
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/plugins/



snmp_encrypted_pdu: event An SNMPv3 encrypted PDU message.
snmp_get_bulk_request: event An SNMP GetBulkRequest-PDU message from RFC 3416.
snmp_get_next_request: event An SNMP GetNextRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.
snmp_get_request: event An SNMP GetRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.
snmp_inform_request: event An SNMP InformRequest-PDU message from RFC 3416.
snmp_report: event An SNMP Report-PDU message from RFC 3416.
snmp_response: event An SNMP GetResponse-PDU message from RFC 1157 or a Response-PDU from RFC 3416.
snmp_set_request: event An SNMP SetRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.
snmp_trap: event An SNMP Trap-PDU message from RFC 1157.
snmp_trapV2: event An SNMP SNMPv2-Trap-PDU message from RFC 1157.
snmp_unknown_header_version: event A datagram with an unknown SNMP version.
snmp_unknown_pdu: event An SNMP PDU message of unknown type.
snmp_unknown_scoped_pdu: event An SNMPv3 ScopedPDUData of unknown type (neither plaintext or an encrypted PDU was in the datagram).

Detailed Interface


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header)

An SNMPv3 encrypted PDU message.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::BulkPDU)

An SNMP GetBulkRequest-PDU message from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP GetNextRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP GetRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP InformRequest-PDU message from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP Report-PDU message from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP GetResponse-PDU message from RFC 1157 or a Response-PDU from RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP SetRequest-PDU message from either RFC 1157 or RFC 3416.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::TrapPDU)

An SNMP Trap-PDU message from RFC 1157.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU)

An SNMP SNMPv2-Trap-PDU message from RFC 1157.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Pdu:An SNMP PDU data structure.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, version: count)

A datagram with an unknown SNMP version.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Version:The value of the unknown SNMP version.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, tag: count)

An SNMP PDU message of unknown type.

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Tag:The tag of the unknown SNMP PDU.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, tag: count)

An SNMPv3 ScopedPDUData of unknown type (neither plaintext or an encrypted PDU was in the datagram).

C:The connection over which the SNMP datagram is sent.
Is_orig:The endpoint which sent the SNMP datagram.
Header:SNMP version-dependent data that precedes PDU data in the top-level SNMP message structure.
Tag:The tag of the unknown SNMP PDU scope.
Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on December 19, 2018. Created using Sphinx 1.8.2.