# This file was automatically generated by bifcl from bro.bif. ##! A collection of built-in functions that implement a variety of things ##! such as general programming algorithms, string processing, math functions, ##! introspection, type conversion, file/directory manipulation, packet ##! filtering, interprocess communication and controlling protocol analyzer ##! behavior. ##! ##! You'll find most of Bro's built-in functions that aren't protocol-specific ##! in this file. export { ## Returns the current wall-clock time. ## ## In general, you should use :bro:id:`network_time` instead ## unless you are using Bro for non-networking uses (such as general ## scripting; not particularly recommended), because otherwise your script ## may behave very differently on live traffic versus played-back traffic ## from a save file. ## ## Returns: The wall-clock time. ## ## .. bro:see:: network_time global current_time: function(): time ; ## Returns the timestamp of the last packet processed. This function returns ## the timestamp of the most recently read packet, whether read from a ## live network interface or from a save file. ## ## Returns: The timestamp of the packet processed. ## ## .. bro:see:: current_time global network_time: function(): time ; ## Returns a system environment variable. ## ## var: The name of the variable whose value to request. ## ## Returns: The system environment variable identified by *var*, or an empty ## string if it is not defined. ## ## .. bro:see:: setenv global getenv: function(var: string ): string ; ## Sets a system environment variable. ## ## var: The name of the variable. ## ## val: The (new) value of the variable *var*. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: getenv global setenv: function(var: string , val: string ): bool ; ## Shuts down the Bro process immediately. ## ## code: The exit code to return with. ## ## .. bro:see:: terminate global exit: function(code: int ): any ; ## Gracefully shut down Bro by terminating outstanding processing. ## ## Returns: True after successful termination and false when Bro is still in ## the process of shutting down. ## ## .. bro:see:: exit bro_is_terminating global terminate: function(): bool ; ## Invokes a command via the ``system`` function of the OS. ## The command runs in the background with ``stdout`` redirecting to ## ``stderr``. Here is a usage example: ## ``system(fmt("rm \"%s\"", str_shell_escape(sniffed_data)));`` ## ## str: The command to execute. ## ## Returns: The return value from the OS ``system`` function. ## ## .. bro:see:: system_env str_shell_escape piped_exec ## ## .. note:: ## ## Note that this corresponds to the status of backgrounding the ## given command, not to the exit status of the command itself. A ## value of 127 corresponds to a failure to execute ``sh``, and -1 ## to an internal system failure. global system: function(str: string ): int ; ## Invokes a command via the ``system`` function of the OS with a prepared ## environment. The function is essentially the same as :bro:id:`system`, ## but changes the environment before invoking the command. ## ## str: The command to execute. ## ## env: A :bro:type:`table` with the environment variables in the form ## of key-value pairs. Each specified environment variable name ## will be automatically prepended with ``BRO_ARG_``. ## ## Returns: The return value from the OS ``system`` function. ## ## .. bro:see:: system str_shell_escape piped_exec global system_env: function(str: string , env: table_string_of_string ): int ; ## Opens a program with ``popen`` and writes a given string to the returned ## stream to send it to the opened process's stdin. ## ## program: The program to execute. ## ## to_write: Data to pipe to the opened program's process via ``stdin``. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: system system_env global piped_exec: function(program: string , to_write: string ): bool ; ## Computes the MD5 hash value of the provided list of arguments. ## ## Returns: The MD5 hash value of the concatenated arguments. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function performs a one-shot computation of its arguments. ## For incremental hash computation, see :bro:id:`md5_hash_init` and ## friends. global md5_hash: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Computes the SHA1 hash value of the provided list of arguments. ## ## Returns: The SHA1 hash value of the concatenated arguments. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hash md5_hmac md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function performs a one-shot computation of its arguments. ## For incremental hash computation, see :bro:id:`sha1_hash_init` and ## friends. global sha1_hash: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Computes the SHA256 hash value of the provided list of arguments. ## ## Returns: The SHA256 hash value of the concatenated arguments. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hash md5_hmac md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function performs a one-shot computation of its arguments. ## For incremental hash computation, see :bro:id:`sha256_hash_init` and ## friends. global sha256_hash: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Computes an HMAC-MD5 hash value of the provided list of arguments. The HMAC ## secret key is generated from available entropy when Bro starts up, or it can ## be specified for repeatability using the ``-K`` command line flag. ## ## Returns: The HMAC-MD5 hash value of the concatenated arguments. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global md5_hmac: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Constructs an MD5 handle to enable incremental hash computation. You can ## feed data to the returned opaque value with :bro:id:`md5_hash_update` and ## eventually need to call :bro:id:`md5_hash_finish` to finish the computation ## and get the hash digest. ## ## For example, when computing incremental MD5 values of transferred files in ## multiple concurrent HTTP connections, one keeps an optional handle in the ## HTTP session record. Then, one would call ## ``c$http$md5_handle = md5_hash_init()`` once before invoking ## ``md5_hash_update(c$http$md5_handle, some_more_data)`` in the ## :bro:id:`http_entity_data` event handler. When all data has arrived, a call ## to :bro:id:`md5_hash_finish` returns the final hash value. ## ## Returns: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global md5_hash_init: function(): opaque of md5 ; ## Constructs an SHA1 handle to enable incremental hash computation. You can ## feed data to the returned opaque value with :bro:id:`sha1_hash_update` and ## finally need to call :bro:id:`sha1_hash_finish` to finish the computation ## and get the hash digest. ## ## For example, when computing incremental SHA1 values of transferred files in ## multiple concurrent HTTP connections, one keeps an optional handle in the ## HTTP session record. Then, one would call ## ``c$http$sha1_handle = sha1_hash_init()`` once before invoking ## ``sha1_hash_update(c$http$sha1_handle, some_more_data)`` in the ## :bro:id:`http_entity_data` event handler. When all data has arrived, a call ## to :bro:id:`sha1_hash_finish` returns the final hash value. ## ## Returns: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global sha1_hash_init: function(): opaque of sha1 ; ## Constructs an SHA256 handle to enable incremental hash computation. You can ## feed data to the returned opaque value with :bro:id:`sha256_hash_update` and ## finally need to call :bro:id:`sha256_hash_finish` to finish the computation ## and get the hash digest. ## ## For example, when computing incremental SHA256 values of transferred files in ## multiple concurrent HTTP connections, one keeps an optional handle in the ## HTTP session record. Then, one would call ## ``c$http$sha256_handle = sha256_hash_init()`` once before invoking ## ``sha256_hash_update(c$http$sha256_handle, some_more_data)`` in the ## :bro:id:`http_entity_data` event handler. When all data has arrived, a call ## to :bro:id:`sha256_hash_finish` returns the final hash value. ## ## Returns: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global sha256_hash_init: function(): opaque of sha256 ; ## Updates the MD5 value associated with a given index. It is required to ## call :bro:id:`md5_hash_init` once before calling this ## function. ## ## handle: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## data: The data to add to the hash computation. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global md5_hash_update: function(handle: opaque of md5 , data: string ): bool ; ## Updates the SHA1 value associated with a given index. It is required to ## call :bro:id:`sha1_hash_init` once before calling this ## function. ## ## handle: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## data: The data to add to the hash computation. