

OpenFlow plugin for the NetControl framework.

Imports:base/frameworks/netcontrol/main.bro, base/frameworks/netcontrol/plugin.bro, base/frameworks/openflow
Source File:/scripts/base/frameworks/netcontrol/plugins/openflow.bro


Redefinable Options

NetControl::openflow_flow_timeout: interval &redef The time interval after we consider a flow timed out.
NetControl::openflow_message_timeout: interval &redef The time interval after which an openflow message is considered to be timed out and we delete it from our internal tracking.


NetControl::OfConfig: record This record specifies the configuration that is passed to NetControl::create_openflow.
NetControl::OfTable: record  


NetControl::PluginState: record  


NetControl::create_openflow: function Instantiates an openflow plugin for the NetControl framework.

Detailed Interface

Redefinable Options

Default:1.0 day

The time interval after we consider a flow timed out. This should be fairly high (or even disabled) if you expect a lot of long flows. However, one also will have state buildup for quite a while if keeping this around…

Default:20.0 secs

The time interval after which an openflow message is considered to be timed out and we delete it from our internal tracking.




monitor: bool &default = T &optional

Accept rules that target the monitor path.

forward: bool &default = T &optional

Accept rules that target the forward path.

idle_timeout: count &default = 0 &optional

Default OpenFlow idle timeout.

table_id: count &optional

Default OpenFlow table ID.

priority_offset: int &default = 0 &optional

Add this to all rule priorities. Can be useful if you want the openflow priorities be offset from the netcontrol priorities without having to write a filter function.

check_pred: function (p: NetControl::PluginState, r: NetControl::Rule) : bool &optional

Predicate that is called on rule insertion or removal.

p:Current plugin state.
r:The rule to be inserted or removed.
returns:T if the rule can be handled by the current backend, F otherwise.
match_pred: function (p: NetControl::PluginState, e: NetControl::Entity, m: vector of OpenFlow::ofp_match) : vector of OpenFlow::ofp_match &optional

This predicate is called each time an OpenFlow match record is created. The predicate can modify the match structure before it is sent on to the device.

p:Current plugin state.
r:The rule to be inserted or removed.
m:The openflow match structures that were generated for this rules.
returns:The modified OpenFlow match structures that will be used in place of the structures passed in m.
flow_mod_pred: function (p: NetControl::PluginState, r: NetControl::Rule, m: OpenFlow::ofp_flow_mod) : OpenFlow::ofp_flow_mod &optional

This predicate is called before a FlowMod message is sent to the OpenFlow device. It can modify the FlowMod message before it is passed on.

p:Current plugin state.
r:The rule to be inserted or removed.
m:The OpenFlow FlowMod message.
returns:The modified FlowMod message that is used in lieu of m.

This record specifies the configuration that is passed to NetControl::create_openflow.



p: NetControl::PluginState

r: NetControl::Rule

c: count &default = 0 &optional

packet_count: count &default = 0 &optional

byte_count: count &default = 0 &optional

duration_sec: double &default = 0.0 &optional


Type:function (controller: OpenFlow::Controller, config: NetControl::OfConfig &default = [] &optional) : NetControl::PluginState

Instantiates an openflow plugin for the NetControl framework.

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on January 10, 2019. Created using Sphinx 1.7.5.