
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/plugins/Bro_X509.functions.bif.bro



sct_verify: function Verifies a Signed Certificate Timestamp as used for Certificate Transparency.
x509_get_certificate_string: function Returns the string form of a certificate.
x509_issuer_name_hash: function Get the hash of the issuer’s distinguished name.
x509_ocsp_verify: function Verifies an OCSP reply.
x509_parse: function Parses a certificate into an X509::Certificate structure.
x509_spki_hash: function Get the hash of the Subject Public Key Information of the certificate.
x509_subject_name_hash: function Get the hash of the subject’s distinguished name.
x509_verify: function Verifies a certificate.

Detailed Interface


Type:function (cert: opaque of x509, logid: string, log_key: string, signature: string, timestamp: count, hash_algorithm: count, issuer_key_hash: string &default = "" &optional) : bool

Verifies a Signed Certificate Timestamp as used for Certificate Transparency. See RFC6962 for more details.

Cert:Certificate against which the SCT should be validated.
Logid:Log id of the SCT.
Log_key:Public key of the Log that issued the SCT proof.
Timestamp:Timestamp at which the proof was generated.
Hash_algorithm:Hash algorithm that was used for the SCT proof.
 The SHA-256 hash of the certificate issuer’s public key. This only has to be provided if the SCT was encountered in an X.509 certificate extension; in that case, it is necessary for validation.
Returns:T if the validation could be performed succesfully, F otherwhise.

See also: ssl_extension_signed_certificate_timestamp, x509_ocsp_ext_signed_certificate_timestamp, x509_verify

Type:function (cert: opaque of x509, pem: bool &default = F &optional) : string

Returns the string form of a certificate.

Cert:The X509 certificate opaque handle.
Pem:A boolean that specifies if the certificate is returned in pem-form (true), or as the raw ASN1 encoded binary (false).
Returns:X509 certificate as a string.

See also: x509_certificate, x509_extension, x509_ext_basic_constraints, x509_ext_subject_alternative_name, x509_parse, x509_verify

Type:function (cert: opaque of x509, hash_alg: count) : string

Get the hash of the issuer’s distinguished name.


The X509 certificate opaque handle.


the hash algorithm to use, according to the IANA mapping at



The hash as a string.

See also: x509_subject_name_hash, x509_spki_hash, x509_verify, sct_verify

Type:function (certs: x509_opaque_vector, ocsp_reply: string, root_certs: table_string_of_string, verify_time: time &default = 0.0 &optional) : X509::Result

Verifies an OCSP reply.

Certs:Specifies the certificate chain to use. Server certificate first.
Ocsp_reply:the ocsp reply to validate.
Root_certs:A list of root certificates to validate the certificate chain.
Verify_time:Time for the validity check of the certificates.
Returns:A record of type X509::Result containing the result code of the verify operation.

See also: x509_certificate, x509_extension, x509_ext_basic_constraints, x509_ext_subject_alternative_name, x509_parse, x509_get_certificate_string, x509_verify

Type:function (cert: opaque of x509) : X509::Certificate

Parses a certificate into an X509::Certificate structure.

Cert:The X509 certificate opaque handle.
Returns:A X509::Certificate structure.

See also: x509_certificate, x509_extension, x509_ext_basic_constraints, x509_ext_subject_alternative_name, x509_verify, x509_get_certificate_string

Type:function (cert: opaque of x509, hash_alg: count) : string

Get the hash of the Subject Public Key Information of the certificate.


The X509 certificate opaque handle.


the hash algorithm to use, according to the IANA mapping at



The hash as a string.

See also: x509_subject_name_hash, x509_issuer_name_hash, x509_verify, sct_verify

Type:function (cert: opaque of x509, hash_alg: count) : string

Get the hash of the subject’s distinguished name.


The X509 certificate opaque handle.


the hash algorithm to use, according to the IANA mapping at



The hash as a string.

See also: x509_issuer_name_hash, x509_spki_hash, x509_verify, sct_verify

Type:function (certs: x509_opaque_vector, root_certs: table_string_of_string, verify_time: time &default = 0.0 &optional) : X509::Result

Verifies a certificate.

Certs:Specifies a certificate chain that is being used to validate the given certificate against the root store given in root_certs. The host certificate has to be at index 0.
Root_certs:A list of root certificates to validate the certificate chain.
Verify_time:Time for the validity check of the certificates.
Returns:A record of type X509::Result containing the result code of the verify operation. In case of success also returns the full certificate chain.

See also: x509_certificate, x509_extension, x509_ext_basic_constraints, x509_ext_subject_alternative_name, x509_parse, x509_get_certificate_string, x509_ocsp_verify, sct_verify

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on January 10, 2019. Created using Sphinx 1.7.5.