific_trap: int

time_stamp: count

bindings: SNMP::Bindings

A Trap-PDU data structure from RFC 1157.



request_id: int

non_repeaters: count

max_repititions: count

bindings: SNMP::Bindings

A BulkPDU data structure from RFC 3416.



engine_id: string

name: string

The ScopedPduData data structure of an SNMPv3 datagram, not including the PDU data (i.e. just the “context” fields). See RFC 3412.



tag: count

oid: string &optional

signed: int &optional

unsigned: count &optional

address: addr &optional

octets: string &optional

A generic SNMP object value, that may include any of the valid ObjectSyntax values from RFC 1155 or RFC 3416. The value is decoded whenever possible and assigned to the appropriate field, which can be determined from the value of the tag field. For tags that can’t be mapped to an appropriate type, the octets field holds the BER encoded ASN.1 content if there is any (though, octets is may also be used for other tags such as OCTET STRINGS or Opaque). Null values will only have their corresponding tag value set.



oid: string

value: SNMP::ObjectValue

The VarBind data structure from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416, which maps an Object Identifier to a value.

Type:vector of SNMP::Binding

A VarBindList data structure from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416. A sequences of SNMP::Binding, which maps an OIDs to values.


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP GetRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP GetNextRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP GetResponse-PDU message from RFC 1157 or a Response-PDU from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP SetRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::TrapPDU)

An SNMP Trap-PDU message from RFC 1157.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::BulkPDU)

An SNMP GetBulkRequest-PDU message from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP InformRequest-PDU message from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP SNMPv2-Trap-PDU message from RFC 1157.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP Report-PDU message from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, tag: count)

An SNMP PDU message of unknown type.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Tag:The tag of the unknown SNMP PDU.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, tag: count)

An SNMPv3 ScopedPDUData of unknown type (neither plaintext or an encrypted PDU was in the datagram).

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Tag:The tag of the unknown SNMP PDU scope.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header)

An SNMPv3 encrypted PDU message.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, version: count)

A datagram with an unknown SNMP version.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Version:The value of the unknown SNMP version.


SOCKS analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, version: count, request_type: count, sa: SOCKS::Address, p: port, user: string)

Generated when a SOCKS request is analyzed.

C:The parent connection of the proxy.
Version:The version of SOCKS this message used.
Request_type:The type of the request.
Sa:Address that the tunneled traffic should be sent to.
P:The destination port for the proxied traffic.
User:Username given for the SOCKS connection. This is not yet implemented for SOCKSv5.
Type:event (c: connection, version: count, reply: count, sa: SOCKS::Address, p: port)

Generated when a SOCKS reply is analyzed.

C:The parent connection of the proxy.
Version:The version of SOCKS this message used.
Reply:The status reply from the server.
Sa:The address that the server sent the traffic to.
P:The destination port for the proxied traffic.
Type:event (c: connection, user: string, password: string)

Generated when a SOCKS client performs username and password based login.

C:The parent connection of the proxy.
User:The given username.
Password:The given password.
Type:event (c: connection, code: count)

Generated when a SOCKS server replies to a username/password login attempt.

C:The parent connection of the proxy.
Code:The response code for the attempted login.


Secure Shell analyzer




client_to_server: vector of string &optional

The algorithm preferences for client to server communication

server_to_client: vector of string &optional

The algorithm preferences for server to client communication

The client and server each have some preferences for the algorithms used in each direction.



kex_algorithms: string_vec

Key exchange algorithms

server_host_key_algorithms: string_vec

The algorithms supported for the server host key

encryption_algorithms: SSH::Algorithm_Prefs

Symmetric encryption algorithm preferences

mac_algorithms: SSH::Algorithm_Prefs

Symmetric MAC algorithm preferences

compression_algorithms: SSH::Algorithm_Prefs

Compression algorithm preferences

languages: SSH::Algorithm_Prefs &optional

Language preferences

is_server: bool

Are these the capabilities of the server?

This record lists the preferences of an SSH endpoint for algorithm selection. During the initial SSH key exchange, each endpoint lists the algorithms that it supports, in order of preference. See RFC 4253#section-7.1 for details.


Type:event (c: connection, version: string)

An SSH Protocol Version Exchange message from the server. This contains an identification string that’s used for version identification. See RFC 4253#section-4.2 for details.

C:The connection over which the message was sent.
Version:The identification string

See also: ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, version: string)

An SSH Protocol Version Exchange message from the client. This contains an identification string that’s used for version identification. See RFC 4253#section-4.2 for details.

