

The input framework provides a way to read previously stored data either as an event stream or into a Bro table.

Source File:/scripts/base/frameworks/input/main.bro



Input::accept_unsupported_types: bool &redef Flag that controls if the input framework accepts records that contain types that are not supported (at the moment file and function).
Input::default_mode: Input::Mode &redef The default reader mode used.
Input::default_reader: Input::Reader &redef The default input reader used.
Input::empty_field: string &redef String to use for empty fields.
Input::separator: string &redef Separator between fields.
Input::set_separator: string &redef Separator between set elements.
Input::unset_field: string &redef String to use for an unset &optional field.


Input::AnalysisDescription: record A file analysis input stream type used to forward input data to the file analysis framework.
Input::Event: enum  
Input::EventDescription: record An event input stream type used to send input data to a Bro event.
Input::Mode: enum Type that defines the input stream read mode.
Input::TableDescription: record A table input stream type used to send data to a Bro table.


Input::end_of_data: event Event that is called when the end of a data source has been reached, including after an update.


Input::add_analysis: function Create a new file analysis input stream from a given source.
Input::add_event: function Create a new event input stream from a given source.
Input::add_table: function Create a new table input stream from a given source.
Input::force_update: function Forces the current input to be checked for changes.
Input::remove: function Remove an input stream.

Detailed Interface



Flag that controls if the input framework accepts records that contain types that are not supported (at the moment file and function). If true, the input framework will warn in these cases, but continue. If false, it will abort. Defaults to false (abort).


The default reader mode used. Defaults to MANUAL.


The default input reader used. Defaults to READER_ASCII.


String to use for empty fields. Individual readers can use a different value.


Separator between fields. Please note that the separator has to be exactly one character long. Individual readers can use a different value.


Separator between set elements. Please note that the separator has to be exactly one character long. Individual readers can use a different value.


String to use for an unset &optional field. Individual readers can use a different value.




source: string

String that allows the reader to find the source. For READER_ASCII, this is the filename.

reader: Input::Reader &default = Input::READER_BINARY &optional

Reader to use for this stream. Compatible readers must be able to accept a filter of a single string type (i.e. they read a byte stream).

mode: Input::Mode &default = Input::default_mode &optional

Read mode to use for this stream.

name: string

Descriptive name that uniquely identifies the input source. Can be used to remove a stream at a later time. This will also be used for the unique source field of fa_file. Most of the time, the best choice for this field will be the same value as the source field.

config: table [string] of string &default = {  } &optional

A key/value table that will be passed to the reader. Interpretation of the values is left to the reader, but usually they will be used for configuration purposes.

A file analysis input stream type used to forward input data to the file analysis framework.




New data has been imported.


Existing data has been changed.


Previously existing data has been removed.



source: string

String that allows the reader to find the source. For READER_ASCII, this is the filename.

reader: Input::Reader &default = Input::default_reader &optional

Reader to use for this stream.

mode: Input::Mode &default = Input::default_mode &optional

Read mode to use for this stream.

name: string

Descriptive name. Used to remove a stream at a later time.

fields: any

Record type describing the fields to be retrieved from the input source.

want_record: bool &default = T &optional

If this is false, the event receives each value in fields as a separate argument. If this is set to true (default), the event receives all fields in a single record value.

ev: any

The event that is raised each time a new line is received from the reader. The event will receive an Input::EventDescription record as the first argument, an Input::Event enum as the second argument, and the fields (as specified in fields) as the following arguments (this will either be a single record value containing all fields, or each field value as a separate argument).

error_ev: any &optional

Error event that is raised when an information, warning or error is raised by the input stream. If the level is error, the stream will automatically be closed. The event receives the Input::EventDescription as the first argument, the message as the second argument and the Reporter::Level as the third argument.

The event is raised like it had been declared as follows: error_ev: function(desc: EventDescription, message: string, level: Reporter::Level) &optional; The actual declaration uses the any type because of deficiencies of the Bro type system.

config: table [string] of string &default = {  } &optional

A key/value table that will be passed to the reader. Interpretation of the values is left to the reader, but usually they will be used for configuration purposes.

An event input stream type used to send input data to a Bro event.




Do not automatically reread the file after it has been read.


Reread the entire file each time a change is found.


Read data from end of file each time new data is appended.

Type that defines the input stream read mode.



source: string

String that allows the reader to find the source of the data. For READER_ASCII, this is the filename.

reader: Input::Reader &default = Input::default_reader &optional

Reader to use for this stream.

mode: Input::Mode &default = Input::default_mode &optional

Read mode to use for this stream.

name: string

Name of the input stream. This is used by some functions to manipulate the stream.

destination: any

Table which will receive the data read by the input framework.

idx: any

Record that defines the values used as the index of the table.

val: any &optional

Record that defines the values used as the elements of the table. If this is undefined, then destination must be a set.

want_record: bool &default = T &optional

Defines if the value of the table is a record (default), or a single value. When this is set to false, then val can only contain one element.

ev: any &optional

The event that is raised each time a value is added to, changed in, or removed from the table. The event will receive an Input::TableDescription as the first argument, an Input::Event enum as the second argument, the idx record as the third argument and the value (record) as the fourth argument.

pred: function (typ: Input::Event, left: any, right: any) : bool &optional

Predicate function that can decide if an insertion, update or removal should really be executed. Parameters have same meaning as for the event. If true is returned, the update is performed. If false is returned, it is skipped.

error_ev: any &optional

Error event that is raised when an information, warning or error is raised by the input stream. If the level is error, the stream will automatically be closed. The event receives the Input::TableDescription as the first argument, the message as the second argument and the Reporter::Level as the third argument.

The event is raised like if it had been declared as follows: error_ev: function(desc: TableDescription, message: string, level: Reporter::Level) &optional; The actual declaration uses the any type because of deficiencies of the Bro type system.

config: table [string] of string &default = {  } &optional

A key/value table that will be passed to the reader. Interpretation of the values is left to the reader, but usually they will be used for configuration purposes.

A table input stream type used to send data to a Bro table.


Type:event (name: string, source: string)

Event that is called when the end of a data source has been reached, including after an update.

Name:Name of the input stream.
Source:String that identifies the data source (such as the filename).


Type:function (description: Input::AnalysisDescription) : bool

Create a new file analysis input stream from a given source. Data read from the source is automatically forwarded to the file analysis framework.

Description:A record describing the source.
Returns:true on success.
Type:function (description: Input::EventDescription) : bool

Create a new event input stream from a given source.

Description:EventDescription record describing the source.
Returns:true on success.
Type:function (description: Input::TableDescription) : bool

Create a new table input stream from a given source.

Description:TableDescription record describing the source.
Returns:true on success.
Type:function (id: string) : bool

Forces the current input to be checked for changes.

Id:string value identifying the stream.
Returns:true on success and false if the named stream was not found.
Type:function (id: string) : bool

Remove an input stream.

Id:string value identifying the stream to be removed.
Returns:true on success and false if the named stream was not found.
Copyright 2016, The Bro Project. Last updated on December 07, 2018. Created using Sphinx 1.8.2.