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global sha1_hash_update: function(handle: opaque of sha1 , data: string ): bool ; ## Updates the SHA256 value associated with a given index. It is required to ## call :bro:id:`sha256_hash_init` once before calling this ## function. ## ## handle: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## data: The data to add to the hash computation. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_finish global sha256_hash_update: function(handle: opaque of sha256 , data: string ): bool ; ## Returns the final MD5 digest of an incremental hash computation. ## ## handle: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## Returns: The hash value associated with the computation of *handle*. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global md5_hash_finish: function(handle: opaque of md5 ): string ; ## Returns the final SHA1 digest of an incremental hash computation. ## ## handle: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## Returns: The hash value associated with the computation of *handle*. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update sha256_hash_finish global sha1_hash_finish: function(handle: opaque of sha1 ): string ; ## Returns the final SHA256 digest of an incremental hash computation. ## ## handle: The opaque handle associated with this hash computation. ## ## Returns: The hash value associated with the computation of *handle*. ## ## .. bro:see:: md5_hmac md5_hash md5_hash_init md5_hash_update md5_hash_finish ## sha1_hash sha1_hash_init sha1_hash_update sha1_hash_finish ## sha256_hash sha256_hash_init sha256_hash_update global sha256_hash_finish: function(handle: opaque of sha256 ): string ; ## Generates a random number. ## ## max: The maximum value of the random number. ## ## Returns: a random positive integer in the interval *[0, max)*. ## ## .. bro:see:: srand ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function is a wrapper about the function ``random`` ## provided by the OS. global rand: function(max: count ): count ; ## Sets the seed for subsequent :bro:id:`rand` calls. ## ## seed: The seed for the PRNG. ## ## .. bro:see:: rand ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function is a wrapper about the function ``srandom`` ## provided by the OS. global srand: function(seed: count ): any ; ## Send a string to syslog. ## ## s: The string to log via syslog global syslog: function(s: string ): any ; ## Determines the MIME type of a piece of data using Bro's file magic ## signatures. ## ## data: The data to find the MIME type for. ## ## return_mime: Deprecated argument; does nothing, except emit a warning ## when false. ## ## Returns: The MIME type of *data*, or "" if there was an error ## or no match. This is the strongest signature match. ## ## .. bro:see:: file_magic global identify_data: function(data: string , return_mime: bool &default=T): string ; ## Determines the MIME type of a piece of data using Bro's file magic ## signatures. ## ## data: The data for which to find matching MIME types. ## ## Returns: All matching signatures, in order of strength. ## ## .. bro:see:: identify_data global file_magic: function(data: string ): mime_matches ; ## Performs an entropy test on the given data. ## See http://www.fourmilab.ch/random. ## ## data: The data to compute the entropy for. ## ## Returns: The result of the entropy test, which contains the following ## fields. ## ## - ``entropy``: The information density expressed as a number of ## bits per character. ## ## - ``chi_square``: The chi-square test value expressed as an ## absolute number and a percentage which indicates how ## frequently a truly random sequence would exceed the value ## calculated, i.e., the degree to which the sequence tested is ## suspected of being non-random. ## ## If the percentage is greater than 99% or less than 1%, the ## sequence is almost certainly not random. If the percentage is ## between 99% and 95% or between 1% and 5%, the sequence is ## suspect. Percentages between 90\% and 95\% and 5\% and 10\% ## indicate the sequence is "almost suspect." ## ## - ``mean``: The arithmetic mean of all the bytes. If the data ## are close to random, it should be around 127.5. ## ## - ``monte_carlo_pi``: Each successive sequence of six bytes is ## used as 24-bit *x* and *y* coordinates within a square. If ## the distance of the randomly-generated point is less than the ## radius of a circle inscribed within the square, the six-byte ## sequence is considered a "hit." The percentage of hits can ## be used to calculate the value of pi. For very large streams ## the value will approach the correct value of pi if the ## sequence is close to random. ## ## - ``serial_correlation``: This quantity measures the extent to ## which each byte in the file depends upon the previous byte. ## For random sequences this value will be close to zero. ## ## .. bro:see:: entropy_test_init entropy_test_add entropy_test_finish global find_entropy: function(data: string ): entropy_test_result ; ## Initializes data structures for incremental entropy calculation. ## ## Returns: An opaque handle to be used in subsequent operations. ## ## .. bro:see:: find_entropy entropy_test_add entropy_test_finish global entropy_test_init: function(): opaque of entropy ; ## Adds data to an incremental entropy calculation. ## ## handle: The opaque handle representing the entropy calculation state. ## ## data: The data to add to the entropy calculation. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: find_entropy entropy_test_add entropy_test_finish global entropy_test_add: function(handle: opaque of entropy , data: string ): bool ; ## Finishes an incremental entropy calculation. Before using this function, ## one needs to obtain an opaque handle with :bro:id:`entropy_test_init` and ## add data to it via :bro:id:`entropy_test_add`. ## ## handle: The opaque handle representing the entropy calculation state. ## ## Returns: The result of the entropy test. See :bro:id:`find_entropy` for a ## description of the individual components. ## ## .. bro:see:: find_entropy entropy_test_init entropy_test_add global entropy_test_finish: function(handle: opaque of entropy ): entropy_test_result ; ## Creates an identifier that is unique with high probability. ## ## prefix: A custom string prepended to the result. ## ## Returns: A string identifier that is unique. ## ## .. bro:see:: unique_id_from global unique_id: function(prefix: string ) : string ; ## Creates an identifier that is unique with high probability. ## ## pool: A seed for determinism. ## ## prefix: A custom string prepended to the result. ## ## Returns: A string identifier that is unique. ## ## .. bro:see:: unique_id global unique_id_from: function(pool: int , prefix: string ) : string ; ## Removes all elements from a set or table. ## ## v: The set or table global clear_table: function(v: any ): any ; ## Gets all subnets that contain a given subnet from a set/table[subnet]. ## ## search: the subnet to search for. ## ## t: the set[subnet] or table[subnet]. ## ## Returns: All the keys of the set or table that cover the subnet searched for. global matching_subnets: function(search: subnet , t: any ): subnet_vec ; ## For a set[subnet]/table[subnet], create a new table that contains all entries ## that contain a given subnet. ## ## search: the subnet to search for. ## ## t: the set[subnet] or table[subnet]. ## ## Returns: A new table that contains all the entries that cover the subnet searched for. global filter_subnet_table: function(search: subnet , t: any ): any ; ## Checks if a specific subnet is a member of a set/table[subnet]. ## In contrast to the ``in`` operator, this performs an exact match, not ## a longest prefix match. ## ## search: the subnet to search for. ## ## t: the set[subnet] or table[subnet]. ## ## Returns: True if the exact subnet is a member, false otherwise. global check_subnet: function(search: subnet , t: any ): bool ; ## Checks whether two objects reference the same internal object. This function ## uses equality comparison of C++ raw pointer values to determine if the two ## objects are the same. ## ## o1: The first object. ## ## o2: The second object. ## ## Returns: True if *o1* and *o2* are equal. global same_object: function(o1: any , o2: any ): bool ; ## Returns the number of bytes that a value occupies in memory. ## ## v: The value ## ## Returns: The number of bytes that *v* occupies. global val_size: function(v: any ): count ; ## Resizes a vector. ## ## aggr: The vector instance. ## ## newsize: The new size of *aggr*. ## ## Returns: The old size of *aggr*, or 0 if *aggr* is not a :bro:type:`vector`. global resize: function(aggr: any , newsize: count ) : count ; ## Tests whether a boolean vector (``vector of bool``) has *any* true ## element. ## ## v: The boolean vector instance. ## ## Returns: True if any element in *v* is true. ## ## .. bro:see:: all_set global any_set: function(v: any ) : bool ; ## Tests whether *all* elements of a boolean vector (``vector of bool``) are ## true. ## ## v: The boolean vector instance. ## ## Returns: True iff all elements in *v* are true. ## ## .. bro:see:: any_set ## ## .. note:: ## ## Missing elements