##! Implements base functionality for SSH analysis. Generates the ssh.log file. @load base/utils/directions-and-hosts module SSH; export { ## The SSH protocol logging stream identifier. redef enum Log::ID += { LOG }; ## The record type which contains the fields of the SSH log. type Info: record { ## Time when the SSH connection began. ts: time &log; ## Unique ID for the connection. uid: string &log; ## The connection's 4-tuple of endpoint addresses/ports. id: conn_id &log; ## SSH major version (1 or 2) version: count &log; ## Authentication result (T=success, F=failure, unset=unknown) auth_success: bool &log &optional; ## The number of authentication attemps we observed. There's always ## at least one, since some servers might support no authentication at all. ## It's important to note that not all of these are failures, since ## some servers require two-factor auth (e.g. password AND pubkey) auth_attempts: count &log &optional; ## Direction of the connection. If the client was a local host ## logging into an external host, this would be OUTBOUND. INBOUND ## would be set for the opposite situation. # TODO - handle local-local and remote-remote better. direction: Direction &log &optional; ## The client's version string client: string &log &optional; ## The server's version string server: string &log &optional; ## The encryption algorithm in use cipher_alg: string &log &optional; ## The signing (MAC) algorithm in use mac_alg: string &log &optional; ## The compression algorithm in use compression_alg: string &log &optional; ## The key exchange algorithm in use kex_alg: string &log &optional; ## The server host key's algorithm host_key_alg: string &log &optional; ## The server's key fingerprint host_key: string &log &optional; }; ## The set of compression algorithms. We can't accurately determine ## authentication success or failure when compression is enabled. const compression_algorithms = set("zlib", "zlib@openssh.com") &redef; ## If true, after detection detach the SSH analyzer from the connection ## to prevent continuing to process encrypted traffic. Helps with performance ## (especially with large file transfers). const disable_analyzer_after_detection = T &redef; ## Event that can be handled to access the SSH record as it is sent on ## to the logging framework. global log_ssh: event(rec: Info); } module GLOBAL; export { ## This event is generated when an :abbr:`SSH (Secure Shell)` ## connection was determined to have had a failed authentication. This ## determination is based on packet size analysis, and errs on the ## side of caution - that is, if there's any doubt about the ## authentication failure, this event is *not* raised. ## ## This event is only raised once per connection. ## ## c: The connection over which the :abbr:`SSH (Secure Shell)` ## connection took place. ## ## .. bro:see:: ssh_server_version ssh_client_version ## ssh_auth_successful ssh_auth_result ssh_auth_attempted ## ssh_capabilities ssh2_server_host_key ssh1_server_host_key ## ssh_server_host_key ssh_encrypted_packet ssh2_dh_server_params ## ssh2_gss_error ssh2_ecc_key global ssh_auth_failed: event(c: connection); ## This event is generated when a determination has been made about ## the final authentication result of an :abbr:`SSH (Secure Shell)` ## connection. This determination is based on packet size analysis, ## and errs on the side of caution - that is, if there's any doubt ## about the result of the authentication, this event is *not* raised. ## ## This event is only raised once per connection. ## ## c: The connection over which the :abbr:`SSH (Secure Shell)` ## connection took place. ## ## result: True if the authentication was successful, false if not. ## ## auth_attempts: The number of authentication attempts that were ## observed. ## ## .. bro:see:: ssh_server_version ssh_client_version ## ssh_auth_successful ssh_auth_failed ssh_auth_attempted ## ssh_capabilities ssh2_server_host_key ssh1_server_host_key ## ssh_server_host_key ssh_encrypted_packet ssh2_dh_server_params ## ssh2_gss_error ssh2_ecc_key global ssh_auth_result: event(c: connection, result: bool, auth_attempts: count); ## Event that can be handled when the analyzer sees an SSH server host ## key. This abstracts :bro:id:`ssh1_server_host_key` and ## :bro:id:`ssh2_server_host_key`. ## ## .. bro:see:: ssh_server_version ssh_client_version ## ssh_auth_successful ssh_auth_failed ssh_auth_result ## ssh_auth_attempted ssh_capabilities ssh2_server_host_key ## ssh1_server_host_key ssh_encrypted_packet ssh2_dh_server_params ## ssh2_gss_error ssh2_ecc_key global ssh_server_host_key: event(c: connection, hash: string); } module SSH; redef record Info += { # This connection has been logged (internal use) logged: bool &default=F; # Store capabilities from the first host for # comparison with the second (internal use) capabilities: Capabilities &optional; ## Analzyer ID analyzer_id: count &optional; }; redef record connection += { ssh: Info &optional; }; const ports = { 22/tcp }; redef likely_server_ports += { ports }; event bro_init() &priority=5 { Analyzer::register_for_ports(Analyzer::ANALYZER_SSH, ports); Log::create_stream(SSH::LOG, [$columns=Info, $ev=log_ssh, $path="ssh"]); } function set_session(c: connection) { if ( ! c?