

Functions to probabilistically determine top-k elements.

Source File:/scripts/base/bif/top-k.bif.bro



topk_add: function Add a new observed object to the data structure.
topk_count: function Get an overestimated count of how often a value has been encountered.
topk_epsilon: function Get the maximal overestimation for count.
topk_get_top: function Get the first k elements of the top-k data structure.
topk_init: function Creates a top-k data structure which tracks size elements.
topk_merge: function Merge the second top-k data structure into the first.
topk_merge_prune: function Merge the second top-k data structure into the first and prunes the final data structure back to the size given on initialization.
topk_size: function Get the number of elements this data structure is supposed to track (given on init).
topk_sum: function Get the sum of all counts of all elements in the data structure.

Detailed Interface


Type:function (handle: opaque of topk, value: any) : any

Add a new observed object to the data structure.


The first added object sets the type of data tracked by the top-k data structure. All following values have to be of the same type.

Handle:the TopK handle.
Value:observed value.

See also: topk_init, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (handle: opaque of topk, value: any) : count

Get an overestimated count of how often a value has been encountered.


The value has to be part of the currently tracked elements, otherwise 0 will be returned and an error message will be added to reporter.

Handle:the TopK handle.
Value:Value to look up count for.
Returns:Overestimated number for how often the element has been encountered.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (handle: opaque of topk, value: any) : count

Get the maximal overestimation for count.


Same restrictions as for topk_count apply.

Handle:the TopK handle.
Value:Value to look up epsilon for.
Returns:Number which represents the maximal overestimation for the count of this element.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (handle: opaque of topk, k: count) : any_vec

Get the first k elements of the top-k data structure.

Handle:the TopK handle.
K:number of elements to return.
Returns:vector of the first k elements.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (size: count) : opaque of topk

Creates a top-k data structure which tracks size elements.

Size:number of elements to track.
Returns:Opaque pointer to the data structure.

See also: topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (handle1: opaque of topk, handle2: opaque of topk) : any

Merge the second top-k data structure into the first.

Handle1:the first TopK handle.
Handle2:the second TopK handle.


This does not remove any elements, the resulting data structure can be bigger than the maximum size given on initialization.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (handle1: opaque of topk, handle2: opaque of topk) : any

Merge the second top-k data structure into the first and prunes the final data structure back to the size given on initialization.


Use with care and only when being aware of the restrictions this entails. Do not call topk_size or topk_add afterwards, results will probably not be what you expect.

Handle1:the TopK handle in which the second TopK structure is merged.
Handle2:the TopK handle in which is merged into the first TopK structure.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_sum, topk_merge

Type:function (handle: opaque of topk) : count

Get the number of elements this data structure is supposed to track (given on init).


Note that the actual number of elements in the data structure can be lower or higher (due to non-pruned merges) than this.

Handle:the TopK handle.
Returns:size given during initialization.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_sum, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

Type:function (handle: opaque of topk) : count

Get the sum of all counts of all elements in the data structure.


This is equal to the number of all inserted objects if the data structure never has been pruned. Do not use after calling topk_merge_prune (will throw a warning message if used afterwards).

Handle:the TopK handle.
Returns:sum of all counts.

See also: topk_init, topk_add, topk_get_top, topk_count, topk_epsilon, topk_size, topk_merge, topk_merge_prune

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