count as false. global all_set: function(v: any ) : bool ; ## Sorts a vector in place. The second argument is a comparison function that ## takes two arguments: if the vector type is ``vector of T``, then the ## comparison function must be ``function(a: T, b: T): int``, which returns ## a value less than zero if ``a < b`` for some type-specific notion of the ## less-than operator. The comparison function is optional if the type ## is an integral type (int, count, etc.). ## ## v: The vector instance to sort. ## ## Returns: The vector, sorted from minimum to maximum value. If the vector ## could not be sorted, then the original vector is returned instead. ## ## .. bro:see:: order global sort: function(va_args: any) : any ; ## Returns the order of the elements in a vector according to some ## comparison function. See :bro:id:`sort` for details about the comparison ## function. ## ## v: The vector whose order to compute. ## ## Returns: A ``vector of count`` with the indices of the ordered elements. ## For example, the elements of *v* in order are (assuming ``o`` ## is the vector returned by ``order``): v[o[0]], v[o[1]], etc. ## ## .. bro:see:: sort global order: function(va_args: any) : index_vec ; ## Returns the concatenation of the string representation of its arguments. The ## arguments can be of any type. For example, ``cat("foo", 3, T)`` returns ## ``"foo3T"``. ## ## Returns: A string concatentation of all arguments. global cat: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Concatenates all arguments, with a separator placed between each one. This ## function is similar to :bro:id:`cat`, but places a separator between each ## given argument. If any of the variable arguments is an empty string it is ## replaced by a given default string instead. ## ## sep: The separator to place between each argument. ## ## def: The default string to use when an argument is the empty string. ## ## Returns: A concatenation of all arguments with *sep* between each one and ## empty strings replaced with *def*. ## ## .. bro:see:: cat string_cat cat_string_array cat_string_array_n global cat_sep: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Produces a formatted string à la ``printf``. The first argument is the ## *format string* and specifies how subsequent arguments are converted for ## output. It is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not ## ``%``), which are copied unchanged to the output, and conversion ## specifications, each of which fetches zero or more subsequent arguments. ## Conversion specifications begin with ``%`` and the arguments must properly ## correspond to the specifier. After the ``%``, the following characters ## may appear in sequence: ## ## - ``%``: Literal ``%`` ## ## - ``-``: Left-align field ## ## - ``[0-9]+``: The field width (< 128) ## ## - ``.``: Precision of floating point specifiers ``[efg]`` (< 128) ## ## - ``[DTdxsefg]``: Format specifier ## ## - ``[DT]``: ISO timestamp with microsecond precision ## ## - ``d``: Signed/Unsigned integer (using C-style ``%lld``/``%llu`` ## for ``int``/``count``) ## ## - ``x``: Unsigned hexadecimal (using C-style ``%llx``); ## addresses/ports are converted to host-byte order ## ## - ``s``: String (byte values less than 32 or greater than 126 ## will be escaped) ## ## - ``[efg]``: Double ## ## Returns: Returns the formatted string. Given no arguments, :bro:id:`fmt` ## returns an empty string. Given no format string or the wrong ## number of additional arguments for the given format specifier, ## :bro:id:`fmt` generates a run-time error. ## ## .. bro:see:: cat cat_sep string_cat cat_string_array cat_string_array_n global fmt: function(va_args: any): string ; ## Computes the greatest integer less than the given :bro:type:`double` value. ## For example, ``floor(3.14)`` returns ``3.0``, and ``floor(-3.14)`` ## returns ``-4.0``. ## ## d: The :bro:type:`double` to manipulate. ## ## Returns: The next lowest integer of *d* as :bro:type:`double`. ## ## .. bro:see:: sqrt exp ln log10 global floor: function(d: double ): double ; ## Computes the square root of a :bro:type:`double`. ## ## x: The number to compute the square root of. ## ## Returns: The square root of *x*. ## ## .. bro:see:: floor exp ln log10 global sqrt: function(x: double ): double ; ## Computes the exponential function. ## ## d: The argument to the exponential function. ## ## Returns: *e* to the power of *d*. ## ## .. bro:see:: floor sqrt ln log10 global exp: function(d: double ): double ; ## Computes the natural logarithm of a number. ## ## d: The argument to the logarithm. ## ## Returns: The natural logarithm of *d*. ## ## .. bro:see:: exp floor sqrt log10 global ln: function(d: double ): double ; ## Computes the common logarithm of a number. ## ## d: The argument to the logarithm. ## ## Returns: The common logarithm of *d*. ## ## .. bro:see:: exp floor sqrt ln global log10: function(d: double ): double ; ## Determines whether a connection has been received externally. For example, ## Broccoli or the Time Machine can send packets to Bro via a mechanism that is ## one step lower than sending events. This function checks whether the packets ## of a connection stem from one of these external *packet sources*. ## ## c: The connection to test. ## ## Returns: True if *c* has been received externally. global is_external_connection: function(c: connection ) : bool ; ## Returns the ID of the analyzer which raised the current event. ## ## Returns: The ID of the analyzer which raised the current event, or 0 if ## none. global current_analyzer: function() : count ; ## Returns Bro's process ID. ## ## Returns: Bro's process ID. global getpid: function() : count ; ## Returns the Bro version string. ## ## Returns: Bro's version, e.g., 2.0-beta-47-debug. global bro_version: function(): string ; ## Converts a record type name to a vector of strings, where each element is ## the name of a record field. Nested records are flattened. ## ## rt: The name of the record type. ## ## Returns: A string vector with the field names of *rt*. global record_type_to_vector: function(rt: string ): string_vec ; ## Returns the type name of an arbitrary Bro variable. ## ## t: An arbitrary object. ## ## Returns: The type name of *t*. global type_name: function(t: any ): string ; ## Checks whether Bro reads traffic from one or more network interfaces (as ## opposed to from a network trace in a file). Note that this function returns ## true even after Bro has stopped reading network traffic, for example due to ## receiving a termination signal. ## ## Returns: True if reading traffic from a network interface. ## ## .. bro:see:: reading_traces global reading_live_traffic: function(): bool ; ## Checks whether Bro reads traffic from a trace file (as opposed to from a ## network interface). ## ## Returns: True if reading traffic from a network trace. ## ## .. bro:see:: reading_live_traffic global reading_traces: function(): bool ; ## Generates a table of the size of all global variables. The table index is ## the variable name and the value is the variable size in bytes. ## ## Returns: A table that maps variable names to their sizes. ## ## .. bro:see:: global_ids global global_sizes: function(): var_sizes ; ## Generates a table with information about all global identifiers. The table ## value is a record containing the type name of the identifier, whether it is ## exported, a constant, an enum constant, redefinable, and its value (if it ## has one). ## ## Returns: A table that maps identifier names to information about them. ## ## .. bro:see:: global_sizes global global_ids: function(): id_table ; ## Returns the value of a global identifier. ## ## id: The global identifier. ## ## Returns: The value of *id*. If *id* does not describe a valid identifier, ## the string ``""`` or ``""`` is returned. global lookup_ID: function(id: string ) : any ; ## Generates metadata about a record's fields. The returned information ## includes the field name, whether it is logged, its value (if it has one), ## and its default value (if specified). ## ## rec: The record to inspect. ## ## Returns: A table that describes the fields of a record. global record_fields: function(rec: any ): record_field_table ; ## Enables detailed collection of profiling statistics. Statistics include ## CPU/memory usage, connections, TCP states/reassembler, DNS lookups, ## timers, and script-level state. The script variable :bro:id:`profiling_file` ## holds the name of the file. ## ## .. bro:see:: get_conn_stats ## get_dns_stats ## get_event_stats ## get_file_analysis_stats ## get_gap_stats ## get_matcher_stats ## get_net_stats ## get_proc_stats ## get_reassembler_stats ## get_thread_stats ## get_timer_stats global do_profiling: function() : any ; ## Checks whether a given IP address belongs to a local interface. ## ## ip: The IP address to check. ## ## Returns: True if *ip* belongs to a local interface. global is_local_interface: function(ip: addr ) : bool ; ## Write rule matcher statistics (DFA states, transitions, memory usage, cache ## hits/misses) to