# This file was automatically generated by bifcl from /Users/jon/tmp/bro-2.5.5/src/analyzer/protocol/smb/smb1_com_echo.bif (plugin mode). ## Generated for :abbr:`SMB (Server Message Block)`/:abbr:`CIFS (Common Internet File System)` ## version 1 requests of type *echo*. This is sent by the client to test the transport layer ## connection with the server. ## ## For more information, see MS-CIFS: ## ## c: The connection. ## ## hdr: The parsed header of the :abbr:`SMB (Server Message Block)` version 1 message. ## ## echo_count: The number of times the server should echo the data back. ## ## data: The data for the server to echo. ## ## .. bro:see:: smb1_message smb1_echo_response export { global smb1_echo_request: event(c: connection , echo_count: count , data: string ); ## Generated for :abbr:`SMB (Server Message Block)`/:abbr:`CIFS (Common Internet File System)` ## version 1 responses of type *echo*. This is the server response to the *echo* request. ## ## For more information, see MS-CIFS: ## ## c: The connection. ## ## hdr: The parsed header of the :abbr:`SMB (Server Message Block)` version 1 message. ## ## seq_num: The sequence number of this echo reply. ## ## data: The data echoed back from the client. ## ## .. bro:see:: smb1_message smb1_echo_request global smb1_echo_response: event(c: connection , seq_num: count , data: string ); } # end of export section module GLOBAL;