# This file was automatically generated by bifcl from /Users/jon/tmp/bro-2.5.5/src/file_analysis/analyzer/extract/events.bif (plugin mode). ## This event is generated when a file extraction analyzer is about ## to exceed the maximum permitted file size allowed by the ## *extract_limit* field of :bro:see:`Files::AnalyzerArgs`. ## The analyzer is automatically removed from file *f*. ## ## f: The file. ## ## args: Arguments that identify a particular file extraction analyzer. ## This is only provided to be able to pass along to ## :bro:see:`FileExtract::set_limit`. ## ## limit: The limit, in bytes, the extracted file is about to breach. ## ## len: The length of the file chunk about to be written. ## ## .. bro:see:: Files::add_analyzer Files::ANALYZER_EXTRACT export { global file_extraction_limit: event(f: fa_file , args: Files::AnalyzerArgs , limit: count , len: count ); } # end of export section module GLOBAL;