# This file was automatically generated by bifcl from /Users/jon/tmp/bro-2.5.5/src/analyzer/protocol/ftp/functions.bif (plugin mode). export { ## Converts a string representation of the FTP PORT command to an ## :bro:type:`ftp_port`. ## ## s: The string of the FTP PORT command, e.g., ``"10,0,0,1,4,31"``. ## ## Returns: The FTP PORT, e.g., ``[h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T]``. ## ## .. bro:see:: parse_eftp_port parse_ftp_pasv parse_ftp_epsv fmt_ftp_port global parse_ftp_port: function(s: string ): ftp_port ; ## Converts a string representation of the FTP EPRT command (see :rfc:`2428`) ## to an :bro:type:`ftp_port`. The format is ## ``"EPRT"``, ## where ```` is a delimiter in the ASCII range 33-126 (usually ``|``). ## ## s: The string of the FTP EPRT command, e.g., ``"|1||1055|"``. ## ## Returns: The FTP PORT, e.g., ``[h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T]``. ## ## .. bro:see:: parse_ftp_port parse_ftp_pasv parse_ftp_epsv fmt_ftp_port global parse_eftp_port: function(s: string ): ftp_port ; ## Converts the result of the FTP PASV command to an :bro:type:`ftp_port`. ## ## str: The string containing the result of the FTP PASV command. ## ## Returns: The FTP PORT, e.g., ``[h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T]``. ## ## .. bro:see:: parse_ftp_port parse_eftp_port parse_ftp_epsv fmt_ftp_port global parse_ftp_pasv: function(str: string ): ftp_port ; ## Converts the result of the FTP EPSV command (see :rfc:`2428`) to an ## :bro:type:`ftp_port`. The format is ``" ()"``, ## where ```` is a delimiter in the ASCII range 33-126 (usually ``|``). ## ## str: The string containing the result of the FTP EPSV command. ## ## Returns: The FTP PORT, e.g., ``[h=, p=1055/tcp, valid=T]``. ## ## .. bro:see:: parse_ftp_port parse_eftp_port parse_ftp_pasv fmt_ftp_port global parse_ftp_epsv: function(str: string ): ftp_port ; ## Formats an IP address and TCP port as an FTP PORT command. For example, ## ```` and ``1055/tcp`` yields ``"10,0,0,1,4,31"``. ## ## a: The IP address. ## ## p: The TCP port. ## ## Returns: The FTP PORT string. ## ## .. bro:see:: parse_ftp_port parse_eftp_port parse_ftp_pasv parse_ftp_epsv global fmt_ftp_port: function(a: addr , p: port ): string ; } # end of export section module GLOBAL;