Cross Compiling Bro


You need three things on the host system:

  1. The Bro source tree.
  2. A cross-compilation toolchain, such as one built via crosstool-NG.
  3. Pre-built Bro dependencies from the target system. This usually includes libpcap, zlib, OpenSSL, and Python development headers and libraries.

Configuration and Compiling

You first need to compile a few build tools native to the host system for use during the later cross-compile build. In the root of your Bro source tree:

./configure --builddir=../bro-buildtools
( cd ../bro-buildtools && make binpac bifcl )

Next configure Bro to use your cross-compilation toolchain:

./configure --toolchain=/home/jon/x-tools/RaspberryPi-toolchain.cmake --with-binpac=$(pwd)/../bro-buildtools/aux/binpac/src/binpac --with-bifcl=$(pwd)/../bro-buildtools/src/bifcl

Here, the toolchain file a CMake toolchain file. It might look something the following (using a Raspberry Pi as target system):

# Operating System on which CMake is targeting.

# The CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX option may not work.
# Given that Bro is configured:
#   `./configure --prefix=<dir>`
# The options are:
#   (1) `make install` and then copy over the --prefix dir from host to
#       target system.
#   (2) `DESTDIR=<staging_dir> make install` and then copy over the
#       contents of that staging directory.

set(toolchain /home/jon/x-tools/arm-rpi-linux-gnueabihf)
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER   ${toolchain}/bin/arm-rpi-linux-gnueabihf-gcc)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ${toolchain}/bin/arm-rpi-linux-gnueabihf-g++)

# The cross-compiler/linker will use these paths to locate dependencies.


If that configuration succeeds you are ready to build:


And if that works, install on your host system:

make install

From there, you can copy/move the files from the installation prefix on the host system to the target system and start running Bro as usual.

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Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on January 10, 2019. Created using Sphinx 1.7.5.