##! The control framework provides the foundation for providing "commands" ##! that can be taken remotely at runtime to modify a running Bro instance ##! or collect information from the running instance. module Control; export { ## The address of the host that will be controlled. const host = &redef; ## The port of the host that will be controlled. const host_port = 0/tcp &redef; ## If :bro:id:`Control::host` is a non-global IPv6 address and ## requires a specific :rfc:`4007` ``zone_id``, it can be set here. const zone_id = "" &redef; ## The command that is being done. It's typically set on the ## command line. const cmd = "" &redef; ## This can be used by commands that take an argument. const arg = "" &redef; ## Events that need to be handled by controllers. const controller_events = /Control::.*_request/ &redef; ## Events that need to be handled by controllees. const controllee_events = /Control::.*_response/ &redef; ## The commands that can currently be given on the command line for ## remote control. const commands: set[string] = { "id_value", "peer_status", "net_stats", "configuration_update", "shutdown", } &redef; ## Variable IDs that are to be ignored by the update process. const ignore_ids: set[string] = { }; ## Event for requesting the value of an ID (a variable). global id_value_request: event(id: string); ## Event for returning the value of an ID after an ## :bro:id:`Control::id_value_request` event. global id_value_response: event(id: string, val: string); ## Requests the current communication status. global peer_status_request: event(); ## Returns the current communication status. global peer_status_response: event(s: string); ## Requests the current net_stats. global net_stats_request: event(); ## Returns the current net_stats. global net_stats_response: event(s: string); ## Inform the remote Bro instance that it's configuration may have been ## updated. global configuration_update_request: event(); ## This event is a wrapper and alias for the ## :bro:id:`Control::configuration_update_request` event. ## This event is also a primary hooking point for the control framework. global configuration_update: event(); ## Message in response to a configuration update request. global configuration_update_response: event(); ## Requests that the Bro instance begins shutting down. global shutdown_request: event(); ## Message in response to a shutdown request. global shutdown_response: event(); } event terminate_event() { terminate_communication(); }