C:The connection over which the message was sent.
Version:The identification string

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, auth_method_none: bool)

This event is generated when an SSH connection was determined to have had a successful authentication. This determination is based on packet size analysis, and errs on the side of caution - that is, if there’s any doubt about the authentication success, this event is not raised.

C:The connection over which the SSH connection took place.
 This is true if the analyzer detected a successful connection before any authentication challenge. The SSH protocol provides a mechanism for unauthenticated access, which some servers support.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, authenticated: bool)

This event is generated when an SSH connection was determined to have had an authentication attempt. This determination is based on packet size analysis, and errs on the side of caution - that is, if there’s any doubt about whether or not an authenication attempt occured, this event is not raised.

At this point in the protocol, all we can determine is whether or not the user is authenticated. We don’t know if the particular attempt succeeded or failed, since some servers require multiple authentications (e.g. require both a password AND a pubkey), and could return an authentication failed message which is marked as a partial success.

This event will often be raised multiple times per connection. In almost all connections, it will be raised once unless

C:The connection over which the SSH connection took place.
Authenticated:This is true if the analyzer detected a successful connection from the authentication attempt.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, cookie: string, capabilities: SSH::Capabilities)

During the initial SSH key exchange, each endpoint lists the algorithms that it supports, in order of preference. This event is generated for each endpoint, when the SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message is seen. See RFC 4253#section-7.1 for details.

C:The connection over which the SSH connection took place.
Cookie:The SSH_MSG_KEXINIT cookie - a random value generated by the sender.
Capabilities:The list of algorithms and languages that the sender advertises support for, in order of preference.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, key: string)

During the SSH key exchange, the server supplies its public host key. This event is generated when the appropriate key exchange message is seen for SSH2.

C:The connection over which the SSH connection took place.
Key:The server’s public host key. Note that this is the public key itself, and not just the fingerprint or hash.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, p: string, e: string)

During the SSH key exchange, the server supplies its public host key. This event is generated when the appropriate key exchange message is seen for SSH1.

C:The connection over which the SSH connection took place.
P:The prime for the server’s public host key.
E:The exponent for the serer’s public host key.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, orig: bool, len: count)

This event is generated when an SSH encrypted packet is seen. This event is not handled by default, but is provided for heuristic analysis scripts. Note that you have to set SSH::disable_analyzer_after_detection to false to use this event. This carries a performance penalty.

C:The connection over which the SSH connection took place.
Orig:Whether the packet was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Len:The length of the SSH payload, in bytes. Note that this ignores reassembly, as this is unknown.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, p: string, q: string)

Generated if the connection uses a Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange key exchange method. This event contains the server DH parameters, which are sent in the SSH_MSG_KEY_DH_GEX_GROUP message as defined in RFC 4419#section-3.

C:The connection.
P:The DH prime modulus.
Q:The DH generator.

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_gss_error, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, major_status: count, minor_status: count, err_msg: string)

In the event of a GSS-API error on the server, the server MAY send send an error message with some additional details. This event is generated when such an error message is seen. For more information, see RFC 4462#section-2.1.

C:The connection.
Major_status:GSS-API major status code.
Minor_status:GSS-API minor status code.
Err_msg:Detailed human-readable error message

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_ecc_key

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, q: string)

The ECDH and ECMQV key exchange algorithms use two ephemeral key pairs to generate a shared secret. This event is generated when either the client’s or server’s ephemeral public key is seen. For more information, see: RFC 5656#section-4.

C:The connection
Is_orig:Did this message come from the originator?
Q:The ephemeral public key

See also: ssh_server_version, ssh_client_version, ssh_auth_successful, ssh_auth_failed, ssh_auth_result, ssh_auth_attempted, ssh_capabilities, ssh2_server_host_key, ssh1_server_host_key, ssh_server_host_key, ssh_encrypted_packet, ssh2_dh_server_params, ssh2_gss_error


SSL/TLS and DTLS analyzers




HashAlgorithm: count

Hash algorithm number

SignatureAlgorithm: count

Signature algorithm number


Type:event (c: connection, version: count, record_version: count, possible_ts: time, client_random: string, session_id: string, ciphers: index_vec, comp_methods: index_vec)

Generated for an SSL/TLS client’s initial hello message. SSL/TLS sessions start with an unencrypted handshake, and Bro extracts as much information out of that as it can. This event provides access to the initial information sent by the client.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SSL/TLS protocol.

