Zeek is a powerful system that on top of the functionality it provides out of the box, also offers the flexibility to customize analysis pretty much arbitrarily. We provide a range of documentation material ranging from introductory material to get you started, to full references of Zeek’s various frameworks.
Zeek Manual (release) (git/master)
Previous Zeek/Bro Manual Versions
We are maintaining a growing collection of slides, videos, exercises, and other materials the members of the Zeek Project have created over time. Please note some of the older material may not directly apply in all specifics to newer Zeek versions.
The Zeek Blog is probably the most current source for latest news and announcements about the Zeek Project. Here is where we inform about scripts reacting on current security breaches we, little and big pieces of helpful Zeek knowledge for your everyday Zeek practice.
© 2014 The Bro Project.