

Framework for managing Bro’s protocol analyzers.

The analyzer framework allows to dynamically enable or disable analyzers, as well as to manage the well-known ports which automatically activate a particular analyzer for new connections.

Protocol analyzers are identified by unique tags of type Analyzer::Tag, such as Analyzer::ANALYZER_HTTP. These tags are defined internally by the analyzers themselves, and documented in their analyzer-specific description along with the events that they generate.

Imports:base/bif/analyzer.bif.bro, base/frameworks/packet-filter/utils.bro
Source File:/scripts/base/frameworks/analyzer/main.bro


State Variables

Analyzer::disable_all: bool &redef If true, all available analyzers are initially disabled at startup.
Analyzer::disabled_analyzers: set &redef A set of analyzers to disable by default at startup.


Analyzer::all_registered_ports: function Returns a table of all ports-to-analyzer mappings currently registered.
Analyzer::analyzer_to_bpf: function Automatically creates a BPF filter for the specified protocol based on the data supplied for the protocol through the Analyzer::register_for_ports function.
Analyzer::disable_analyzer: function Disables an analyzer.
Analyzer::enable_analyzer: function Enables an analyzer.
Analyzer::get_bpf: function Create a BPF filter which matches all of the ports defined by the various protocol analysis scripts as “registered ports” for the protocol.
Analyzer::get_tag: function Translates an analyzer’s name to a tag enum value.
Analyzer::name: function Translates an analyzer type to a string with the analyzer’s name.
Analyzer::register_for_port: function Registers an individual well-known port for an analyzer.
Analyzer::register_for_ports: function Registers a set of well-known ports for an analyzer.
Analyzer::registered_ports: function Returns a set of all well-known ports currently registered for a specific analyzer.
Analyzer::schedule_analyzer: function Schedules an analyzer for a future connection originating from a given IP address and port.

Detailed Interface

State Variables


If true, all available analyzers are initially disabled at startup. One can then selectively enable them with Analyzer::enable_analyzer.

Type:set [Analyzer::Tag]

A set of analyzers to disable by default at startup. The default set contains legacy analyzers that are no longer supported.


Type:function () : table [Analyzer::Tag] of set [port]

Returns a table of all ports-to-analyzer mappings currently registered.

Returns:A table mapping each analyzer to the set of ports registered for it.
Type:function (tag: Analyzer::Tag) : string

Automatically creates a BPF filter for the specified protocol based on the data supplied for the protocol through the Analyzer::register_for_ports function.

Tag:The analyzer tag.
Returns:BPF filter string.
Type:function (tag: Analyzer::Tag) : bool

Disables an analyzer. Once disabled, the analyzer will not be used further for analysis of future connections.

Tag:The tag of the analyzer to disable.
Returns:True if the analyzer was successfully disabled.
Type:function (tag: Analyzer::Tag) : bool

Enables an analyzer. Once enabled, the analyzer may be used for analysis of future connections as decided by Bro’s dynamic protocol detection.

Tag:The tag of the analyzer to enable.
Returns:True if the analyzer was successfully enabled.
Type:function () : string

Create a BPF filter which matches all of the ports defined by the various protocol analysis scripts as “registered ports” for the protocol.

Type:function (name: string) : Analyzer::Tag

Translates an analyzer’s name to a tag enum value.

Name:The analyzer name.
Returns:The analyzer tag corresponding to the name.
Type:function (atype: Analyzer::Tag) : string

Translates an analyzer type to a string with the analyzer’s name.

Tag:The analyzer tag.
Returns:The analyzer name corresponding to the tag.
Type:function (tag: Analyzer::Tag, p: port) : bool

Registers an individual well-known port for an analyzer. If a future connection on this port is seen, the analyzer will be automatically assigned to parsing it. The function adds to all ports already registered, it doesn’t replace them.

Tag:The tag of the analyzer.
P:The well-known port to associate with the analyzer.
Returns:True if the port was successfully registered.
Type:function (tag: Analyzer::Tag, ports: set [port]) : bool

Registers a set of well-known ports for an analyzer. If a future connection on one of these ports is seen, the analyzer will be automatically assigned to parsing it. The function adds to all ports already registered, it doesn’t replace them.

Tag:The tag of the analyzer.
Ports:The set of well-known ports to associate with the analyzer.
Returns:True if the ports were successfully registered.
Type:function (tag: Analyzer::Tag) : set [port]

Returns a set of all well-known ports currently registered for a specific analyzer.

Tag:The tag of the analyzer.
Returns:The set of ports.
Type:function (orig: addr, resp: addr, resp_p: port, analyzer: Analyzer::Tag, tout: interval) : bool

Schedules an analyzer for a future connection originating from a given IP address and port.

Orig:The IP address originating a connection in the future. can be used as a wildcard to match any originator address.
Resp:The IP address responding to a connection from orig.
Resp_p:The destination port at resp.
Analyzer:The analyzer ID.
Tout:A timeout interval after which the scheduling request will be discarded if the connection has not yet been seen.
Returns:True if successful.
Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on December 19, 2018. Created using Sphinx 1.8.2.