C:The connection.
Version:The protocol version as extracted from the client’s message. The values are standardized as part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The SSL::version_strings table maps them to descriptive names.
Record_version:TLS version given in the record layer of the message. Set to 0 for SSLv2.
Possible_ts:The current time as sent by the client. Note that SSL/TLS does not require clocks to be set correctly, so treat with care.
Session_id:The session ID sent by the client (if any).
Client_random:The random value sent by the client. For version 2 connections, the client challenge is returned.
Ciphers:The list of ciphers the client offered to use. The values are standardized as part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The SSL::cipher_desc table maps them to descriptive names.
Comp_methods:The list of compression methods that the client offered to use. This value is not sent in TLSv1.3 or SSLv2.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, x509_certificate, ssl_handshake_message, ssl_change_cipher_spec, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms

Type:event (c: connection, version: count, record_version: count, possible_ts: time, server_random: string, session_id: string, cipher: count, comp_method: count)

Generated for an SSL/TLS server’s initial hello message. SSL/TLS sessions start with an unencrypted handshake, and Bro extracts as much information out of that as it can. This event provides access to the initial information sent by the client.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SSL/TLS protocol.

C:The connection.
Version:The protocol version as extracted from the server’s message. The values are standardized as part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The SSL::version_strings table maps them to descriptive names.
Record_version:TLS version given in the record layer of the message. Set to 0 for SSLv2.
Possible_ts:The current time as sent by the server. Note that SSL/TLS does not require clocks to be set correctly, so treat with care. This value is not sent in TLSv1.3.
Session_id:The session ID as sent back by the server (if any). This value is not sent in TLSv1.3.
Server_random:The random value sent by the server. For version 2 connections, the connection-id is returned.
Cipher:The cipher chosen by the server. The values are standardized as part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The SSL::cipher_desc table maps them to descriptive names.
Comp_method:The compression method chosen by the client. The values are standardized as part of the SSL/TLS protocol. This value is not sent in TLSv1.3 or SSLv2.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, x509_certificate, ssl_server_curve, ssl_dh_server_params, ssl_handshake_message, ssl_change_cipher_spec, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, code: count, val: string)

Generated for SSL/TLS extensions seen in an initial handshake. SSL/TLS sessions start with an unencrypted handshake, and Bro extracts as much information out of that as it can. This event provides access to any extensions either side sends as part of an extended hello message.

Note that Bro offers more specialized events for a few extensions.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Code:The numerical code of the extension. The values are standardized as part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The SSL::extensions table maps them to descriptive names.
Val:The raw extension value that was sent in the message.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_extension_signature_algorithm, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, curves: index_vec)

Generated for an SSL/TLS Elliptic Curves extension. This TLS extension is defined in RFC 4492 and sent by the client in the initial handshake. It gives the list of elliptic curves supported by the client.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Curves:List of supported elliptic curves.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_server_curve, ssl_extension_signature_algorithm, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_rsa_client_pms, ssl_server_signature, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, point_formats: index_vec)

Generated for an SSL/TLS Supported Point Formats extension. This TLS extension is defined in RFC 4492 and sent by the client and/or server in the initial handshake. It gives the list of elliptic curve point formats supported by the client.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Point_formats:List of supported point formats.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_server_curve, ssl_extension_signature_algorithm, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms, ssl_server_signature

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, signature_algorithms: signature_and_hashalgorithm_vec)

Generated for an Signature Algorithms extension. This TLS extension is defined in RFC 5246 and sent by the client in the initial handshake. It gives the list of signature and hash algorithms supported by the client.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
 List of supported signature and hash algorithm pairs.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_server_curve, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms, ssl_server_signature

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, curves: index_vec)

Generated for a Key Share extension. This TLS extension is defined in TLS1.3-draft16 and sent by the client and the server in the initial handshake. It gives the list of named groups supported by the client and chosen by the server.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Curves:List of supported/chosen named groups.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_server_curve, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms, ssl_server_signature

Type:event (c: connection, curve: count)

Generated if a named curve is chosen by the server for an SSL/TLS connection. The curve is sent by the server in the ServerKeyExchange message as defined in RFC 4492, in case an ECDH or ECDHE cipher suite is chosen.

C:The connection.
Curve:The curve.


This event is deprecated and superseded by the ssl_ecdh_server_params event. This event will be removed in a future version of Bro.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms, ssl_server_signature

Type:event (c: connection, curve: count, point: string)

Generated if a server uses an ECDH-anon or ECDHE cipher suite using a named curve This event contains the named curve name and the server ECDH parameters contained in the ServerKeyExchange message as defined in RFC 4492.

