
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/plugins/Bro_SMB.smb1_com_echo.bif.bro



smb1_echo_request: event Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type echo.
smb1_echo_response: event Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type echo.

Detailed Interface


Type:event (c: connection, echo_count: count, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 requests of type echo. This is sent by the client to test the transport layer connection with the server.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Echo_count:The number of times the server should echo the data back.
Data:The data for the server to echo.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_echo_response

Type:event (c: connection, seq_num: count, data: string)

Generated for SMB/CIFS version 1 responses of type echo. This is the server response to the echo request.

For more information, see MS-CIFS:

C:The connection.
Hdr:The parsed header of the SMB version 1 message.
Seq_num:The sequence number of this echo reply.
Data:The data echoed back from the client.

See also: smb1_message, smb1_echo_request

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on December 19, 2018. Created using Sphinx 1.8.2.