##! Definitions describing a site - which networks and DNS zones are "local" ##! and "neighbors", and servers running particular services. @load ./patterns module Site; export { ## Address space that is considered private and unrouted. ## By default it has RFC defined non-routable IPv4 address space. const private_address_space: set[subnet] = {,,,, # RFC6598 Carrier Grade NAT, [fe80::]/10, [::1]/128, } &redef; ## Networks that are considered "local". Note that BroControl sets ## this automatically. const local_nets: set[subnet] &redef; ## This is used for retrieving the subnet when using multiple entries in ## :bro:id:`Site::local_nets`. It's populated automatically from there. ## A membership query can be done with an ## :bro:type:`addr` and the table will yield the subnet it was found ## within. global local_nets_table: table[subnet] of subnet = {}; ## Networks that are considered "neighbors". const neighbor_nets: set[subnet] &redef; ## If local network administrators are known and they have responsibility ## for defined address space, then a mapping can be defined here between ## networks for which they have responsibility and a set of email ## addresses. const local_admins: table[subnet] of set[string] = {} &redef; ## DNS zones that are considered "local". const local_zones: set[string] &redef; ## DNS zones that are considered "neighbors". const neighbor_zones: set[string] &redef; ## Function that returns true if an address corresponds to one of ## the local networks, false if not. ## The function inspects :bro:id:`Site::local_nets`. global is_local_addr: function(a: addr): bool; ## Function that returns true if an address corresponds to one of ## the neighbor networks, false if not. ## The function inspects :bro:id:`Site::neighbor_nets`. global is_neighbor_addr: function(a: addr): bool; ## Function that returns true if an address corresponds to one of ## the private/unrouted networks, false if not. ## The function inspects :bro:id:`Site::private_address_space`. global is_private_addr: function(a: addr): bool; ## Function that returns true if a host name is within a local ## DNS zone. ## The function inspects :bro:id:`Site::local_zones`. global is_local_name: function(name: string): bool; ## Function that returns true if a host name is within a neighbor ## DNS zone. ## The function inspects :bro:id:`Site::neighbor_zones`. global is_neighbor_name: function(name: string): bool; ## Function that returns a comma-separated list of email addresses ## that are considered administrators for the IP address provided as ## an argument. ## The function inspects :bro:id:`Site::local_admins`. global get_emails: function(a: addr): string; } # Please ignore, this is an interally used variable. global local_dns_suffix_regex: pattern = /MATCH_NOTHING/; global local_dns_neighbor_suffix_regex: pattern = /MATCH_NOTHING/; function is_local_addr(a: addr): bool { return a in local_nets; } function is_neighbor_addr(a: addr): bool { return a in neighbor_nets; } function is_private_addr(a: addr): bool { return a in private_address_space; } function is_local_name(name: string): bool { return local_dns_suffix_regex in name; } function is_neighbor_name(name: string): bool { return local_dns_neighbor_suffix_regex in name; } # This is a hack for doing a for loop. const one_to_32: vector of count = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32}; # TODO: make this work with IPv6 function find_all_emails(ip: addr): set[string] { if ( ip !in local_admins ) return set(); local output_values: set[string] = set(); local tmp_subnet: subnet; local i: count; local emails: string; for ( i in one_to_32 ) { tmp_subnet = mask_addr(ip, one_to_32[i]); for ( email in local_admins[tmp_subnet] ) { for ( email in local_admins[tmp_subnet] ) { if ( email != "" ) add output_values[email]; } } } return output_values; } function fmt_email_string(emails: set[string]): string { local output=""; for( email in emails ) { if ( output == "" ) output = email; else output = fmt("%s, %s", output, email); } return output; } function get_emails(a: addr): string { return fmt_email_string(find_all_emails(a)); } event bro_init() &priority=10 { # Double backslashes are needed due to string parsing. local_dns_suffix_regex = set_to_regex(local_zones, "(^\\.?|\\.)(~~)$"); local_dns_neighbor_suffix_regex = set_to_regex(neighbor_zones, "(^\\.?|\\.)(~~)$"); # Create the local_nets mapping table. for ( cidr in Site::local_nets ) local_nets_table[cidr] = cidr; }