C:The connection.
Curve:The curve parameters.
Point:The server’s ECDH public key.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_server_curve, ssl_server_signature, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms

Type:event (c: connection, p: string, q: string, Ys: string)

Generated if a server uses a DH-anon or DHE cipher suite. This event contains the server DH parameters, contained in the ServerKeyExchange message as defined in RFC 5246.

C:The connection.
P:The DH prime modulus.
Q:The DH generator.
Ys:The server’s DH public key.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_server_curve, ssl_server_signature, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms

Type:event (c: connection, signature_and_hashalgorithm: SSL::SignatureAndHashAlgorithm, signature: string)

Generated if a server uses a non-anonymous DHE or ECDHE cipher suite. This event contains the server signature over the key exchange parameters contained in the ServerKeyExchange message as defined in RFC 4492 and RFC 5246.

C:The connection.
 signature and hash algorithm used for the digitally_signed struct. This field is only present starting with TLSv1.2 and DTLSv1.2. Earlier versions used a hardcoded hash algorithm. For protocol versions below D(TLS)v1.2 this field is filled with an dummy value of 256.
Signature:Signature part of the digitally_signed struct. The private key corresponding to the certified public key in the server’s certificate message is used for signing.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_server_curve, ssl_rsa_client_pms, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params

Type:event (c: connection, point: string)

Generated if a client uses an ECDH-anon or ECDHE cipher suite. This event contains the client ECDH public value contained in the ClientKeyExchange message as defined in RFC 4492.

C:The connection.
Point:The client’s ECDH public key.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_server_curve, ssl_server_signature, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms

Type:event (c: connection, Yc: string)

Generated if a client uses a DH-anon or DHE cipher suite. This event contains the client DH parameters contained in the ClientKeyExchange message as defined in RFC 5246.

C:The connection.
Yc:The client’s DH public key.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_server_curve, ssl_server_signature, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params, ssl_rsa_client_pms

Type:event (c: connection, pms: string)

Generated if a client uses RSA key exchange. This event contains the client encrypted pre-master secret which is encrypted using the public key of the server’s certificate as defined in RFC 5246.

C:The connection.
Pms:The encrypted pre-master secret.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_server_curve, ssl_server_signature, ssl_dh_client_params, ssl_ecdh_server_params, ssl_ecdh_client_params

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, protocols: string_vec)

Generated for an SSL/TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation extension. This TLS extension is defined in draft-ietf-tls-applayerprotoneg and sent in the initial handshake. It contains the list of client supported application protocols by the client or the server, respectively.

At the moment it is mostly used to negotiate the use of SPDY / HTTP2.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Protocols:List of supported application layer protocols.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_extension_signed_certificate_timestamp

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, names: string_vec)

Generated for an SSL/TLS Server Name extension. This SSL/TLS extension is defined in RFC 3546 and sent by the client in the initial handshake. It contains the name of the server it is contacting. This information can be used by the server to choose the correct certificate for the host the client wants to contact.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Names:A list of server names (DNS hostnames).

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_extension_signed_certificate_timestamp

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, version: count, logid: string, timestamp: count, signature_and_hashalgorithm: SSL::SignatureAndHashAlgorithm, signature: string)

Generated for the signed_certificate_timestamp TLS extension as defined in RFC 6962. The extension is used to transmit signed proofs that are used for Certificate Transparency.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Version:the version of the protocol to which the SCT conforms. Always should be 0 (representing version 1)
Logid:32 bit key id
Timestamp:the NTP Time when the entry was logged measured since the epoch, ignoring leap seconds, in milliseconds.
 signature and hash algorithm used for the digitally_signed struct
Signature:signature part of the digitally_signed struct

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, x509_ocsp_ext_signed_certificate_timestamp, sct_verify

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, versions: index_vec)

Generated for an TLS Supported Versions extension. This TLS extension is defined in the TLS 1.3 rfc and sent by the client in the initial handshake. It contains the TLS versions that it supports. This informaion can be used by the server to choose the best TLS version o use.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Versions:List of supported TLS versions.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_extension_psk_key_exchange_modes, ssl_extension_signed_certificate_timestamp

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, modes: index_vec)

Generated for an TLS Pre-Shared Key Exchange Modes extension. This TLS extension is defined in the TLS 1.3 rfc and sent by the client in the initial handshake. It contains the list of Pre-Shared Key Exchange Modes that it supports.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Versions:List of supported Pre-Shared Key Exchange Modes.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, ssl_extension, ssl_extension_elliptic_curves, ssl_extension_ec_point_formats, ssl_extension_application_layer_protocol_negotiation, ssl_extension_key_share, ssl_extension_server_name, ssl_extension_supported_versions, ssl_extension_signed_certificate_timestamp

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated at the end of an SSL/TLS handshake. SSL/TLS sessions start with an unencrypted handshake, and Bro extracts as much information out of that as it can. This event signals the time when an SSL/TLS has finished the handshake and its endpoints consider it as fully established. Typically, everything from now on will be encrypted.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SSL/TLS protocol.