a file. ## ## f: The file to write to. ## ## Returns: True (unconditionally). ## ## .. bro:see:: get_matcher_stats global dump_rule_stats: function(f: file ): bool ; ## Checks if Bro is terminating. ## ## Returns: True if Bro is in the process of shutting down. ## ## .. bro:see:: terminate global bro_is_terminating: function(): bool ; ## Returns the hostname of the machine Bro runs on. ## ## Returns: The hostname of the machine Bro runs on. global gethostname: function() : string ; ## Returns whether an address is IPv4 or not. ## ## a: the address to check. ## ## Returns: true if *a* is an IPv4 address, else false. global is_v4_addr: function(a: addr ): bool ; ## Returns whether an address is IPv6 or not. ## ## a: the address to check. ## ## Returns: true if *a* is an IPv6 address, else false. global is_v6_addr: function(a: addr ): bool ; ## Returns whether a subnet specification is IPv4 or not. ## ## s: the subnet to check. ## ## Returns: true if *s* is an IPv4 subnet, else false. global is_v4_subnet: function(s: subnet ): bool ; ## Returns whether a subnet specification is IPv6 or not. ## ## s: the subnet to check. ## ## Returns: true if *s* is an IPv6 subnet, else false. global is_v6_subnet: function(s: subnet ): bool ; ## Converts the *data* field of :bro:type:`ip6_routing` records that have ## *rtype* of 0 into a vector of addresses. ## ## s: The *data* field of an :bro:type:`ip6_routing` record that has ## an *rtype* of 0. ## ## Returns: The vector of addresses contained in the routing header data. global routing0_data_to_addrs: function(s: string ): addr_vec ; ## Converts an :bro:type:`addr` to an :bro:type:`index_vec`. ## ## a: The address to convert into a vector of counts. ## ## Returns: A vector containing the host-order address representation, ## four elements in size for IPv6 addresses, or one element for IPv4. ## ## .. bro:see:: counts_to_addr global addr_to_counts: function(a: addr ): index_vec ; ## Converts an :bro:type:`index_vec` to an :bro:type:`addr`. ## ## v: The vector containing host-order IP address representation, ## one element for IPv4 addresses, four elements for IPv6 addresses. ## ## Returns: An IP address. ## ## .. bro:see:: addr_to_counts global counts_to_addr: function(v: index_vec ): addr ; ## Converts an :bro:type:`enum` to an :bro:type:`int`. ## ## e: The :bro:type:`enum` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`int` value that corresponds to the :bro:type:`enum`. global enum_to_int: function(e: any ): int ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` to an :bro:type:`int`. ## ## str: The :bro:type:`string` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`string` *str* as :bro:type:`int`. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_addr to_port to_subnet global to_int: function(str: string ): int ; ## Converts a (positive) :bro:type:`int` to a :bro:type:`count`. ## ## n: The :bro:type:`int` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`int` *n* as unsigned integer, or 0 if *n* < 0. global int_to_count: function(n: int ): count ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`double` to a :bro:type:`count`. ## ## d: The :bro:type:`double` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`double` *d* as unsigned integer, or 0 if *d* < 0.0. ## ## .. bro:see:: double_to_time global double_to_count: function(d: double ): count ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` to a :bro:type:`count`. ## ## str: The :bro:type:`string` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`string` *str* as unsigned integer, or 0 if *str* has ## an invalid format. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_addr to_int to_port to_subnet global to_count: function(str: string ): count ; ## Converts an :bro:type:`interval` to a :bro:type:`double`. ## ## i: The :bro:type:`interval` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`interval` *i* as :bro:type:`double`. ## ## .. bro:see:: double_to_interval global interval_to_double: function(i: interval ): double ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`time` value to a :bro:type:`double`. ## ## t: The :bro:type:`time` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`time` value *t* as :bro:type:`double`. ## ## .. bro:see:: double_to_time global time_to_double: function(t: time ): double ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`double` value to a :bro:type:`time`. ## ## d: The :bro:type:`double` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`double` value *d* as :bro:type:`time`. ## ## .. bro:see:: time_to_double double_to_count global double_to_time: function(d: double ): time ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`double` to an :bro:type:`interval`. ## ## d: The :bro:type:`double` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`double` *d* as :bro:type:`interval`. ## ## .. bro:see:: interval_to_double global double_to_interval: function(d: double ): interval ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`port` to a :bro:type:`count`. ## ## p: The :bro:type:`port` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`port` *p* as :bro:type:`count`. ## ## .. bro:see:: count_to_port global port_to_count: function(p: port ): count ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`count` and ``transport_proto`` to a :bro:type:`port`. ## ## num: The :bro:type:`port` number. ## ## proto: The transport protocol. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`count` *num* as :bro:type:`port`. ## ## .. bro:see:: port_to_count global count_to_port: function(num: count , proto: transport_proto ): port ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` to an :bro:type:`addr`. ## ## ip: The :bro:type:`string` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`string` *ip* as :bro:type:`addr`, or the unspecified ## address ``::`` if the input string does not parse correctly. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_count to_int to_port count_to_v4_addr raw_bytes_to_v4_addr ## to_subnet global to_addr: function(ip: string ): addr ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` to a :bro:type:`subnet`. ## ## sn: The subnet to convert. ## ## Returns: The *sn* string as a :bro:type:`subnet`, or the unspecified subnet ## ``::/0`` if the input string does not parse correctly. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_count to_int to_port count_to_v4_addr raw_bytes_to_v4_addr ## to_addr global to_subnet: function(sn: string ): subnet ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`addr` to a :bro:type:`subnet`. ## ## a: The address to convert. ## ## Returns: The address as a :bro:type:`subnet`. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_subnet global addr_to_subnet: function(a: addr ): subnet ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`subnet` to an :bro:type:`addr` by ## extracting the prefix. ## ## sn: The subnet to convert. ## ## Returns: The subnet as an :bro:type:`addr`. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_subnet global subnet_to_addr: function(sn: subnet ): addr ; ## Returns the width of a :bro:type:`subnet`. ## ## sn: The subnet. ## ## Returns: The width of the subnet. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_subnet global subnet_width: function(sn: subnet ): count ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` to a :bro:type:`double`. ## ## str: The :bro:type:`string` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`string` *str* as double, or 0 if *str* has ## an invalid format. ## global to_double: function(str: string ): double ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`count` to an :bro:type:`addr`. ## ## ip: The :bro:type:`count` to convert. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`count` *ip* as :bro:type:`addr`. ## ## .. bro:see:: raw_bytes_to_v4_addr to_addr to_subnet global count_to_v4_addr: function(ip: count ): addr ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` of bytes into an IPv4 address. In particular, ## this function interprets the first 4 bytes of the string as an IPv4 address ## in network order. ## ## b: The raw bytes (:bro:type:`string`) to convert. ## ## Returns: The byte :bro:type:`string` *b* as :bro:type:`addr`. ## ## .. bro:see:: raw_bytes_to_v4_addr to_addr to_subnet global raw_bytes_to_v4_addr: function(b: string ): addr ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` to a :bro:type:`port`. ## ## s: The :bro:type:`string` to convert. ## ## Returns: A :bro:type:`port` converted from *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: to_addr to_count to_int to_subnet global to_port: function(s: string ): port ; ## Converts a string of bytes (in network byte order) to a :bro:type:`double`. ## ## s: A string of bytes containing the binary representation of a double value. ## ## Returns: The double value contained in *s*, or 0 if the conversion ## failed. ## global bytestring_to_double: function(s: string ): double ; ## Converts a string of bytes to a :bro:type:`count`. ## ## s: A string of bytes containing the binary representation