##! Framework for managing Bro's protocol analyzers. ##! ##! The analyzer framework allows to dynamically enable or disable analyzers, as ##! well as to manage the well-known ports which automatically activate a ##! particular analyzer for new connections. ##! ##! Protocol analyzers are identified by unique tags of type ##! :bro:type:`Analyzer::Tag`, such as :bro:enum:`Analyzer::ANALYZER_HTTP`. ##! These tags are defined internally by ##! the analyzers themselves, and documented in their analyzer-specific ##! description along with the events that they generate. @load base/frameworks/packet-filter/utils module Analyzer; export { ## If true, all available analyzers are initially disabled at startup. ## One can then selectively enable them with ## :bro:id:`Analyzer::enable_analyzer`. global disable_all = F &redef; ## Enables an analyzer. Once enabled, the analyzer may be used for analysis ## of future connections as decided by Bro's dynamic protocol detection. ## ## tag: The tag of the analyzer to enable. ## ## Returns: True if the analyzer was successfully enabled. global enable_analyzer: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : bool; ## Disables an analyzer. Once disabled, the analyzer will not be used ## further for analysis of future connections. ## ## tag: The tag of the analyzer to disable. ## ## Returns: True if the analyzer was successfully disabled. global disable_analyzer: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : bool; ## Registers a set of well-known ports for an analyzer. If a future ## connection on one of these ports is seen, the analyzer will be ## automatically assigned to parsing it. The function *adds* to all ports ## already registered, it doesn't replace them. ## ## tag: The tag of the analyzer. ## ## ports: The set of well-known ports to associate with the analyzer. ## ## Returns: True if the ports were successfully registered. global register_for_ports: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag, ports: set[port]) : bool; ## Registers an individual well-known port for an analyzer. If a future ## connection on this port is seen, the analyzer will be automatically ## assigned to parsing it. The function *adds* to all ports already ## registered, it doesn't replace them. ## ## tag: The tag of the analyzer. ## ## p: The well-known port to associate with the analyzer. ## ## Returns: True if the port was successfully registered. global register_for_port: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag, p: port) : bool; ## Returns a set of all well-known ports currently registered for a ## specific analyzer. ## ## tag: The tag of the analyzer. ## ## Returns: The set of ports. global registered_ports: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : set[port]; ## Returns a table of all ports-to-analyzer mappings currently registered. ## ## Returns: A table mapping each analyzer to the set of ports ## registered for it. global all_registered_ports: function() : table[Analyzer::Tag] of set[port]; ## Translates an analyzer type to a string with the analyzer's name. ## ## tag: The analyzer tag. ## ## Returns: The analyzer name corresponding to the tag. global name: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : string; ## Translates an analyzer's name to a tag enum value. ## ## name: The analyzer name. ## ## Returns: The analyzer tag corresponding to the name. global get_tag: function(name: string): Analyzer::Tag; ## Schedules an analyzer for a future connection originating from a ## given IP address and port. ## ## orig: The IP address originating a connection in the future. ## can be used as a wildcard to match any originator address. ## ## resp: The IP address responding to a connection from *orig*. ## ## resp_p: The destination port at *resp*. ## ## analyzer: The analyzer ID. ## ## tout: A timeout interval after which the scheduling request will be ## discarded if the connection has not yet been seen. ## ## Returns: True if successful. global schedule_analyzer: function(orig: addr, resp: addr, resp_p: port, analyzer: Analyzer::Tag, tout: interval) : bool; ## Automatically creates a BPF filter for the specified protocol based ## on the data supplied for the protocol through the ## :bro:see:`Analyzer::register_for_ports` function. ## ## tag: The analyzer tag. ## ## Returns: BPF filter string. global analyzer_to_bpf: function(tag: Analyzer::Tag): string; ## Create a BPF filter which matches all of the ports defined ## by the various protocol analysis scripts as "registered ports" ## for the protocol. global get_bpf: function(): string; ## A set of analyzers to disable by default at startup. The default set ## contains legacy analyzers that are no longer supported. global disabled_analyzers: set[Analyzer::Tag] = { ANALYZER_INTERCONN, ANALYZER_STEPPINGSTONE, ANALYZER_BACKDOOR, ANALYZER_TCPSTATS, } &redef; } @load base/bif/analyzer.bif global ports: table[Analyzer::Tag] of set[port]; event bro_init() &priority=5 { if ( disable_all ) __disable_all_analyzers(); for ( a in disabled_analyzers ) disable_analyzer(a); } function enable_analyzer(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : bool { return __enable_analyzer(tag); } function disable_analyzer(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : bool { return __disable_analyzer(tag); } function register_for_ports(tag: Analyzer::Tag, ports: set[port]) : bool { local rc = T; for ( p in ports ) { if ( ! register_for_port(tag, p) ) rc = F; } return rc; } function register_for_port(tag: Analyzer::Tag, p: port) : bool { if ( ! __register_for_port(tag, p) ) return F; if ( tag !in ports ) ports[tag] = set(); add ports[tag][p]; return T; } function registered_ports(tag: Analyzer::Tag) : set[port] { return tag in ports ? ports[tag] : set(); } function all_registered_ports(): table[Analyzer::Tag] of set[port] { return ports; } function name(atype: Analyzer::Tag) : string { return __name(atype); } function get_tag(name: string): Analyzer::Tag { return __tag(name); } function schedule_analyzer(orig: addr, resp: addr, resp_p: port, analyzer: Analyzer::Tag, tout: interval) : bool { return __schedule_analyzer(orig, resp, resp_p, analyzer, tout); } function analyzer_to_bpf(tag: Analyzer::Tag): string { # Return an empty string if an undefined analyzer was given. if ( tag !in ports ) return ""; local output = ""; for ( p in ports[tag] ) output = PacketFilter::combine_filters(output, "or", PacketFilter::port_to_bpf(p)); return output; } function get_bpf(): string { local output = ""; for ( tag in ports ) { output = PacketFilter::combine_filters(output, "or", analyzer_to_bpf(tag)); } return output; }