C:The connection.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_client_hello, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, x509_certificate

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, level: count, desc: count)

Generated for SSL/TLS alert records. SSL/TLS sessions start with an unencrypted handshake, and Bro extracts as much information out of that as it can. If during that handshake, an endpoint encounters a fatal error, it sends an alert record, that in turn triggers this event. After an alert, any endpoint may close the connection immediately.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SSL/TLS protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Level:The severity level, as sent in the alert. The values are defined as part of the SSL/TLS protocol.
Desc:A numerical value identifying the cause of the alert. The values are defined as part of the SSL/TLS protocol.

See also: ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake

Type:event (c: connection, ticket_lifetime_hint: count, ticket: string)

Generated for SSL/TLS handshake messages that are a part of the stateless-server session resumption mechanism. SSL/TLS sessions start with an unencrypted handshake, and Bro extracts as much information out of that as it can. This event is raised when an SSL/TLS server passes a session ticket to the client that can later be used for resuming the session. The mechanism is described in RFC 4507.

See Wikipedia for more information about the SSL/TLS protocol.

C:The connection.
 A hint from the server about how long the ticket should be stored by the client.
Ticket:The raw ticket data.

See also: ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_alert

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, length: count, heartbeat_type: count, payload_length: count, payload: string)

Generated for SSL/TLS heartbeat messages that are sent before session encryption starts. Generally heartbeat messages should rarely be seen in normal TLS traffic. Heartbeats are described in RFC 6520.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Length:length of the entire heartbeat message.
Heartbeat_type:type of the heartbeat message. Per RFC, 1 = request, 2 = response.
Payload_length:length of the payload of the heartbeat message, according to packet field.
Payload:payload contained in the heartbeat message. Size can differ from payload_length, if payload_length and actual packet length disagree.

See also: ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_alert, ssl_encrypted_data

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, record_version: count, content_type: count, length: count)

Generated for SSL/TLS messages that are sent before full session encryption starts. Note that “full encryption” is a bit fuzzy, especially for TLSv1.3; here this event will be raised for early packets that are already using pre-encryption. # This event is also used by Bro internally to determine if the connection has been completely setup. This is necessary as TLS 1.3 does not have CCS anymore.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Record_version:TLS version given in the record layer of the message. Set to 0 for SSLv2.
Content_type:message type as reported by TLS session layer. Not populated for SSLv2.
Length:length of the entire message.

See also: ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_alert, ssl_heartbeat

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, record_version: count, content_type: count, length: count)

Generated for SSL/TLS messages that are sent after session encryption started.

Note that SSL::disable_analyzer_after_detection has to be changed from its default to false for this event to be generated.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Record_version:TLS version given in the record layer of the message. Set to 0 for SSLv2.
Content_type:message type as reported by TLS session layer. Not populated for SSLv2.
Length:length of the entire message.

See also: ssl_client_hello, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_alert, ssl_heartbeat

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, response: string)

This event contains the OCSP response contained in a Certificate Status Request message, when the client requested OCSP stapling and the server supports it. See description in RFC 6066.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Response:OCSP data.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg_type: count, length: count)

This event is raised for each unencrypted SSL/TLS handshake message.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.
Msg_type:Type of the handshake message that was seen.
Length:Length of the handshake message that was seen.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, x509_certificate, ssl_client_hello, ssl_change_cipher_spec

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

This event is raised when a SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message is encountered before encryption begins. Traffic will be encrypted following this message.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if event is raised for originator side of the connection.

See also: ssl_alert, ssl_established, ssl_extension, ssl_server_hello, ssl_session_ticket_handshake, x509_certificate, ssl_client_hello, ssl_handshake_message


Type:function (c: connection) : any

Sets if the SSL analyzer should consider the connection established (handshake finished succesfully).

C:The SSL connection.


Stepping stone analyzer


Type:event (c: connection, e: int, is_orig: bool)

Deprecated. Will be removed.

Type:event (e: int)

Event internal to the stepping stone detector.