of the value. ## ## is_le: If true, *s* is assumed to be in little endian format, else it's big endian. ## ## Returns: The value contained in *s*, or 0 if the conversion failed. ## global bytestring_to_count: function(s: string , is_le: bool &default=F): count ; ## Converts a reverse pointer name to an address. For example, ## ```` to ````. ## ## s: The string with the reverse pointer name. ## ## Returns: The IP address corresponding to *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: addr_to_ptr_name to_addr global ptr_name_to_addr: function(s: string ): addr ; ## Converts an IP address to a reverse pointer name. For example, ## ```` to ````. ## ## a: The IP address to convert to a reverse pointer name. ## ## Returns: The reverse pointer representation of *a*. ## ## .. bro:see:: ptr_name_to_addr to_addr global addr_to_ptr_name: function(a: addr ): string ; ## Converts a string of bytes into its hexadecimal representation. ## For example, ``"04"`` would be converted to ``"3034"``. ## ## bytestring: The string of bytes. ## ## Returns: The hexadecimal representation of *bytestring*. ## ## .. bro:see:: hexdump hexstr_to_bytestring global bytestring_to_hexstr: function(bytestring: string ): string ; ## Converts a hex-string into its binary representation. ## For example, ``"3034"`` would be converted to ``"04"``. ## ## The input string is assumed to contain an even number of hexadecimal digits ## (0-9, a-f, or A-F), otherwise behavior is undefined. ## ## hexstr: The hexadecimal string representation. ## ## Returns: The binary representation of *hexstr*. ## ## .. bro:see:: hexdump bytestring_to_hexstr global hexstr_to_bytestring: function(hexstr: string ): string ; ## Encodes a Base64-encoded string. ## ## s: The string to encode. ## ## a: An optional custom alphabet. The empty string indicates the default ## alphabet. If given, the string must consist of 64 unique characters. ## ## Returns: The encoded version of *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: decode_base64 global encode_base64: function(s: string , a: string &default=""): string ; ## Encodes a Base64-encoded string with a custom alphabet. ## ## s: The string to encode. ## ## a: The custom alphabet. The string must consist of 64 unique ## characters. The empty string indicates the default alphabet. ## ## Returns: The encoded version of *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: encode_base64 global encode_base64_custom: function(s: string , a: string ): string &deprecated; ## Decodes a Base64-encoded string. ## ## s: The Base64-encoded string. ## ## a: An optional custom alphabet. The empty string indicates the default ## alphabet. If given, the string must consist of 64 unique characters. ## ## Returns: The decoded version of *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: decode_base64_conn encode_base64 global decode_base64: function(s: string , a: string &default=""): string ; ## Decodes a Base64-encoded string that was derived from processing a connection. ## If an error is encountered decoding the string, that will be logged to ## ``weird.log`` with the associated connection. ## ## cid: The identifier of the connection that the encoding originates from. ## ## s: The Base64-encoded string. ## ## a: An optional custom alphabet. The empty string indicates the default ## alphabet. If given, the string must consist of 64 unique characters. ## ## Returns: The decoded version of *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: decode_base64 global decode_base64_conn: function(cid: conn_id , s: string , a: string &default=""): string ; ## Decodes a Base64-encoded string with a custom alphabet. ## ## s: The Base64-encoded string. ## ## a: The custom alphabet. The string must consist of 64 unique characters. ## The empty string indicates the default alphabet. ## ## Returns: The decoded version of *s*. ## ## .. bro:see:: decode_base64 decode_base64_conn global decode_base64_custom: function(s: string , a: string ): string &deprecated; ## Converts a bytes representation of a UUID into its string form. For example, ## given a string of 16 bytes, it produces an output string in this format: ## ``550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000``. ## See ``_. ## ## uuid: The 16 bytes of the UUID. ## ## Returns: The string representation of *uuid*. global uuid_to_string: function(uuid: string ): string ; ## Merges and compiles two regular expressions at initialization time. ## ## p1: The first pattern. ## ## p2: The second pattern. ## ## Returns: The compiled pattern of the concatenation of *p1* and *p2*. ## ## .. bro:see:: convert_for_pattern string_to_pattern ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function must be called at Bro startup time, e.g., in the event ## :bro:id:`bro_init`. global merge_pattern: function(p1: pattern , p2: pattern ): pattern ; ## Escapes a string so that it becomes a valid :bro:type:`pattern` and can be ## used with the :bro:id:`string_to_pattern`. Any character from the set ## ``^$-:"\/|*+?.(){}[]`` is prefixed with a ``\``. ## ## s: The string to escape. ## ## Returns: An escaped version of *s* that has the structure of a valid ## :bro:type:`pattern`. ## ## .. bro:see:: merge_pattern string_to_pattern ## global convert_for_pattern: function(s: string ): string ; ## Converts a :bro:type:`string` into a :bro:type:`pattern`. ## ## s: The string to convert. ## ## convert: If true, *s* is first passed through the function ## :bro:id:`convert_for_pattern` to escape special characters of ## patterns. ## ## Returns: *s* as :bro:type:`pattern`. ## ## .. bro:see:: convert_for_pattern merge_pattern ## ## .. note:: ## ## This function must be called at Bro startup time, e.g., in the event ## :bro:id:`bro_init`. global string_to_pattern: function(s: string , convert: bool ): pattern ; ## Formats a given time value according to a format string. ## ## fmt: The format string. See ``man strftime`` for the syntax. ## ## d: The time value. ## ## Returns: The time *d* formatted according to *fmt*. global strftime: function(fmt: string , d: time ) : string ; ## Parse a textual representation of a date/time value into a ``time`` type value. ## ## fmt: The format string used to parse the following *d* argument. See ``man strftime`` ## for the syntax. ## ## d: The string representing the time. ## ## Returns: The time value calculated from parsing *d* with *fmt*. global strptime: function(fmt: string , d: string ) : time ; ## Masks an address down to the number of given upper bits. For example, ## ``mask_addr(, 18)`` returns ````. ## ## a: The address to mask. ## ## top_bits_to_keep: The number of top bits to keep in *a*; must be greater ## than 0 and less than 33 for IPv4, or 129 for IPv6. ## ## Returns: The address *a* masked down to *top_bits_to_keep* bits. ## ## .. bro:see:: remask_addr global mask_addr: function(a: addr , top_bits_to_keep: count ): subnet ; ## Takes some top bits (such as a subnet address) from one address and the other ## bits (intra-subnet part) from a second address and merges them to get a new ## address. This is useful for anonymizing at subnet level while preserving ## serial scans. ## ## a1: The address to mask with *top_bits_from_a1*. ## ## a2: The address to take the remaining bits from. ## ## top_bits_from_a1: The number of top bits to keep in *a1*; must be greater ## than 0 and less than 129. This value is always interpreted ## relative to the IPv6 bit width (v4-mapped addresses start ## at bit number 96). ## ## Returns: The address *a* masked down to *top_bits_to_keep* bits. ## ## .. bro:see:: mask_addr global remask_addr: function(a1: addr , a2: addr , top_bits_from_a1: count ): addr ; ## Checks whether a given :bro:type:`port` has TCP as transport protocol. ## ## p: The :bro:type:`port` to check. ## ## Returns: True iff *p* is a TCP port. ## ## .. bro:see:: is_udp_port is_icmp_port global is_tcp_port: function(p: port ): bool ; ## Checks whether a given :bro:type:`port` has UDP as transport protocol. ## ## p: The :bro:type:`port` to check. ## ## Returns: True iff *p* is a UDP port. ## ## .. bro:see:: is_icmp_port is_tcp_port global is_udp_port: function(p: port ): bool ; ## Checks whether a given :bro:type:`port` has ICMP as transport protocol. ## ## p: The :bro:type:`port` to check. ## ## Returns: True iff *p* is an ICMP port. ## ## .. bro:see:: is_tcp_port is_udp_port global is_icmp_port: function(p: port ): bool ; ## Extracts the transport protocol from a connection. ## ## cid: The connection identifier. ## ## Returns: The transport protocol of the connection identified by *cid*. ## ## .. bro:see:: get_port_transport_proto ## get_orig_seq get_resp_seq global get_conn_transport_proto: function(cid: conn_id ): transport_proto ; ## Extracts the transport protocol from a :bro:type:`port`. ## ## p: The port. ## ## Returns: The transport protocol of the port *p*. ## ## .. bro:see:: get_conn_transport_proto ## get_orig_seq get_resp_seq global get_port_transport_proto: function(p: port ): transport_proto ; ## Checks whether a connection is (still) active. ## ## c: The connection id to check. ## ## Returns: True if the connection identified by *c* exists. ## ## .. bro:see:: lookup_connection global connection_exists: function(c: conn_id ): bool ; ## Returns the :bro:type:`connection` record for a given connection identifier. ## ## cid: The connection ID. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`connection` record for *cid*. If *cid* does not point ## to an existing connection, the function generates a run-time error ## and returns a dummy value. ## ## .. bro:see:: connection_exists global lookup_connection: function(cid: conn_id ): connection ; ## Writes the current packet to a file. ## ## file_name: The name of the file to write the packet to. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: dump_packet get_current_packet send_current_packet global dump_current_packet: function(file_name: string ) : bool ; ## Returns the currently processed PCAP packet. ## ## Returns: The currently processed packet, which is a record ## containing the timestamp, ``snaplen``, and packet data. ## ## .. bro:see:: dump_current_packet dump_packet send_current_packet global get_current_packet: function() : pcap_packet ; ## Function to get the raw headers of the currently processed packet. ## ## Returns: The :bro:type:`raw_pkt_hdr` record containing the Layer 2, 3 and ## 4 headers of the currently processed packet. ## ## .. bro:see:: raw_pkt_hdr get_current_packet global get_current_packet_header: function() : raw_pkt_hdr ; ## Writes a given packet to a file. ## ## pkt: The PCAP packet. ## ## file_name: The name of the file to write *pkt* to. ## ## Returns: True on success ## ## .. bro:see:: get_current_packet dump_current_packet send_current_packet global dump_packet: function(pkt: pcap_packet , file_name: string ) : bool ; ## Issues an asynchronous reverse DNS lookup and delays the function result. ## This function can therefore only be called inside a ``when`` condition, ## e.g., ``when ( local host = lookup_addr( ) { f(host); }``. ## ## host: The IP address to lookup. ## ## Returns: The DNS name of *host*. ## ## .. bro:see:: lookup_hostname global lookup_addr: function(host: addr ) : string ; ## Issues an asynchronous TEXT DNS lookup and delays the function result. ## This function can therefore only be called inside a ``when`` condition, ## e.g., ``when ( local h = lookup_hostname_txt("www.bro.org") ) { f(h); }``. ## ## host: The hostname to lookup. ## ## Returns: The DNS TXT record associated with *host*. ## ## .. bro:see:: lookup_hostname global lookup_hostname_txt: function(host: string ) : string ; ## Issues an asynchronous DNS lookup and delays the function result. ## This function can therefore only be called inside a ``when`` condition, ## e.g., ``when ( local h = lookup_hostname("www.bro.org") ) { f(h); }``. ## ## host: The hostname to lookup. ## ## Returns: A set of DNS A and AAAA records associated with *host*. ## ## .. bro:see:: lookup_addr global lookup_hostname: function(host: string ) : addr_set ; ## Performs a geo-lookup of an IP address. ## Requires Bro to be built with ``libgeoip``. ## ## a: The IP address to lookup. ## ## Returns: A record with country, region, city, latitude, and longitude. ## ## .. bro:see:: lookup_asn global lookup_location: function(a: addr ) : geo_location ; ## Performs an AS lookup of an IP address. ## Requires Bro to be built with ``libgeoip``. ## ## a: The IP address to lookup. ## ## Returns: The number of the AS that contains *a*. ## ## .. bro:see:: lookup_location global lookup_asn: function(a: addr ) : count ; ## Calculates distance between two geographic locations using the haversine ## formula. Latitudes and longitudes must be given in degrees, where southern ## hemispere latitudes are negative and western hemisphere longitudes are ## negative. ## ## lat1: Latitude (in degrees) of location 1. ## ## long1: Longitude (in degrees) of location 1. ## ## lat2: Latitude (in degrees) of location 2. ## ## long2: Longitude (in degrees) of location 2. ## ## Returns: Distance in miles. ## ## .. bro:see:: haversine_distance_ip global haversine_distance: function(lat1: double , long1: double , lat2: double , long2: double ): double ; ## Converts UNIX file permissions given by a mode to an ASCII string. ## ## mode: The permissions (an octal number like 0644 converted to decimal). ## ## Returns: A string representation of *mode* in the format ## ``rw[xsS]rw[xsS]rw[xtT]``. global file_mode: function(mode: count ): string ; ## Disables the analyzer which raised the current event (if the analyzer ## belongs to the given connection). ## ## cid: The connection identifier. ## ## aid: The analyzer ID. ## ## Returns: True if the connection identified by *cid* exists and has analyzer ## *aid*. ## ## .. bro:see:: Analyzer::schedule_analyzer Analyzer::name global disable_analyzer: function(cid: conn_id , aid: count , err_if_no_conn: bool &default=T) : bool ; ## Informs Bro that it should skip any further processing of the contents of ## a given connection. In particular, Bro will refrain from reassembling the ## TCP byte stream and from generating events relating to any analyzers that ## have been processing the connection. ## ## cid: The connection ID. ## ## Returns: False if *cid* does not point to an active connection, and true ## otherwise. ## ## .. note:: ## ## Bro will still generate connection-oriented events such as ## :bro:id:`connection_finished`. global skip_further_processing: function(cid: conn_id ): bool ; ## Controls whether packet contents belonging to a connection should be ## recorded (when ``-w`` option is provided on the command line). ## ## cid: The connection identifier. ## ## do_record: True to enable packet contents, and false to disable for the ## connection identified by *cid*. ## ## Returns: False if *cid* does not point to an active connection, and true ## otherwise. ## ## .. bro:see:: skip_further_processing ## ## .. note:: ## ## This is independent of whether Bro processes the packets of this ## connection, which is controlled separately by ## :bro:id:`skip_further_processing`. ## ## .. bro:see:: get_contents_file set_contents_file global set_record_packets: function(cid: conn_id , do_record: bool ): bool ; ## Sets an individual inactivity timeout for a connection and thus ## overrides the global inactivity timeout. ## ## cid: The connection ID. ## ## t: The new inactivity timeout for the connection identified by *cid*. ## ## Returns: The previous timeout interval. global set_inactivity_timeout: function(cid: conn_id , t: interval ): interval ; ## Opens a file for writing. If a file with the same name already exists, this ## function overwrites it (as opposed to :bro:id:`open_for_append`). ## ## f: The path to the file. ## ## Returns: A :bro:type:`file` handle for subsequent operations. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open_for_append close write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all mkdir enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global open: function(f: string ): file ; ## Opens a file for writing or appending. If a file with the same name already ## exists, this function appends to it (as opposed to :bro:id:`open`). ## ## f: The path to the file. ## ## Returns: A :bro:type:`file` handle for subsequent operations. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open close write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all mkdir enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global open_for_append: function(f: string ): file ; ## Closes an open file and flushes any buffered content. ## ## f: A :bro:type:`file` handle to an open file. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open open_for_append write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all mkdir enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global close: function(f: file ): bool ; ## Writes data to an open file. ## ## f: A :bro:type:`file` handle to an open file. ## ## data: The data to write to *f*. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open open_for_append close ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all mkdir enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global write_file: function(f: file , data: string ): bool ; ## Alters the buffering behavior of a file. ## ## f: A :bro:type:`file` handle to an open file. ## ## buffered: When true, *f* is fully buffered, i.e., bytes are saved in a ## buffer until the block size has been reached. When ## false, *f* is line buffered, i.e., bytes are saved up until a ## newline occurs. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open open_for_append close ## get_file_name write_file flush_all mkdir enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global set_buf: function(f: file , buffered: bool ): any ; ## Flushes all open files to disk. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open open_for_append close ## get_file_name write_file set_buf mkdir enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global flush_all: function(): bool ; ## Creates a new directory. ## ## f: The directory name. ## ## Returns: True if the operation succeeds or if *f* already exists, ## and false if the file creation fails. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open_for_append close write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all enable_raw_output ## rmdir unlink rename global mkdir: function(f: string ): bool ; ## Removes a directory. ## ## d: The directory name. ## ## Returns: True if the operation succeeds, and false if the ## directory delete operation fails. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open_for_append close write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all enable_raw_output ## mkdir unlink rename global rmdir: function(d: string ): bool ; ## Removes a file from a directory. ## ## f: the file to delete. ## ## Returns: True if the operation succeeds and the file was deleted, ## and false if the deletion fails. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open_for_append close write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all enable_raw_output ## mkdir rmdir rename global unlink: function(f: string ): bool ; ## Renames a file from src_f to dst_f. ## ## src_f: the name of the file to rename. ## ## dest_f: the name of the file after the rename operation. ## ## Returns: True if the rename succeeds and false otherwise. ## ## .. bro:see:: active_file open_for_append close write_file ## get_file_name set_buf flush_all enable_raw_output ## mkdir rmdir unlink global rename: function(src_f: string , dst_f: string ): bool ; ## Checks whether a given file is open. ## ## f: The file to check. ## ## Returns: True if *f* is an open :bro:type:`file`. ## ## .. todo:: Rename to ``is_open``. global active_file: function(f: file ): bool ; ## Gets the filename associated with a file handle. ## ## f: The file handle to inquire the name for. ## ## Returns: The filename associated with *f*. ## ## .. bro:see:: open global get_file_name: function(f: file ): string ; ## Rotates a file. ## ## f: An open file handle. ## ## Returns: Rotation statistics which include the original file name, the name ## after the rotation, and the time when *f* was opened/closed. ## ## .. bro:see:: rotate_file_by_name calc_next_rotate global rotate_file: function(f: file ): rotate_info ; ## Rotates a file identified by its name. ## ## f: The name of the file to rotate ## ## Returns: Rotation statistics which include the original file name, the name ## after the rotation, and the time when *f* was opened/closed. ## ## .. bro:see:: rotate_file calc_next_rotate global rotate_file_by_name: function(f: string ): rotate_info ; ## Calculates the duration until the next time a file is to be rotated, based ## on a given rotate interval. ## ## i: The rotate interval to base the calculation on. ## ## Returns: The duration until the next file rotation time. ## ## .. bro:see:: rotate_file rotate_file_by_name global calc_next_rotate: function(i: interval ) : interval ; ## Returns the size of a given file. ## ## f: The name of the file whose size to lookup. ## ## Returns: The size of *f* in bytes. global file_size: function(f: string ) : double ; ## Disables sending :bro:id:`print_hook` events to remote peers for a given ## file. In a ## distributed setup, communicating Bro instances generate the event ## :bro:id:`print_hook` for each print statement and send it to the remote ## side. When disabled for a particular file, these events will not be ## propagated to other peers. ## ## f: The file to disable :bro:id:`print_hook` events for. ## ## .. bro:see:: enable_raw_output global disable_print_hook: function(f: file ): any ; ## Prevents escaping of non-ASCII characters when writing to a file. ## This function is equivalent to :bro:attr:`&raw_output`. ## ## f: The file to disable raw output for. ## ## .. bro:see:: disable_print_hook global enable_raw_output: function(f: file ): any ; ## Installs a filter to drop packets from a given IP source address with ## a certain probability if none of a given set of TCP flags are set. ## Note that for IPv6 packets with a Destination options header that has ## the Home Address option, this filters out against that home address. ## ## ip: The IP address to drop. ## ## tcp_flags: If none of these TCP flags are set, drop packets from *ip* with ## probability *prob*. ## ## prob: The probability [0.0, 1.0] used to drop packets from *ip*. ## ## Returns: True (unconditionally). ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error ## ## .. todo:: The return value should be changed to any. global install_src_addr_filter: function(ip: addr , tcp_flags: count , prob: double ) : bool ; ## Installs a filter to drop packets originating from a given subnet with ## a certain probability if none of a given set of TCP flags are set. ## ## snet: The subnet to drop packets from. ## ## tcp_flags: If none of these TCP flags are set, drop packets from *snet* with ## probability *prob*. ## ## prob: The probability [0.0, 1.0] used to drop packets from *snet*. ## ## Returns: True (unconditionally). ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error ## ## .. todo:: The return value should be changed to any. global install_src_net_filter: function(snet: subnet , tcp_flags: count , prob: double ) : bool ; ## Removes a source address filter. ## ## ip: The IP address for which a source filter was previously installed. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error global uninstall_src_addr_filter: function(ip: addr ) : bool ; ## Removes a source subnet filter. ## ## snet: The subnet for which a source filter was previously installed. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error global uninstall_src_net_filter: function(snet: subnet ) : bool ; ## Installs a filter to drop packets destined to a given IP address with ## a certain probability if none of a given set of TCP flags are set. ## Note that for IPv6 packets with a routing type header and non-zero ## segments left, this filters out against the final destination of the ## packet according to the routing extension header. ## ## ip: Drop packets to this IP address. ## ## tcp_flags: If none of these TCP flags are set, drop packets to *ip* with ## probability *prob*. ## ## prob: The probability [0.0, 1.0] used to drop packets to *ip*. ## ## Returns: True (unconditionally). ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error ## ## .. todo:: The return value should be changed to any. global install_dst_addr_filter: function(ip: addr , tcp_flags: count , prob: double ) : bool ; ## Installs a filter to drop packets destined to a given subnet with ## a certain probability if none of a given set of TCP flags are set. ## ## snet: Drop packets to this subnet. ## ## tcp_flags: If none of these TCP flags are set, drop packets to *snet* with ## probability *prob*. ## ## prob: The probability [0.0, 1.0] used to drop packets to *snet*. ## ## Returns: True (unconditionally). ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error ## ## .. todo:: The return value should be changed to any. global install_dst_net_filter: function(snet: subnet , tcp_flags: count , prob: double ) : bool ; ## Removes a destination address filter. ## ## ip: The IP address for which a destination filter was previously installed. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_net_filter ## Pcap::error global uninstall_dst_addr_filter: function(ip: addr ) : bool ; ## Removes a destination subnet filter. ## ## snet: The subnet for which a destination filter was previously installed. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: Pcap::precompile_pcap_filter ## Pcap::install_pcap_filter ## install_src_addr_filter ## install_src_net_filter ## uninstall_src_addr_filter ## uninstall_src_net_filter ## install_dst_addr_filter ## install_dst_net_filter ## uninstall_dst_addr_filter ## Pcap::error global uninstall_dst_net_filter: function(snet: subnet ) : bool ; ## Enables the communication system. By default, the communication is off until ## explicitly enabled, and all other calls to communication-related functions ## will be ignored until done so. global enable_communication: function(): any ; ## Flushes in-memory state tagged with the :bro:attr:`&persistent` attribute ## to disk. The function writes the state to the file ``.state/state.bst`` in ## the directory where Bro was started. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: rescan_state global checkpoint_state: function() : bool ; ## Reads persistent state and populates the in-memory data structures ## accordingly. Persistent state is read from the ``.state`` directory. ## This function is the dual to :bro:id:`checkpoint_state`. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: checkpoint_state global rescan_state: function() : bool ; ## Writes the binary event stream generated by the core to a given file. ## Use the ``-x `` command line switch to replay saved events. ## ## filename: The name of the file which stores the events. ## ## Returns: True if opening the target file succeeds. ## ## .. bro:see:: capture_state_updates global capture_events: function(filename: string ) : bool ; ## Writes state updates generated by :bro:attr:`&synchronized` variables to a ## file. ## ## filename: The name of the file which stores the state updates. ## ## Returns: True if opening the target file succeeds. ## ## .. bro:see:: capture_events global capture_state_updates: function(filename: string ) : bool ; ## Establishes a connection to a remote Bro or Broccoli instance. ## ## ip: The IP address of the remote peer. ## ## zone_id: If *ip* is a non-global IPv6 address, a particular :rfc:`4007` ## ``zone_id`` can given here. An empty string, ``""``, means ## not to add any ``zone_id``. ## ## p: The port of the remote peer. ## ## our_class: If a non-empty string, then the remote (listening) peer checks it ## against its class name in its peer table and terminates the ## connection if they don't match. ## ## retry: If the connection fails, try to reconnect with the peer after this ## time interval. ## ## ssl: If true, use SSL to encrypt the session. ## ## Returns: A locally unique ID of the new peer. ## ## .. bro:see:: disconnect ## listen ## request_remote_events ## request_remote_sync ## request_remote_logs ## request_remote_events ## set_accept_state ## set_compression_level ## send_state ## send_id global connect: function(ip: addr , zone_id: string , p: port , our_class: string , retry: interval , ssl: bool ) : count ; ## Terminate the connection with a peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: connect listen global disconnect: function(p: event_peer ) : bool ; ## Subscribes to all events from a remote peer whose names match a given ## pattern. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## handlers: The pattern describing the events to request from peer *p*. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: request_remote_sync ## request_remote_logs ## set_accept_state global request_remote_events: function(p: event_peer , handlers: pattern ) : bool ; ## Requests synchronization of IDs with a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## auth: If true, the local instance considers its current state authoritative ## and sends it to *p* right after the handshake. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: request_remote_events ## request_remote_logs ## set_accept_state global request_remote_sync: function(p: event_peer , auth: bool ) : bool ; ## Requests logs from a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: request_remote_events ## request_remote_sync global request_remote_logs: function(p: event_peer ) : bool ; ## Sets a boolean flag indicating whether Bro accepts state from a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## accept: True if Bro accepts state from peer *p*, or false otherwise. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: request_remote_events ## request_remote_sync ## set_compression_level global set_accept_state: function(p: event_peer , accept: bool ) : bool ; ## Sets the compression level of the session with a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## level: Allowed values are in the range *[0, 9]*, where 0 is the default and ## means no compression. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: set_accept_state global set_compression_level: function(p: event_peer , level: count ) : bool ; ## Listens on a given IP address and port for remote connections. ## ## ip: The IP address to bind to. ## ## p: The TCP port to listen on. ## ## ssl: If true, Bro uses SSL to encrypt the session. ## ## ipv6: If true, enable listening on IPv6 addresses. ## ## zone_id: If *ip* is a non-global IPv6 address, a particular :rfc:`4007` ## ``zone_id`` can given here. An empty string, ``""``, means ## not to add any ``zone_id``. ## ## retry_interval: If address *ip* is found to be already in use, this is ## the interval at which to automatically retry binding. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: connect disconnect global listen: function(ip: addr , p: port , ssl: bool , ipv6: bool , zone_id: string , retry_interval: interval ) : bool ; ## Checks whether the last raised event came from a remote peer. ## ## Returns: True if the last raised event came from a remote peer. global is_remote_event: function() : bool ; ## Sends all persistent state to a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: send_id send_ping send_current_packet send_capture_filter global send_state: function(p: event_peer ) : bool ; ## Sends a global identifier to a remote peer, which then might install it ## locally. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## id: The identifier to send. ## ## Returns: True on success. ## ## .. bro:see:: send_state send_ping send_current_packet send_capture_filter global send_id: function(p: event_peer , id: string ) : bool ; ## Gracefully finishes communication by first making sure that all remaining ## data from parent and child has been sent out. ## ## Returns: True if the termination process has been started successfully. global terminate_communication: function() : bool ; ## Signals a remote peer that the local Bro instance finished the initial ## handshake. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## Returns: True on success. global complete_handshake: function(p: event_peer ) : bool ; ## Sends a ping event to a remote peer. In combination with an event handler ## for :bro:id:`remote_pong`, this function can be used to measure latency ## between two peers. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## seq: A sequence number (also included by :bro:id:`remote_pong`). ## ## Returns: True if sending the ping succeeds. ## ## .. bro:see:: send_state send_id send_current_packet send_capture_filter global send_ping: function(p: event_peer , seq: count ) : bool ; ## Sends the currently processed packet to a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## Returns: True if sending the packet succeeds. ## ## .. bro:see:: send_id send_state send_ping send_capture_filter ## dump_packet dump_current_packet get_current_packet global send_current_packet: function(p: event_peer ) : bool ; ## Returns the peer who generated the last event. ## ## Returns: The ID of the peer who generated the last event. ## ## .. bro:see:: get_local_event_peer global get_event_peer: function() : event_peer ; ## Returns the local peer ID. ## ## Returns: The peer ID of the local Bro instance. ## ## .. bro:see:: get_event_peer global get_local_event_peer: function() : event_peer ; ## Sends a capture filter to a remote peer. ## ## p: The peer ID returned from :bro:id:`connect`. ## ## s: The capture filter. ## ## Returns: True if sending the packet succeeds. ## ## .. bro:see:: send_id send_state send_ping send_current_packet global send_capture_filter: function(p: event_peer , s: string ) : bool ; ## Stops Bro's packet processing. This function is used to synchronize ## distributed trace processing with communication enabled ## (*pseudo-realtime* mode). ## ## .. bro:see:: continue_processing suspend_state_updates resume_state_updates global suspend_processing: function() : any ; ## Resumes Bro's packet processing. ## ## .. bro:see:: suspend_processing suspend_state_updates resume_state_updates global continue_processing: function() : any ; ## Stops propagating :bro:attr:`&synchronized` accesses. ## ## .. bro:see:: suspend_processing continue_processing resume_state_updates global suspend_state_updates: function() : any ; ## Resumes propagating :bro:attr:`&synchronized` accesses. ## ## .. bro:see:: suspend_processing continue_processing suspend_state_updates global resume_state_updates: function() : any ; ## Manually triggers the signature engine for a given connection. ## This is an internal function. global match_signatures: function(c: connection , pattern_type: int , s: string , bol: bool , eol: bool , from_orig: bool , clear: bool ) : bool ; ## Preserves the prefix of an IP address in anonymization. ## ## a: The address to preserve. ## ## width: The number of bits from the top that should remain intact. ## ## .. bro:see:: preserve_subnet anonymize_addr ## ## .. todo:: Currently dysfunctional. global preserve_prefix: function(a: addr , width: count ): any ; ## Preserves the prefix of a subnet in anonymization. ## ## a: The subnet to preserve. ## ## .. bro:see:: preserve_prefix anonymize_addr ## ## .. todo:: Currently dysfunctional. global preserve_subnet: function(a: subnet ): any ; ## Anonymizes an IP address. ## ## a: The address to anonymize. ## ## cl: The anonymization class, which can take on three different values: ## ## - ``ORIG_ADDR``: Tag *a* as an originator address. ## ## - ``RESP_ADDR``: Tag *a* as an responder address. ## ## - ``OTHER_ADDR``: Tag *a* as an arbitrary address. ## ## Returns: An anonymized version of *a*. ## ## .. bro:see:: preserve_prefix preserve_subnet ## ## .. todo:: Currently dysfunctional. global anonymize_addr: function(a: addr , cl: IPAddrAnonymizationClass ): addr ; } # end of export section module GLOBAL;