
Source File:/scripts/base/bif/plugins/



irc_channel_info: event Generated for an IRC reply of type luserchannels.
irc_channel_topic: event Generated for an IRC reply of type topic.
irc_dcc_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type dcc.
irc_error_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type error.
irc_global_users: event Generated for an IRC reply of type globalusers.
irc_invalid_nick: event Generated when a server rejects an IRC nickname.
irc_invite_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type invite.
irc_join_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type join.
irc_kick_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type kick.
irc_message: event Generated for IRC commands forwarded from the server to the client.
irc_mode_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type mode.
irc_names_info: event Generated for an IRC reply of type namereply.
irc_network_info: event Generated for an IRC reply of type luserclient.
irc_nick_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type nick.
irc_notice_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type notice.
irc_oper_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type oper.
irc_oper_response: event Generated for IRC replies of type youreoper and nooperhost.
irc_part_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type part.
irc_password_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type password.
irc_privmsg_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type privmsg.
irc_quit_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type quit.
irc_reply: event Generated for all IRC replies.
irc_request: event Generated for all client-side IRC commands.
irc_server_info: event Generated for an IRC reply of type luserme.
irc_squery_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type squery.
irc_squit_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type squit.
irc_starttls: event Generated if an IRC connection switched to TLS using STARTTLS.
irc_user_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type user.
irc_who_line: event Generated for an IRC reply of type whoreply.
irc_who_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type who.
irc_whois_channel_line: event Generated for an IRC reply of type whoischannels.
irc_whois_message: event Generated for IRC messages of type whois.
irc_whois_operator_line: event Generated for an IRC reply of type whoisoperator.
irc_whois_user_line: event Generated for an IRC reply of type whoisuser.

Detailed Interface


Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, chans: count)

Generated for an IRC reply of type luserchannels.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Chans:The number of channels as returned in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, channel: string, topic: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type topic.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Channel:The channel name specified in the reply.
Topic:The topic specified in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, target: string, dcc_type: string, argument: string, address: addr, dest_port: count, size: count)

Generated for IRC messages of type dcc. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Target:The target specified in the message.
Dcc_type:The DCC type specified in the message.
Argument:The argument specified in the message.
Address:The address specified in the message.
Dest_port:The destination port specified in the message.
Size:The size specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type error. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Message:The textual description specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, msg: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type globalusers.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Msg:The message coming with the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool)

Generated when a server rejects an IRC nickname.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, nickname: string, channel: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type invite. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Nickname:The nickname specified in the message.
Channel:The channel specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, info_list: irc_join_list)

Generated for IRC messages of type join. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Info_list:The user information coming with the command.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, chans: string, users: string, comment: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type kick. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Chans:The channels specified in the message.
Users:The users specified in the message.
Comment:The comment specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, command: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC commands forwarded from the server to the client.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Always false.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Command:The command.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message


This event is generated only for messages that are forwarded by the server to the client. Commands coming from client trigger the irc_request event instead.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, params: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type mode. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Params:The parameters coming with the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, c_type: string, channel: string, users: string_set)

Generated for an IRC reply of type namereply.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
C_type:The channel type.
Channel:The channel.
Users:The set of users.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, users: count, services: count, servers: count)

Generated for an IRC reply of type luserclient.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Users:The number of users as returned in the reply.
Services:The number of services as returned in the reply.
Servers:The number of servers as returned in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, who: string, newnick: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type nick. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Who:The user changing its nickname.
Newnick:The new nickname.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, source: string, target: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type notice. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Source:The source of the private communication.
Target:The target of the private communication.
Message:The text of communication.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, user: string, password: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type oper. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
User:The user specified in the message.
Password:The password specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, got_oper: bool)

Generated for IRC replies of type youreoper and nooperhost.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Got_oper:True if the oper command was executed successfully (youreport) and false otherwise (nooperhost).

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, chans: string_set, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type part. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname coming with the message.
Chans:The set of channels affected.
Message:The text coming with the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, password: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type password. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Password:The password specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, source: string, target: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type privmsg. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Source:The source of the private communication.
Target:The target of the private communication.
Message:The text of communication.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type quit. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname coming with the message.
Message:The text included with the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, code: count, params: string)

Generated for all IRC replies. IRC replies are sent in response to a request and come with a reply code.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the reply. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Code:The reply code, as specified by the protocol.
Params:The reply’s parameters.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, command: string, arguments: string)

Generated for all client-side IRC commands.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:Always true.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Command:The command.
Arguments:The arguments for the command.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message


This event is generated only for messages that originate at the client-side. Commands coming in from remote trigger the irc_message event instead.

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, users: count, services: count, servers: count)

Generated for an IRC reply of type luserme.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Users:The number of users as returned in the reply.
Services:The number of services as returned in the reply.
Servers:The number of servers as returned in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, source: string, target: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type squery. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Source:The source of the private communication.
Target:The target of the private communication.
Message:The text of communication.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, prefix: string, server: string, message: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type squit. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Prefix:The optional prefix coming with the command. IRC uses the prefix to indicate the true origin of a message.
Server:The server specified in the message.
Message:The textual description specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection)

Generated if an IRC connection switched to TLS using STARTTLS. After this event no more IRC events will be raised for the connection. See the SSL analyzer for related SSL events, which will now be generated.

C:The connection.
Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, user: string, host: string, server: string, real_name: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type user. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
User:The user specified in the message.
Host:The host name specified in the message.
Server:The server name specified in the message.
Real_name:The real name specified in the message.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, target_nick: string, channel: string, user: string, host: string, server: string, nick: string, params: string, hops: count, real_name: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoreply.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Target_nick:The target nickname.
Channel:The channel.
User:The user.
Host:The host.
Server:The server.
Nick:The nickname.
Params:The parameters.
Hops:The hop count.
Real_name:The real name.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, mask: string, oper: bool)

Generated for IRC messages of type who. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Mask:The mask specified in the message.
Oper:True if the operator flag was set.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, chans: string_set)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoischannels.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname specified in the reply.
Chans:The set of channels returned.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, server: string, users: string)

Generated for IRC messages of type whois. This event is generated for messages coming from both the client and the server.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoisoperator.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname specified in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Type:event (c: connection, is_orig: bool, nick: string, user: string, host: string, real_name: string)

Generated for an IRC reply of type whoisuser.

See Wikipedia for more information about the IRC protocol.

C:The connection.
Is_orig:True if the command was sent by the originator of the TCP connection.
Nick:The nickname specified in the reply.
User:The user name specified in the reply.
Host:The host name specified in the reply.
Real_name:The real name specified in the reply.

See also: irc_channel_info, irc_channel_topic, irc_dcc_message, irc_error_message, irc_global_users, irc_invalid_nick, irc_invite_message, irc_join_message, irc_kick_message, irc_message, irc_mode_message, irc_names_info, irc_network_info, irc_nick_message, irc_notice_message, irc_oper_message, irc_oper_response, irc_part_message, irc_password_message

Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on December 19, 2018. Created using Sphinx 1.8.2.