This story and accompanying incident response exercises originally appeared as a network forensics project in the context of the UC Berkeley undergraduate security course taught by Vern Paxson in Spring 2011. For this workshop, we reuse these materials with permission in a slightly modified form. Kudos to Vern Paxson and his teaching assistants Mobin Javed and Matthias Vallentin for doing the hard ground work in the first place.
Huge Big Dairy is a farming and poultry conglomerate run out of Madison, Wisconsin. They pride themselves on their yogurts, brie cheeses, and buffalo wings (made out of RealBuffalo™). However, Huge Big has many detractors who allege that the company not only manifests incompetence when it comes to dairy products, but also a propensity towards venal undertakings.
During an ill-advised television interview, Huge Big’s CEO, Chuck "Mondo" Cheeze, brashly trumpets his company’s expertise, not only in all things dairy, but their e-marketing prowess and home-grown Internet security savvy. Mondo’s biggest gaffe, however, is to imply that he does not consider cows as bovines - instantly incurring the wrath of the shadowy underground hacker group Synonymous, whose members unite in their violent objection to any terminology errors that confuse whether two words have the same meaning.
Synonymous decides to humiliate HBDairy, exposing their secrets and incompetence, and disrupting the activity of their employees. In a series of Internet attacks that HBDairy finds itself powerless to counter, Synonymous deeply embarrasses the company. Eventually, HBDairy must admit they have been outmatched, and in desperation they turn to expert outside help: you. They commission your team to analyze how Synonymous achieved their exploits. Luckily, the one facet of computer security they managed not to screw up is logging: they have full packet traces of all of the systems in question.
One gloomy morning as the end of the semester looms, you head out to Richmond Field, board the HBDairy corporate jet and 5 hours later find yourself at their offices in Madison, armed only with a trusty VM image that contains all of your analysis tools. You need to complete your forensic analysis, file your report, hop back on their jet, and return to the Bro headquarters - with enough time left to continue with your mundane job.
© 2014 The Bro Project.