##! Enables analysis and logging of SNMP datagrams. module SNMP; export { redef enum Log::ID += { LOG }; ## Information tracked per SNMP session. type Info: record { ## Timestamp of first packet belonging to the SNMP session. ts: time &log; ## The unique ID for the connection. uid: string &log; ## The connection's 5-tuple of addresses/ports (ports inherently ## include transport protocol information) id: conn_id &log; ## The amount of time between the first packet beloning to ## the SNMP session and the latest one seen. duration: interval &log &default=0secs; ## The version of SNMP being used. version: string &log; ## The community string of the first SNMP packet associated with ## the session. This is used as part of SNMP's (v1 and v2c) ## administrative/security framework. See :rfc:`1157` or :rfc:`1901`. community: string &log &optional; ## The number of variable bindings in GetRequest/GetNextRequest PDUs ## seen for the session. get_requests: count &log &default=0; ## The number of variable bindings in GetBulkRequest PDUs seen for ## the session. get_bulk_requests: count &log &default=0; ## The number of variable bindings in GetResponse/Response PDUs seen ## for the session. get_responses: count &log &default=0; ## The number of variable bindings in SetRequest PDUs seen for ## the session. set_requests: count &log &default=0; ## A system description of the SNMP responder endpoint. display_string: string &log &optional; ## The time at which the SNMP responder endpoint claims it's been ## up since. up_since: time &log &optional; }; ## Maps an SNMP version integer to a human readable string. const version_map: table[count] of string = { [0] = "1", [1] = "2c", [3] = "3", } &redef &default="unknown"; ## Event that can be handled to access the SNMP record as it is sent on ## to the logging framework. global log_snmp: event(rec: Info); } redef record connection += { snmp: SNMP::Info &optional; }; const ports = { 161/udp, 162/udp }; redef likely_server_ports += { ports }; event bro_init() &priority=5 { Analyzer::register_for_ports(Analyzer::ANALYZER_SNMP, ports); Log::create_stream(SNMP::LOG, [$columns=SNMP::Info, $ev=log_snmp, $path="snmp"]); } function init_state(c: connection, h: SNMP::Header): Info { if ( ! c?$snmp ) { c$snmp = Info($ts=network_time(), $uid=c$uid, $id=c$id, $version=version_map[h$version]); } local s = c$snmp; if ( ! s?$community ) { if ( h?$v1 ) s$community = h$v1$community; else if ( h?$v2 ) s$community = h$v2$community; } s$duration = network_time() - s$ts; return s; } event connection_state_remove(c: connection) &priority=-5 { if ( c?$snmp ) Log::write(LOG, c$snmp); } event snmp_get_request(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { local s = init_state(c, header); s$get_requests += |pdu$bindings|; } event snmp_get_bulk_request(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::BulkPDU) &priority=5 { local s = init_state(c, header); s$get_bulk_requests += |pdu$bindings|; } event snmp_get_next_request(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { local s = init_state(c, header); s$get_requests += |pdu$bindings|; } event snmp_response(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { local s = init_state(c, header); s$get_responses += |pdu$bindings|; for ( i in pdu$bindings ) { local binding = pdu$bindings[i]; if ( binding$oid == "" && binding$value?$octets ) c$snmp$display_string = binding$value$octets; else if ( binding$oid == "" && binding$value?$unsigned ) { local up_seconds = binding$value$unsigned / 100.0; s$up_since = network_time() - double_to_interval(up_seconds); } } } event snmp_set_request(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { local s = init_state(c, header); s$set_requests += |pdu$bindings|; } event snmp_trap(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::TrapPDU) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } event snmp_inform_request(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } event snmp_trapV2(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } event snmp_report(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, pdu: SNMP::PDU) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } event snmp_unknown_pdu(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, tag: count) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } event snmp_unknown_scoped_pdu(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header, tag: count) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } event snmp_encrypted_pdu(c: connection, is_orig: bool, header: SNMP::Header) &priority=5 { init_state(c, header); } #event snmp_unknown_header_version(c: connection, is_orig: bool, version: count) &priority=5 # { # }