
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/plugins/Bro_FTP.functions.bif.bro



fmt_ftp_port: function Formats an IP address and TCP port as an FTP PORT command.
parse_eftp_port: function Converts a string representation of the FTP EPRT command (see RFC 2428) to an ftp_port.
parse_ftp_epsv: function Converts the result of the FTP EPSV command (see RFC 2428) to an ftp_port.
parse_ftp_pasv: function Converts the result of the FTP PASV command to an ftp_port.
parse_ftp_port: function Converts a string representation of the FTP PORT command to an ftp_port.

Detailed Interface


Type:function (a: addr, p: port) : string

Formats an IP address and TCP port as an FTP PORT command. For example, and 1055/tcp yields "10,0,0,1,4,31".

A:The IP address.
P:The TCP port.
Returns:The FTP PORT string.

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_epsv

Type:function (s: string) : ftp_port

Converts a string representation of the FTP EPRT command (see RFC 2428) to an ftp_port. The format is "EPRT<space><d><net-prt><d><net-addr><d><tcp-port><d>", where <d> is a delimiter in the ASCII range 33-126 (usually |).

S:The string of the FTP EPRT command, e.g., "|1||1055|".
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_epsv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (str: string) : ftp_port

Converts the result of the FTP EPSV command (see RFC 2428) to an ftp_port. The format is "<text> (<d><d><d><tcp-port><d>)", where <d> is a delimiter in the ASCII range 33-126 (usually |).

Str:The string containing the result of the FTP EPSV command.
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (str: string) : ftp_port

Converts the result of the FTP PASV command to an ftp_port.

Str:The string containing the result of the FTP PASV command.
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_ftp_port, parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_epsv, fmt_ftp_port

Type:function (s: string) : ftp_port

Converts a string representation of the FTP PORT command to an ftp_port.

S:The string of the FTP PORT command, e.g., "10,0,0,1,4,31".
Returns:The FTP PORT, e.g., [h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T].

See also: parse_eftp_port, parse_ftp_pasv, parse_ftp_epsv, fmt_ftp_port

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on January 10, 2019. Created using Sphinx 1.7.5.