Type:event (e1: int, e2: int)

Event internal to the stepping stone detector.

Type:event (e1: int, e2: int)

Event internal to the stepping stone detector.

Type:event (e: int)

Event internal to the stepping stone detector.


Syslog analyzer UDP-only


Type:event (c: connection, facility: count, severity: count, msg: string)

Generated for monitored Syslog messages.

See Wikipedia for more information about the Syslog protocol.

C:The connection record for the underlying transport-layer session/flow.
Facility:The “facility” included in the message.
Severity:The “severity” included in the message.
Msg:The message logged.


Bro currently parses only UDP syslog traffic. Support for TCP syslog will be added soon.


TCP analyzer


Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when reassembly starts for a TCP connection. This event is raised at the moment when Bro’s TCP analyzer enables stream reassembly for a connection.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for an unsuccessful connection attempt. This event is raised when an originator unsuccessfully attempted to establish a connection. “Unsuccessful” is defined as at least tcp_attempt_delay seconds having elapsed since the originator first sent a connection establishment packet to the destination without seeing a reply.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when seeing a SYN-ACK packet from the responder in a TCP handshake. An associated SYN packet was not seen from the originator side if its state is not set to TCP_ESTABLISHED. The final ACK of the handshake in response to SYN-ACK may or may not occur later, one way to tell is to check the history field of connection to see if the originator sent an ACK, indicated by ‘A’ in the history string.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for a new active TCP connection if Bro did not see the initial handshake. This event is raised when Bro has observed traffic from each endpoint, but the activity did not begin with the usual connection establishment.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when a previously inactive endpoint attempts to close a TCP connection via a normal FIN handshake or an abort RST sequence. When the endpoint sent one of these packets, Bro waits tcp_partial_close_delay prior to generating the event, to give the other endpoint a chance to close the connection normally.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for a TCP connection that finished normally. The event is raised when a regular FIN handshake from both endpoints was observed.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when one endpoint of a TCP connection attempted to gracefully close the connection, but the other endpoint is in the TCP_INACTIVE state. This can happen due to split routing, in which Bro only sees one side of a connection.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for a rejected TCP connection. This event is raised when an originator attempted to setup a TCP connection but the responder replied with a RST packet denying it.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection


If the responder does not respond at all, connection_attempt is raised instead. If the responder initially accepts the connection but aborts it later, Bro first generates connection_established and then connection_reset.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when an endpoint aborted a TCP connection. The event is raised when one endpoint of an established TCP connection aborted by sending a RST packet.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for each still-open TCP connection when Bro terminates.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection, bro_done

Type:event (c: connection, pkt: SYN_packet)

Generated for a SYN packet. Bro raises this event for every SYN packet seen by its TCP analyzer.

C:The connection.
Pkt:Information extracted from the SYN packet.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection


This event has quite low-level semantics and can potentially be expensive to generate. It should only be used if one really needs the specific information passed into the handler via the pkt argument. If not, handling one of the other connection_* events is typically the better approach.

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated for the first ACK packet seen for a TCP connection from its originator.

C:The connection.

See also: connection_EOF, connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection


This event has quite low-level semantics and should be used only rarely.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated at the end of reassembled TCP connections. The TCP reassembler raised the event once for each endpoint of a connection when it finished reassembling the corresponding side of the communication.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.

See also: connection_SYN_packet, connection_attempt, connection_established, connection_external, connection_finished, connection_first_ACK, connection_half_finished, connection_partial_close, connection_pending, connection_rejected, connection_reset, connection_reused, connection_state_remove, connection_status_update, connection_timeout, scheduled_analyzer_applied, new_connection, new_connection_contents, partial_connection

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, flags: string, seq: count, ack: count, len: count, payload: string)

Generated for every TCP packet. This is a very low-level and expensive event that should be avoided when at all possible. It’s usually infeasible to handle when processing even medium volumes of traffic in real-time. It’s slightly better than new_packet because it affects only TCP, but not much. That said, if you work from a trace and want to do some packet-level analysis, it may come in handy.

C:The connection the packet is part of.
Is_orig:True if the packet was sent by the connection’s originator.
Flags:A string with the packet’s TCP flags. In the string, each character corresponds to one set flag, as follows: S -> SYN; F -> FIN; R -> RST; A -> ACK; P -> PUSH.
Seq:The packet’s relative TCP sequence number.
Ack:If the ACK flag is set for the packet, the packet’s relative ACK number, else zero.
Len:The length of the TCP payload, as specified in the packet header.
Payload:The raw TCP payload. Note that this may be shorter than len if the packet was not fully captured.

