The Bro scripting language supports the following operators. Note that each data type only supports a subset of these operators. For more details, see the documentation about the data types.
The relational operators evaluate to type bool
In addition to numeric operands, the relational operators also work with
operands of type interval
, time
, string
, addr
, and set
Name | Syntax |
Equality | a == b |
Inequality | a != b |
Less than | a < b |
Less than or equal | a <= b |
Greater than | a > b |
Greater than or equal | a >= b |
The logical operators require operands of type bool
, and
evaluate to type bool
Name | Syntax |
Logical AND | a && b |
Logical OR | a || b |
Logical NOT | ! a |
Name | Syntax | Notes |
Addition | a + b | For string
operands, this performs
string concatenation. |
Subtraction | a - b | |
Multiplication | a * b | |
Division | a / b | For int or
count operands,
the fractional part of the
result is dropped. |
Modulo | a % b | Operand types cannot be “double”. |
Unary plus | + a | |
Unary minus | - a | |
Pre-increment | ++ a | Operand type cannot be “double”. |
Pre-decrement | -- a |
Operand type cannot be “double”. |
Absolute value | | a | | If operand is
string ,
set ,
table , or
vector , this
evaluates to number
of elements. |
The bitwise operators work with operands of type count
vector of count
, but the bitwise complement operator works with count
Name | Syntax |
Bitwise AND | a & b |
Bitwise OR | a | b |
Bitwise XOR | a ^ b |
Bitwise complement | ~ a |
Name | Syntax |
Set intersection | s1 & s2 |
Set union | s1 | s2 |
Set difference | s1 - s2 |
The assignment operators evaluate to the result of the assignment.
The “+=” operator can also be used to append an element to the end of a
vector. For example, v += e
is equivalent to v[|v|] = e
Name | Syntax |
Assignment | a = b |
Addition assignment | a += b |
Subtraction assignment | a -= b |
The record field operators take a record
as the first operand,
and a field name as the second operand. For both operators, the specified
field name must be in the declaration of the record type.
Name | Syntax | Notes |
Field access | a $ b | |
Field value existence test | a ?$ b | Evaluates to type
bool .
True if the specified field
has been assigned a value, or
false if not. |
In the table below, p is a pattern, and s is a string.
Name | Syntax | Notes |
Exact matching | p == s | Evaluates to a boolean, indicating if the entire string exactly matches the pattern. |
Embedded matching | p in s | Evaluates to a boolean, indicating if pattern is found somewhere in the string. |
Conjunction | p1 & p2 | Evaluates to a pattern that represents matching p1 followed by p2. |
Disjunction | p1 | p2 | Evaluates to a pattern that represents matching p1 or p2. |
The “as” operator performs type casting and the “is” operator checks if a type cast is supported or not. For both operators, the first operand is a value and the second operand is the name of a Bro script type (either built-in or user-defined).
Name | Syntax | Notes |
Type cast | v as t | Cast value “v” into type “t”. Evaluates to the value casted to the specified type. If this is not a supported cast, then a runtime error is triggered. |
Check if a cast is supported | v is t | Evaluates to boolean. If true, then “v as t” would succeed. |
Only the following kinds of type casts are supported currently:
values returned from
functions such as Broker::data
) can be casted to their
corresponding Bro script types.The function in this example tries to cast a value to a string:
function example(a: any)
local s: string;
if ( a is string )
s = (a as string);
Name | Syntax | Notes |
Membership test | a in b | Evaluates to type
bool . Works
with string ,
pattern ,
subnet ,
set ,
table , or
operands. Do not
confuse this use of “in”
with that used in a
statement. |
Non-membership test | a !in b | This is the logical NOT of the “in” operator. For example: “a !in b” is equivalent to “!(a in b)”. |
Table or vector element access | a [ b ] | This operator can also
be used with a
set , but
only with the
add or
statement. |
Substring extraction | a [ b : c ] | See the
string type
for more details. |
Create a deep copy | copy ( a ) | This is relevant only
for data types that are
assigned by reference,
such as
vector ,
set ,
table ,
and record . |
Module namespace access | a :: b | The first operand is the module name, and the second operand is an identifier that refers to a global variable, enumeration constant, or user-defined type that was exported from the module. |
Conditional | a ? b : c | The first operand must
evaluate to type
bool .
If true, then the
second expression is
evaluated and is the
result of the entire
expression. Otherwise,
the third expression is
evaluated and is the
result of the entire
expression. The types of
the second and third
operands must be
compatible. |