##! Implements base functionality for MySQL analysis. Generates the mysql.log file. module MySQL; @load ./consts export { redef enum Log::ID += { mysql::LOG }; type Info: record { ## Timestamp for when the event happened. ts: time &log; ## Unique ID for the connection. uid: string &log; ## The connection's 4-tuple of endpoint addresses/ports. id: conn_id &log; ## The command that was issued cmd: string &log; ## The argument issued to the command arg: string &log; ## Did the server tell us that the command succeeded? success: bool &log &optional; ## The number of affected rows, if any rows: count &log &optional; ## Server message, if any response: string &log &optional; }; ## Event that can be handled to access the MySQL record as it is sent on ## to the logging framework. global log_mysql: event(rec: Info); } redef record connection += { mysql: Info &optional; }; const ports = { 1434/tcp, 3306/tcp }; event bro_init() &priority=5 { Log::create_stream(mysql::LOG, [$columns=Info, $ev=log_mysql, $path="mysql"]); Analyzer::register_for_ports(Analyzer::ANALYZER_MYSQL, ports); } event mysql_handshake(c: connection, username: string) { if ( ! c?$mysql ) { local info: Info; info$ts = network_time(); info$uid = c$uid; info$id = c$id; info$cmd = "login"; info$arg = username; c$mysql = info; } } event mysql_command_request(c: connection, command: count, arg: string) &priority=5 { if ( c?$mysql ) { # We got a request, but we haven't logged our # previous request yet, so let's do that now. Log::write(mysql::LOG, c$mysql); delete c$mysql; } local info: Info; info$ts = network_time(); info$uid = c$uid; info$id = c$id; info$cmd = commands[command]; info$arg = sub(arg, /\0$/, ""); c$mysql = info; } event mysql_command_request(c: connection, command: count, arg: string) &priority=-5 { if ( c?$mysql && c$mysql?$cmd && c$mysql$cmd == "quit" ) { # We get no response for quits, so let's just log it now. Log::write(mysql::LOG, c$mysql); delete c$mysql; } } event mysql_error(c: connection, code: count, msg: string) &priority=5 { if ( c?$mysql ) { c$mysql$success = F; c$mysql$response = msg; } } event mysql_error(c: connection, code: count, msg: string) &priority=-5 { if ( c?$mysql ) { Log::write(mysql::LOG, c$mysql); delete c$mysql; } } event mysql_ok(c: connection, affected_rows: count) &priority=5 { if ( c?$mysql ) { c$mysql$success = T; c$mysql$rows = affected_rows; } } event mysql_ok(c: connection, affected_rows: count) &priority=-5 { if ( c?$mysql ) { Log::write(mysql::LOG, c$mysql); delete c$mysql; } } event connection_state_remove(c: connection) &priority=-5 { if ( c?$mysql ) { Log::write(mysql::LOG, c$mysql); delete c$mysql; } }