See also: new_packet, packet_contents, tcp_option, tcp_contents, tcp_rexmit

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, opt: count, optlen: count)

Generated for each option found in a TCP header. Like many of the tcp_* events, this is a very low-level event and potentially expensive as it may be raised very often.

C:The connection the packet is part of.
Is_orig:True if the packet was sent by the connection’s originator.
Opt:The numerical option number, as found in the TCP header.
Optlen:The length of the options value.

See also: tcp_packet, tcp_contents, tcp_rexmit


There is currently no way to get the actual option value, if any.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, seq: count, contents: string)

Generated for each chunk of reassembled TCP payload. When content delivery is enabled for a TCP connection (via tcp_content_delivery_ports_orig, tcp_content_delivery_ports_resp, tcp_content_deliver_all_orig, tcp_content_deliver_all_resp), this event is raised for each chunk of in-order payload reconstructed from the packet stream. Note that this event is potentially expensive if many connections carry significant amounts of data as then all that data needs to be passed on to the scripting layer.

C:The connection the payload is part of.
Is_orig:True if the packet was sent by the connection’s originator.
Seq:The sequence number corresponding to the first byte of the payload chunk.
Contents:The raw payload, which will be non-empty.

See also: tcp_packet, tcp_option, tcp_rexmit, tcp_content_delivery_ports_orig, tcp_content_delivery_ports_resp, tcp_content_deliver_all_resp, tcp_content_deliver_all_orig


The payload received by this event is the same that is also passed into application-layer protocol analyzers internally. Subsequent invocations of this event for the same connection receive non-overlapping in-order chunks of its TCP payload stream. It is however undefined what size each chunk has; while Bro passes the data on as soon as possible, specifics depend on network-level effects such as latency, acknowledgements, reordering, etc.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, seq: count, len: count, data_in_flight: count, window: count)


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, threshold: count)

Generated if a TCP flow crosses a checksum-error threshold, per ‘C’/’c’ history reporting.

C:The connection record for the TCP connection.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.
Threshold:the threshold that was crossed

See also: udp_multiple_checksum_errors, tcp_multiple_zero_windows, tcp_multiple_retransmissions

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, threshold: count)

Generated if a TCP flow crosses a zero-window threshold, per ‘W’/’w’ history reporting.

C:The connection record for the TCP connection.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.
Threshold:the threshold that was crossed

See also: tcp_multiple_checksum_errors, tcp_multiple_retransmissions

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, threshold: count)

Generated if a TCP flow crosses a retransmission threshold, per ‘T’/’t’ history reporting.

C:The connection record for the TCP connection.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.
Threshold:the threshold that was crossed

See also: tcp_multiple_checksum_errors, tcp_multiple_zero_windows

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, msg: string)

Generated when failing to write contents of a TCP stream to a file.

C:The connection whose contents are being recorded.
Is_orig:Which side of the connection encountered a failure to write.
Msg:A reason or description for the failure.

See also: set_contents_file, get_contents_file


Type:function (cid: conn_id) : count

Get the originator sequence number of a TCP connection. Sequence numbers are absolute (i.e., they reflect the values seen directly in packet headers; they are not relative to the beginning of the connection).

Cid:The connection ID.
Returns:The highest sequence number sent by a connection’s originator, or 0 if cid does not point to an active TCP connection.

See also: get_resp_seq

Type:function (cid: conn_id) : count

Get the responder sequence number of a TCP connection. Sequence numbers are absolute (i.e., they reflect the values seen directly in packet headers; they are not relative to the beginning of the connection).

Cid:The connection ID.
Returns:The highest sequence number sent by a connection’s responder, or 0 if cid does not point to an active TCP connection.

See also: get_orig_seq

Type:function (cid: conn_id, direction: count, f: file) : bool

Associates a file handle with a connection for writing TCP byte stream contents.


The connection ID.


Controls what sides of the connection to record. The argument can take one of the four values:

  • CONTENTS_NONE: Stop recording the connection’s content.
  • CONTENTS_ORIG: Record the data sent by the connection originator (often the client).
  • CONTENTS_RESP: Record the data sent by the connection responder (often the server).
  • CONTENTS_BOTH: Record the data sent in both directions. Results in the two directions being intermixed in the file, in the order the data was seen by Bro.

The file handle of the file to write the contents to.


Returns false if cid does not point to an active connection, and true otherwise.


The data recorded to the file reflects the byte stream, not the contents of individual packets. Reordering and duplicates are removed. If any data is missing, the recording stops at the missing data; this can happen, e.g., due to an content_gap event.