$ssh ) { local info: SSH::Info; info$ts = network_time(); info$uid = c$uid; info$id = c$id; # If both hosts are local or non-local, we can't reliably set a direction. if ( Site::is_local_addr(c$id$orig_h) != Site::is_local_addr(c$id$resp_h) ) info$direction = Site::is_local_addr(c$id$orig_h) ? OUTBOUND: INBOUND; c$ssh = info; } } event ssh_server_version(c: connection, version: string) { set_session(c); c$ssh$server = version; } event ssh_client_version(c: connection, version: string) { set_session(c); c$ssh$client = version; if ( ( |version| > 3 ) && ( version[4] == "1" ) ) c$ssh$version = 1; if ( ( |version| > 3 ) && ( version[4] == "2" ) ) c$ssh$version = 2; } event ssh_auth_attempted(c: connection, authenticated: bool) &priority=5 { if ( !c?$ssh || ( c$ssh?$auth_success && c$ssh$auth_success ) ) return; # We can't accurately tell for compressed streams if ( c$ssh?$compression_alg && ( c$ssh$compression_alg in compression_algorithms ) ) return; c$ssh$auth_success = authenticated; if ( c$ssh?$auth_attempts ) c$ssh$auth_attempts += 1; else { c$ssh$auth_attempts = 1; } if ( authenticated && disable_analyzer_after_detection ) disable_analyzer(c$id, c$ssh$analyzer_id); } event ssh_auth_attempted(c: connection, authenticated: bool) &priority=-5 { if ( authenticated && c?$ssh && !c$ssh$logged ) { event ssh_auth_result(c, authenticated, c$ssh$auth_attempts); c$ssh$logged = T; Log::write(SSH::LOG, c$ssh); } } # Determine the negotiated algorithm function find_alg(client_algorithms: vector of string, server_algorithms: vector of string): string { for ( i in client_algorithms ) for ( j in server_algorithms ) if ( client_algorithms[i] == server_algorithms[j] ) return client_algorithms[i]; return "Algorithm negotiation failed"; } # This is a simple wrapper around find_alg for cases where client to server and server to client # negotiate different algorithms. This is rare, but provided for completeness. function find_bidirectional_alg(client_prefs: Algorithm_Prefs, server_prefs: Algorithm_Prefs): string { local c_to_s = find_alg(client_prefs$client_to_server, server_prefs$client_to_server); local s_to_c = find_alg(client_prefs$server_to_client, server_prefs$server_to_client); # Usually these are the same, but if they're not, return the details return c_to_s == s_to_c ? c_to_s : fmt("To server: %s, to client: %s", c_to_s, s_to_c); } event ssh_capabilities(c: connection, cookie: string, capabilities: Capabilities) { if ( !c?$ssh || ( c$ssh?$capabilities && c$ssh$capabilities$is_server == capabilities$is_server ) ) return; if ( !c$ssh?$capabilities ) { c$ssh$capabilities = capabilities; return; } local client_caps = capabilities$is_server ? c$ssh$capabilities : capabilities; local server_caps = capabilities$is_server ? capabilities : c$ssh$capabilities; c$ssh$cipher_alg = find_bidirectional_alg(client_caps$encryption_algorithms, server_caps$encryption_algorithms); c$ssh$mac_alg = find_bidirectional_alg(client_caps$mac_algorithms, server_caps$mac_algorithms); c$ssh$compression_alg = find_bidirectional_alg(client_caps$compression_algorithms, server_caps$compression_algorithms); c$ssh$kex_alg = find_alg(client_caps$kex_algorithms, server_caps$kex_algorithms); c$ssh$host_key_alg = find_alg(client_caps$server_host_key_algorithms, server_caps$server_host_key_algorithms); } event connection_state_remove(c: connection) { if ( c?$ssh && !c$ssh$logged ) { # Do we have enough information to make a determination about auth success? if ( c$ssh?$client && c$ssh?$server && c$ssh?$auth_success ) { # Successes get logged immediately. To protect against a race condition, we'll double check: if ( c$ssh$auth_success ) return; # Now that we know it's a failure, we'll raise the event. event ssh_auth_failed(c); } # If not, we'll just log what we have else { c$ssh$logged = T; Log::write(SSH::LOG, c$ssh); } } } event ssh_auth_failed(c: connection) &priority=-5 { # This should not happen; prevent double-logging just in case if ( ! c?$ssh || c$ssh$logged ) return; c$ssh$logged = T; Log::write(SSH::LOG, c$ssh); event ssh_auth_result(c, F, c$ssh$auth_attempts); } function generate_fingerprint(c: connection, key: string) { if ( !c?$ssh ) return; local lx = str_split(md5_hash(key), vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30)); lx[0] = ""; c$ssh$host_key = sub(join_string_vec(lx, ":"), /:/, ""); } event ssh1_server_host_key(c: connection, p: string, e: string) &priority=5 { generate_fingerprint(c, e + p); } event ssh2_server_host_key(c: connection, key: string) &priority=5 { generate_fingerprint(c, key); } event protocol_confirmation(c: connection, atype: Analyzer::Tag, aid: count) &priority=20 { if ( atype == Analyzer::ANALYZER_SSH ) { set_session(c); c$ssh$analyzer_id = aid; } }