

Implements base functionality for HTTP analysis. The logging model is to log request/response pairs and all relevant metadata together in a single record.

Imports:base/frameworks/tunnels, base/utils/files.bro, base/utils/numbers.bro
Source File:/scripts/base/protocols/http/main.bro


Runtime Options

HTTP::default_capture_password: bool &redef This setting changes if passwords used in Basic-Auth are captured or not.
HTTP::http_methods: set &redef A list of HTTP methods.
HTTP::proxy_headers: set &redef A list of HTTP headers typically used to indicate proxied requests.


HTTP::Info: record The record type which contains the fields of the HTTP log.
HTTP::State: record Structure to maintain state for an HTTP connection with multiple requests and responses.
HTTP::Tags: enum Indicate a type of attack or compromise in the record to be logged.


HTTP::log_http: event Event that can be handled to access the HTTP record as it is sent on to the logging framework.

Detailed Interface

Runtime Options


This setting changes if passwords used in Basic-Auth are captured or not.

Type:set [string]

A list of HTTP methods. Other methods will generate a weird. Note that the HTTP analyzer will only accept methods consisting solely of letters [A-Za-z].

Type:set [string]

A list of HTTP headers typically used to indicate proxied requests.




ts: time &log

Timestamp for when the request happened.

uid: string &log

Unique ID for the connection.

id: conn_id &log

The connection’s 4-tuple of endpoint addresses/ports.

trans_depth: count &log

Represents the pipelined depth into the connection of this request/response transaction.

method: string &log &optional

Verb used in the HTTP request (GET, POST, HEAD, etc.).

host: string &log &optional

Value of the HOST header.

uri: string &log &optional

URI used in the request.

referrer: string &log &optional

Value of the “referer” header. The comment is deliberately misspelled like the standard declares, but the name used here is “referrer” spelled correctly.

version: string &log &optional

Value of the version portion of the request.

user_agent: string &log &optional

Value of the User-Agent header from the client.

request_body_len: count &log &default = 0 &optional

Actual uncompressed content size of the data transferred from the client.

response_body_len: count &log &default = 0 &optional

Actual uncompressed content size of the data transferred from the server.

status_code: count &log &optional

Status code returned by the server.

status_msg: string &log &optional

Status message returned by the server.

info_code: count &log &optional

Last seen 1xx informational reply code returned by the server.

info_msg: string &log &optional

Last seen 1xx informational reply message returned by the server.

tags: set [HTTP::Tags] &log

A set of indicators of various attributes discovered and related to a particular request/response pair.

username: string &log &optional

Username if basic-auth is performed for the request.

password: string &log &optional

Password if basic-auth is performed for the request.

capture_password: bool &default = HTTP::default_capture_password &optional

Determines if the password will be captured for this request.

proxied: set [string] &log &optional

All of the headers that may indicate if the request was proxied.

range_request: bool &default = F &optional

Indicates if this request can assume 206 partial content in response.

orig_fuids: vector of string &log &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

An ordered vector of file unique IDs.

orig_filenames: vector of string &log &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

An ordered vector of filenames from the client.

orig_mime_types: vector of string &log &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

An ordered vector of mime types.

resp_fuids: vector of string &log &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

An ordered vector of file unique IDs.

resp_filenames: vector of string &log &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

An ordered vector of filenames from the server.

resp_mime_types: vector of string &log &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

An ordered vector of mime types.

current_entity: HTTP::Entity &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

The current entity.

orig_mime_depth: count &default = 0 &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

Current number of MIME entities in the HTTP request message body.

resp_mime_depth: count &default = 0 &optional

(present if base/protocols/http/entities.bro is loaded)

Current number of MIME entities in the HTTP response message body.

client_header_names: vector of string &log &optional

(present if policy/protocols/http/header-names.bro is loaded)

The vector of HTTP header names sent by the client. No header values are included here, just the header names.

server_header_names: vector of string &log &optional

(present if policy/protocols/http/header-names.bro is loaded)

The vector of HTTP header names sent by the server. No header values are included here, just the header names.

omniture: bool &default = F &optional

(present if policy/protocols/http/software-browser-plugins.bro is loaded)

Indicates if the server is an omniture advertising server.

flash_version: string &optional

(present if policy/protocols/http/software-browser-plugins.bro is loaded)

The unparsed Flash version, if detected.

cookie_vars: vector of string &optional &log

(present if policy/protocols/http/var-extraction-cookies.bro is loaded)

Variable names extracted from all cookies.

uri_vars: vector of string &optional &log

(present if policy/protocols/http/var-extraction-uri.bro is loaded)

Variable names from the URI.

The record type which contains the fields of the HTTP log.



pending: table [count] of HTTP::Info

Pending requests.

current_request: count &default = 0 &optional

Current request in the pending queue.

current_response: count &default = 0 &optional

Current response in the pending queue.

trans_depth: count &default = 0 &optional

Track the current deepest transaction. This is meant to cope with missing requests and responses.

Structure to maintain state for an HTTP connection with multiple requests and responses.






(present if policy/protocols/http/detect-sqli.bro is loaded)

Indicator of a URI based SQL injection attack.


(present if policy/protocols/http/detect-sqli.bro is loaded)

Indicator of client body based SQL injection attack. This is typically the body content of a POST request. Not implemented yet.


(present if policy/protocols/http/detect-sqli.bro is loaded)

Indicator of a cookie based SQL injection attack. Not implemented yet.

Indicate a type of attack or compromise in the record to be logged.


Type:event (rec: HTTP::Info)

Event that can be handled to access the HTTP record as it is sent on to the logging framework.

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on January 10, 2019. Created using Sphinx 1.7.5.