See also: get_contents_file, set_record_packets, contents_file_write_failure

Type:function (cid: conn_id, direction: count) : file

Returns the file handle of the contents file of a connection.

Cid:The connection ID.
Direction:Controls what sides of the connection to record. See set_contents_file for possible values.
Returns:The file handle for the contents file of the connection identified by cid. If the connection exists but there is no contents file for direction, then the function generates an error and returns a file handle to stderr.

See also: set_contents_file, set_record_packets, contents_file_write_failure


Teredo analyzer


Type:event (outer: connection, inner: teredo_hdr)

Generated for any IPv6 packet encapsulated in a Teredo tunnel. See RFC 4380 for more information about the Teredo protocol.

Outer:The Teredo tunnel connection.
Inner:The Teredo-encapsulated IPv6 packet header and transport header.

See also: teredo_authentication, teredo_origin_indication, teredo_bubble


Since this event may be raised on a per-packet basis, handling it may become particularly expensive for real-time analysis.

Type:event (outer: connection, inner: teredo_hdr)

Generated for IPv6 packets encapsulated in a Teredo tunnel that use the Teredo authentication encapsulation method. See RFC 4380 for more information about the Teredo protocol.

Outer:The Teredo tunnel connection.
Inner:The Teredo-encapsulated IPv6 packet header and transport header.

See also: teredo_packet, teredo_origin_indication, teredo_bubble


Since this event may be raised on a per-packet basis, handling it may become particularly expensive for real-time analysis.

Type:event (outer: connection, inner: teredo_hdr)

Generated for IPv6 packets encapsulated in a Teredo tunnel that use the Teredo origin indication encapsulation method. See RFC 4380 for more information about the Teredo protocol.

Outer:The Teredo tunnel connection.
Inner:The Teredo-encapsulated IPv6 packet header and transport header.

See also: teredo_packet, teredo_authentication, teredo_bubble


Since this event may be raised on a per-packet basis, handling it may become particularly expensive for real-time analysis.

Type:event (outer: connection, inner: teredo_hdr)

Generated for Teredo bubble packets. That is, IPv6 packets encapsulated in a Teredo tunnel that have a Next Header value of IPPROTO_NONE. See RFC 4380 for more information about the Teredo protocol.

Outer:The Teredo tunnel connection.
Inner:The Teredo-encapsulated IPv6 packet header and transport header.

See also: teredo_packet, teredo_authentication, teredo_origin_indication


Since this event may be raised on a per-packet basis, handling it may become particularly expensive for real-time analysis.


UDP Analyzer


Type:event (u: connection)

Generated for each packet sent by a UDP flow’s originator. This a potentially expensive event due to the volume of UDP traffic and should be used with care.

U:The connection record for the corresponding UDP flow.

See also: udp_contents, udp_reply, udp_session_done

Type:event (u: connection)

Generated for each packet sent by a UDP flow’s responder. This a potentially expensive event due to the volume of UDP traffic and should be used with care.

U:The connection record for the corresponding UDP flow.

See also: udp_contents, udp_request, udp_session_done

Type:event (u: connection, is_orig: bool, contents: string)

Generated for UDP packets to pass on their payload. As the number of UDP packets can be very large, this event is normally raised only for those on ports configured in udp_content_delivery_ports_orig (for packets sent by the flow’s originator) or udp_content_delivery_ports_resp (for packets sent by the flow’s responder). However, delivery can be enabled for all UDP request and reply packets by setting udp_content_deliver_all_orig or udp_content_deliver_all_resp, respectively. Note that this event is also raised for all matching UDP packets, including empty ones.

U:The connection record for the corresponding UDP flow.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.

See also: udp_reply, udp_request, udp_session_done, udp_content_deliver_all_orig, udp_content_deliver_all_resp, udp_content_delivery_ports_orig, udp_content_delivery_ports_resp

Type:event (u: connection, is_orig: bool, threshold: count)

Generated if a UDP flow crosses a checksum-error threshold, per ‘C’/’c’ history reporting.

U:The connection record for the corresponding UDP flow.
Is_orig:True if the event is raised for the originator side.
Threshold:the threshold that was crossed

See also: udp_reply, udp_request, udp_session_done, tcp_multiple_checksum_errors


XMPP analyzer (StartTLS only)


Type:event (c: connection)

Generated when a XMPP connection goes encrypted after a successful StartTLS exchange between the client and the server.

C:The connection.


Generic ZIP support analyzer

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