

Utilities specific for HTTP processing.

Imports:base/protocols/http/main.bro, base/utils/addrs.bro
Source File:/scripts/base/protocols/http/utils.bro



HTTP::build_url: function Creates a URL from an HTTP::Info record.
HTTP::build_url_http: function Creates a URL from an HTTP::Info record.
HTTP::describe: function Create an extremely shortened representation of a log line.
HTTP::extract_keys: function Given a string containing a series of key-value pairs separated by “=”, this function can be used to parse out all of the key names.

Detailed Interface


Type:function (rec: HTTP::Info) : string

Creates a URL from an HTTP::Info record. This should handle edge cases such as proxied requests appropriately.

Rec:An HTTP::Info record.
Returns:A URL, not prefixed by "http://".
Type:function (rec: HTTP::Info) : string

Creates a URL from an HTTP::Info record. This should handle edge cases such as proxied requests appropriately.

Rec:An HTTP::Info record.
Returns:A URL prefixed with "http://".
Type:function (rec: HTTP::Info) : string

Create an extremely shortened representation of a log line.

Type:function (data: string, kv_splitter: pattern) : string_vec

Given a string containing a series of key-value pairs separated by “=”, this function can be used to parse out all of the key names.

Data:The raw data, such as a URL or cookie value.
Kv_splitter:A regular expression representing the separator between key-value pairs.
Returns:A vector of strings containing the keys.

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on December 19, 2018. Created using Sphinx 1.8.2.